Subssription Lists Opened on 'Monday, Mareh 4th, and Wilt Glass 300 p.m. on Monday, March fith, 1912, 'e Own aud Offer, subject to prior sale, at 96 and Acorued $1,250,000 + Twenty-Year First: Mortgage % Gold Bonds. of 'the Lyall & Sons Construction (Incorporated under the Laws of the Dominion of Cansdd) BOND ISSUE r First Mortgage 89% Bonds.. nds dated Feb. ist, 1912 Authorised. Issued. 0, 1,250,000 te Fob. 1st, 1932, * Ruterent payable at the Quebes Savings and Dram Oompany, Montreal, February st and August DENOMINATIONS: $1000, To and $100 Full particulars concerning the Com financial statément, the Appraisals an ~dn the prospectus, ps of be obtaine: Btock Exchanges: real en wi which, along With aaditionet pplication perl may from the undersigned and all members of the Toronto i roubles of she Cem y's: 5, wilt. bo found ln fail ontreal and QUEBEC SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY," Notre Dame Strest, West, THE MOLSON'S BANK, MONTREAL, or ANY OF 178 BRANCHES. GREENSHIELDS & COMPANY, Members Montreal Stock Exchange; 18 ST. SACRAMENT STREET, MONTREAL. THE BOUNDARY 'SETTLEMENT Premier Whitney Announced Terms of Dominion Government's Order Bir James Whitney annotinced in the Legislature the results of an or- der delivered by the Dominion Gov- ernment, giving the Province run- ning rights through her sister Prov- ince, and certain parcels of tax- free land on the Nelson River and along the Hudson Bay itself, Sir James Whitney briefly explained the Federal order = before reading its text. Approach to Hudson Bay is « gained by a five-mile strip of land running from the proposed new boundary of Manitoba to the Nel- son River, and terminating in a half-mile strip of land along the eastern shore of the Nelson River and the Hudson Bay. Provision is hereby made for railway terminals, docks, and elevators; but the ex. tent of these strips along the river and bay must not-be greater than ten miles. , Aoces 18 thus given to Hudson Bay "fof the Temiskaming and Northefrt = Ontario Railway; and should this railway desire to extend its. terminal facilities to = Fort Churchill, an additional right of way 200 fest, in 'width from Nelson River to the nearest available point on the Hudson Bay Railway is granted. The T. and N. O. would then be granted running rights to Fort Churchill for the remaining distance over the Hudson Bay line by the Dominion authorities. The 'strip from the boundary to the Nelson River will be transfer: red to Ontario either by grant or by statute upon the Government making known the lo- cation preferred, providing that lo- cation is not more than fifty miles from the shore of Hudson Bay at any point. For the selection of these lands Ontario is allowed a period of five Joars, "| points of difterenice, Provineial | The erm "stock" "here ntsually refers to what the English all "shares" which term has b 'ceeded in' the States, and to a as debenture stock, and there are terms more cajculated to confuse elucidate. 0 couNTRY RY PRODUCE. Avples--3 to $4 per barrel, 4 | Beans-Bmall lots 'of hangple curity 'which cannot be passed the consideration of investment ] what' is known as' 'ordinary," or "com- mon," stock has long been known { nance, "preferred," or' 'preferencs" stock is a comparatively recent inven. tion." During 'the financial orisis of a generation ago the railways were hard put to finance. They had no property which they sould mortgage and issue bonds' on 'and their common 'stock capl- tal was already too large and selling, at too low a.price to make it worth while selling it to investors. So Necessity duced the "preference" share. /. = This security. like common. stock, Is but an equity coming after the bonds, but i is preferred as to assets and dividends, and therefore comes ahead of the com- mon, 'or any. other class of stock, Gen: erally, speaking, a preferred stock carries a fixed dividend, which, in the majority of cages does not vary much from 7 per cent. (seldom higher, but in many cases lower). As a rule, however, preferred shares do vot-as do the common ghare of 4 'company--carry any voting. power, : That is, the' preferred shareholders havd bo' vate for directors, and therefore, no say in the management, or in shaping the policies of the company. When this class of stock was invented it took rapid hold, and wow almost every joint stock company has for convenience of financing a certain part of its capital in the form 3 of preference stock, This class of stock has now become a favorite form of business men's invest ment. Involving, as it does; no promise] to Teturn its face value at any time, and with its dividénds depending wholly on the "ability 'of the "company to earn them, preferred stock cannot, as a class, rank as high an investment as would a bond; 'but there is always more chance of an advance in price, just as there is more chance of a break. However, preferred shares cover quite al variety of classes of themselves, and so the above description can be taken only' as a very general outline of 'the who For example, 'the dividend on prete to 82.40 per bushel. Honey-Extraoted, Shin: 1 % 120 Ly 1b. : Combs, $2.50 to 2.75, Baled Hay--No. 1 'at $15.50 to $650, on .| track, and No. 2 at $12.50 to, $13.50. Baled Btraw--810 on track, Toron Potatoes--Car lots, 'in bags, Delawares at $1.85. Out-oLgters, 81 $1.90, i Poultry~Wholesale prices 'of choles. dressed ponltry--Ohickens, 12 to 166 per 1b. fowl, 9 fo 100; geese, 13. to 156; dueks, 12 to 'Mo; turkeys, 20 to 2lo. Live poultry, 3 i | | not spared ever the orsign oh about Zo lower than the above. BUTTER, 'Baas, CHEESE, Ai Butter~Dairy, "choice, in wrappers, 30 to 3%; large rolls; 29 to 8lo; and inferior, tubs, 20-10 glo. Creamery quoted at 37| 2,3 fox aoe, 4 Yo oe fou wold pen 1b. Eggs-Oase lots' dosgen, "ot sewlal, 360 pa Cheese--Large iioted at 1634 rs tto,] and 'twing at 17 to 17140 per 1b, nti HOG PRODUCTS, 16., in case lots. Pork--8hort cut, $22.60; do., mess, 19.50 to $20, Hams--Medium to} light, 16 to 1612c; heavy, 14 to 14136; rolls, 1034 to lo; breakfast bacon, 16 to} 170; backs, 19 to Boo. Lard--Tierces, 12c; tubs, 12140; pails, 12126. 1 SIL BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. Montreal, Mar. . '5--Osts--Canadian Westen, No. 2, 6 to 8812; do. No. 3 61 10.5112} extra No, 1 feed, 52 to 2120; ] No. 2 local white, 5012 to 510; No. 3 do. 912 to 600; 'No, 3 do., 412 to 49%. Bor 1ey- falting, $1.05 to $1.10, Buckwheat, No. 2, 72 to To. Flour--Maitoba 'spring patents, firsts, $6.60; do., econ 85.1 Fi strong bakers', | $4.90; 'Win ss, ph Baoon-Kong. clear, 1114 to #154¢ per' Yuan 6 trouble intended the % he Nanking. verywhere looting ouse. hey "have ces wi lock of inh } ts=No. 2 white, - 66340; No: 3 white, 56140; No. 4 white, Bw Barley ~M ing, "n to sa, LIVE: STO0K } MARKETS. Montreal, Mar, 5.~Butohery' "cattle, choice, $7 to #7395; do. medium, $550 to 86.50; do., common, $4.50 to 85; butchers' cattle, ice cows, $5.50 to 8575; do, medium, $3325 to $5; do., bulls, $376 to $5; milkers, choice, each, $75 to $80; do, com. and medium, 'each, $50 'to $65; | Bpringers; $30 to $46, Sheep-Ewes, $4.75 {0 85; bucks and oulls, #4 to $4.50; Tambs, | $675 to $7. Hoge-Fob. » to $8.35, Oalves--83 10 $10. x Totoiite, Mar. 5.--Fairly 'good butsher: ing steers and heifers changed hands at #6 to 8650 per _ hundred 'pounds, Le ioe had as hey traversed Ww os ga not abtemp! but there w: danger flying bullets us fire brands, w were flourished in all direction Wiis Quick to a Dioner What Was ful, because it contains caffeine the same drug Sonad coffee) and tells it in a way simple and straightforward that, literary skill 'could not improve 'if. 'I had neuralgic headaches for. ; 12 years," she says, 'and 'have suf: - fered untold agony. When 1 first began to have them T weighed 140 pounds, but they brought' me down to 110: A] went to many doctors and they : gave me -only temporary relief. So 1 suffered on, Silt one day, a man dootor advised ' Jrink Postum, * She said' I Token like 1 was coffee poisoned. Bo 1 fo drink Post "1and gained 15 pounds in few weeks and am still gai not so fast as at first. | aches began used Postum 0 weeks- enough, I expect, 'to get. the coffee or. tem. poison out of m