We have a ber of suit- ings that must be run. out to} "make room for new Spring ~ Goods There'll be no difference Between these suits and other wosk that we do except in -giice. The quality and works |Z manship will be of the best and the fit guaranteed. The price is lowered to erp ent this line of suitings. : Come in and see the goods 'W. H. Doubt] . Tailor Brass Lamp FREE A Beautiful Brass Lamp, valwed at $10.00, fitted either fbr Coal Oil or Electric Light, given to the person having the | most wrappers from Richard's Were Soap and Quick-Naptha Soap, at the 30th day of April Marmalade Oranges; 95¢. doz. Waval Oranges, - 25¢. doz, Choice Lemons, - 2bc. doz. Orange Slicer Loaned for one day to each piuirchaser, T. C. Forman & Son EVERY POUND GUARANTEED "SCRANTON - LACKAWANNA At the Right Prices!--E Pound Guaranteed ay POR SA "HOUSE FOR SALE Commodious frame House, newly decorated thoughout, electric lighit, furnace, water conveniénces, ' good cellar, excellent garden and grounds with a number of fruit Jrees good I'stable. Apply to WALTER I F. WEIR Port Perry, Ont. EET FOR SALE--i1o00acre farm about 4 miles:frony Port' Perry: Good land, well watered, fine large tim bered bush,.6 acres fall: wheat in and the plowing done for the Spring' crop Fair buildings. © For quick sale $3100: Apply: 'to James | © Lucas. NOTICE g The undersigned. wishes to inform the public that he is able to supply fifty more customers with milk, as I have added a number of cows tomy dairy herd, Quality and guaranteed, in A Svery J Darueniar, Please notify by CHAS, NoARTHUR. Port Perry. Auction Sales Mr. E. A Walker, of tot 9, con: 6, Reach Township, will "offer for sale by public Auction, on Tuesday March Dib, All'his valuable farm astion for horse, A "small orchard: small fruit, ad There are three cheap. Ww. H. McCaw bias placed | in our hands for sale his sgl frame yesidence opposite the Engl land, Port Perry. is ol fered at $1600, and condition. Cemeni hard and soft water in hot water connection and bathroom, SIX leetsic light fixtures ¢, large verandahs, erfectly appointed house for a large: emi ; of for a boarding house, more bedrooms could be added by dividing the lor. i necessary. Easy terms ped paymel bis fine Yili eenea Street Port Perty. the finest homes ia. shall likely be sold for It is furnished ~ with' conveniences, | Lights Water Woh ns: soft water, : RAnGsorns veral spacious lawns, artisticabl: a {ated with omamental tree the property isin a very de location: + Shall be pleasea] full particulars. : If you want a nice fare let me show you some guy stock and implements including al fine herd of dairy cows. Sale at p.m, J W. E. Marquis, Auctioneer Mr. Joseph Ai Stewart; lot 2, concession 4, Cartwright, will offer for sale by public auction all his valuable farm: stock, implements, ete., including some flne milch cows, on Friday, March 8th, at 1 p.m. Geo. Jackson, Auctioneer. No. 1 Timothy Hay in he iy i for sale. 'A offered for sale BC. Burton, Port pany. [R . PROSPEOT 'Mrs. Oscar' Gilroy and' Children: {the North = West you for your treatment. matter of lot selling that in many places in our P These lots are supposed te Somew Your readers dwe you a d grattitude for the timely» have returned home after spending was ¢ b "a tew weeks with her {Cam veil, rrylog 3 8ho white. carnation