ine pirit. of plve to: problem, = been disunion * nd of followers, when} The same spirit prevailed| | owed Appolos; another d to-day the great weight is this division amohg 'great number of differ-} n existence, is most 'whole 'purpose is ta} undevelo to a k were Old Ontario, ge. Edward Island, and een opened up, and the ndreds of thousands} ttlement, thousands of} n estimate has been hundred: million people these immigrants' are]. attested by the immi-{ contact with the strangers | | My observation would lead} they have seen minations. = They "among: churches ngdom of God in people $0 to-day. Fone are reading magazine theology Christ's kingdom, the minister den of perpetuating his particular himself wholy to. the all important God, and His will Church to present 4 I e or pe EL work in the there should be a in 'the i ¥ Latter from 2 Salt" ~ Made Farmer to His Son Port Perry, Ootario, February 14, 1912 To J ames Tompkins, Toronto, Ont. 'Dear Jim-- I've been figgering it out that the same reason that "took you away from home "ll likely bring you back to it. © You left because you cal' - culated that your head was too good to be wasted on this ** desert air" Youll come back some day because you can see that farming needs just as much brains as any other business, and maybe more. Of course me and your ma had a sneaking notion that you was right, and that you was too smitst to be ' wasting your time farming," That's generally where the trouble is when the boys leave the farm, the folks gets notions that their boy's a wonder, and that they, Il be robbing edn't be so scared of spoiling things, for when Nature + Batclies out a genius she generally contrives to get oon for-him 10 spread' his wings, tov. /. But that ain't the only reason that catises boys to leave the old man puttering round the barn doing the chores, while they * take positions * in « the city} 1t minds me of O'Grady's goat. This goat had an awful strong constitution and digestion, and O'Grady was mighty prod. of the fact; and: of the goat. So he kept him in the back yard where he could see him, and and fed him on leavings and tin cans. . One day the goat butted down the fence and wandered down the street looking for pasture. O'Grady dit terrible hurt at the ungratefulness of the goat, and him that proud of ham, - too! It nearly broke the old man's heart. " i More than one boy has left ihe farm, not because he didn't get 'Tots fo eat, not by a long sight, but because the parlor was always shut up se keep it clean. These people had parlors all nght, but they was sacred te special occasions-- weddings, fonerals, house cleaning, and so forth. I'll say this for your ma, she never had rooms about the house that was tao gaod to be used, and too dark to be ornamental, "1s pretty nigh as true as Gospel that if a room or 3 sofy pillow can't be used ir "ud better not be bept about the house. There's a lot of folks gets into the habit of having things they don't need, just to be in'style. They'll have a pianny in the front room, as nobody in the house can use, and a grumpy boy inthe kitchén as everybody , wants touse: The pianny is draped, and got up in great style; but the boy + don't always rightly know the feel of his Sunday clothes." Then there's the hoy's joom. He sleeps in it every night: but us te seldom is in it in daylight it doesn't seem to matter mnch. what the room | looks like. , Ifa man was to grease the spokes of his wagon wheels and let the Axles go dry, we'd laugh at'him. But what about the folks as spend all their money and time slicking things up in the front room what's. hardly 'evér open, and forget to even whitewash the attic where the son and heir | sleeps? 1 mind the old proverb--' cleanliness is next to'godiiness.". The way things is some places, godliness is a big, sight easier than cleanliness. " Once upon a time a fellow from round these parts went up to the he wrote home to his ma like this + ~~ } "arrived at Aunt/Sophv's all right, and Fo have a room with nothing in it but a bath, but it leeks 'and inviting that 1 can just hardly wait (ill Saturday bight. |