¢ old' Blan paper or any convenient non- or, thus retaining the heat. 0 al he Sat opked add ae Yaising y dates | or mbld arid Wve o «old, as sh and Celery Salad.--Six r red radishes, one bunel, cel: V; one hea ' Cut celery h end, throw |" { ow to stand The. ends will eurl Wash, wipe:and slice the rad. 8 in thin circular slices, leav- g the peel an for the color. Rub eslery bow! with onion and line 'with the lettuce leaves, been * crisped in ice Arrange. the radishes on Jeaves, then add a lay- of elery i: continde until' all 'are {Pour the: Erench dressing. over! all, taking care each portion iarinated, Serve at the table: 8 aked | Pig : Ham.--Procure a fhoice ham from a young animal, Remove rind, stick cloves over the Shrface at intervals of 3 or 4 inches, goat with sugar syrup and cover Rith sifted flour. : Place in roaster bd bake in a moderate oven until Well done. nd drippings jeach half Hour. Re: Move cover and allow the ham to own. Serve hot.awith apple sauce; Sponge Caks.--Six eggs, one cup r, one tablespoon lemon juice, ana"cup flour ; galt." 'Separate cggs, he: bad yolks add gradually the fhgnr and seasoning. and: half: the ! Then sift in gradually the salt; Add the remainder whites. and bake as a loaf 8 in small cakes. This recipe is péd for ladyfingers also. | Potato Apples <Pwo- cups mash: #l potatoes, one tablespoon melt- jl butter, two tablespoons hol Wilk, one dozen whole old t-over mashed potatoes used, oat thoroughly in a double boil » When warm beat until thors ghly mixed. Divide into eight portions, form inte a ball; dent the top and insert-a clove, pushing well down, to represent the bloom end of thevapple, Dent. the opposite end" and insert 'a clove as a: stem cinnamon 'sticks nigy be ribed iF pre- ferred. = Brush®apple' with melted butter sprinkle one side with 'pa- prika or cinnamon to give: a red k. . Bake ten minutes in' a me- oven. Serve hot. Cereal . with <Fruit.--One - eup 3 one-quarter cup dereal, one: rter cup: chopped dates," one- quarber' I Joaspoon salt, one-quarter on raisins. Cook the ce- ol ED 'in boiling salted water five A lace: 'over water and hours as directed i oat neal. Before i the cooker add 'the fruit and miter tilly. Mold. and serve with Veal oa ide to pss real chops (about), one bunch parsley. two ounces bacon, one-half onion, pehalt oup. bread orbs, one ts J 8. until creamy. To: Baste with warm water 1 shapi hit Bu eh 8 ro i od Hoole fr i or under gas flame rol bacon is crisp and bananas well cooked i ten minaies) If coals are bl HOUSEKEEPING HELPS.T Don't tryito save coal at the ex pense of the viands; always have : prea 'and suffivie i gre ¢. fot. cool A stock "pot bould oid be handy; 'and 'bores noid bipoos of meat' putin' for © ma Ing soups and gravies, § Every drop of dripping atid bacon fat, etc., ought to be saved. The former, When. clarified, will keep a}. long time, and. the latter is excel- lent for, 'making: pastry. 5 A'\ discarded wirs ho can be bent to any desired 'shape and fitted in 'the mouth of a jardin: iere or wide vase, forming just the support that certain- long-stemmed flowers need to keep them in grace- ful position, If you use kerosene lafnps and do not personally see to having the inner parts taken out wud boiled in vinegar : and" sodgy 81 ido: not realize how bright the 'can be made. Half of a dress 'shield fastened onthe under side of baby's bib pre: vents the moisture from wetting his dress and underclothing. Perhaps few people know that china silk waists should be washed, then starched in a thin starch and |] li ironed while damp." This 'makes | | them. look just. as they. did: When they were new. If in search of a soil sovering: for | potted plants, invest a few ponies in a packet of Jonopsidium seed; | known as diamond flower, and you will be. rewarded after. i= a very short time, with a beauti-! i ul green: parpet, set 'blossoms of "cut off across. the: bottom: until they. ave: square as wen new. The Tra will do better work as well as look bets ter, &.. ¢ Ordinary baking soda; either as powder or dissolved in a lib water, will put out, 1 mediately." Tt forms 4 dioxide, which /smoth@rs the flame. A small handful in & cup of water. ot by itself is nearly always suffici- ent. ; For 'removing ' smoke and: dust from wall paper, 'especially the in- grain, nothing 1s "more "effective than cotton 'batting cut' into 'con venient squares. -As the work pro: gresies, peel off the' soiled: cotton and burn. Every now and then, fustead a allowing the carpet to i 'the same _positio exactly placed, the tread of the, ¢ showld be moved a couple of or 0 sither i or Sow, Thi ) Thi rs the effect o eeping 0 carpet in' a uniform (x) and, s retaining the fresh appear- ance of the carpet, it help Tas much longer than it 'wou exactly as laid. | to do this, yet saves much. A substitute for the mirror h | wind fr : fo flat glass buttons and collar ani 'WAGES MEAGRE AND EXPEN- 1 he : hitad Ais il ) hions - fail some' of the important featutes hat, will soon be populares own on' the right is'of pearly grey satin, ' i 8 of embroidery. middl gown is of white taffeta with a deep girdle 'of black satin witha bow, and sash ends to hem of skirt. The igown on the left is of marine blue '| { voile 'with corded puff of taffeta a ; On this skirt is shown he the new accordion pleated foun fon | Hume, famous for: his. his- own rd 'philosophy and his. athe: |. Between. m; Was once, we are. told, redu to asvery humble obedient or. SES ARE LOW. thodo: I NR Well-to-do. and. L Foor Housed Near- 17 'Alike And All Biyéy Bet dor assistance FAR - (Khemselves. {who was passing. "At i In api a remarkable feature of no hotlce, but presently' o industrial aid Social life : # reat, uniformity in the mat iving, among differe Yestintt : gis i ode" 'Christian ¢ ian charity : are beginnin, %o buil with stern' found through all ulation. 1 The: food, save.in the: very Highest | classes, ign the main, nu my rice. and green tea, a © a8 a. stimulant." Among those who have. not yet adopted European: fashions, oven the dress' is in 'gubstande the same: brought. "outs in' the ddl andthe lower classes. = # 'HIGH WAGES NOT N EEDED. 'The question of the balance be- ; "Seen wages aiid the cost of living | ng run} % gome 5 gometinies by piece; mostiy's eird | a of all ey are given by It costs nothing