Sal Messrs. wi Mr Britton's blacksmith shop, on Perry St : Mir: Harry Carriegie i is town. Mr. Jas. Carnegie has returned Toronto. * : Mr. Lewis Walling, of Lindsay, was in town last week. Mr. R. Sinclair, Toronto, spent - ¥he week end in town. Mr Thomas Jeffrey leaves for Edmonton on Friday of this week. iss Gallagher, of Cobalt, has "taken a position as trimmer in the' Melntyre millinery department A Sleigh load of young folk went' #0 Uxbridge on Friday evening and © enjoyed themselves skating on" the wpen air rink. It's a bit early for spring bathing | "but some of our more ambitious wonug fellows have tried the 'tem- perature of the water and pronoun. oe it slightly cold. They didn't 'mean to go in but just cotldy' t help Ht you kuow. Miss L.. Moase visiting Lindsay and Linden Valley friends. Mr. and Mrs. W. 1. Parrish, Mrs. David Adams, Mas. Hutches. on, Mr. W. McBrien, Mr. Farmer were in Toronto one day last week. Miss Maude Virtue, of Tyrone, is Mt present visiting her sister Mrs. ¥F. Rundle: Mr. Earl Gelders who has been holidaying in town for two weeks; the guest of Mr. Frank Rundle re- 2arned last Friday to his home at Hespeler, Ont. BEOOMES A PARTNER The Wholesale Flarness and Saddlery business carried on by Messrs. Courtice & Jeffrey for 4be past twenty five years, will from this date be known as 8. Jeffrey & Son. Since the death of Mr. Cour- fice in 1901, Mr. S Jeffrey has 'been sole proprietor of - the above" Myr. C. C. Jeffrey. of Montreal, who for the past seven years has been connected with The Canadian Bank of Commerce, now becomes a member of the new firm, S. Jeffrey & Son, aaaking this announcement to the public, wish to fay they will be Pleased to meet all customers and r s of the old firm and will give . heir best efforts to place before the public values in their line of goods which will merit their full share of We welcome Mr. C.C, Jelfrey to gave an © ] Zueaday ope of last form of a smoker, from Oshawa: NEW BAKER Mr. Geo Haines, formerly 'with N. Ingram, has leased what has been known as the Purdy Bakery His lease runs for five years. Tt 1 is expected that the bakery will be | opened this week, but Mr. Haines wants to' get 'everything. in first. class condition before he opens. for business, He will bake all kinds of 'bread cakes and pastry; Mr. {Haines carried on a bakery busi- ness at Brooklin for five years. Ww. 070. On March the 27th the W.C.T.U. intend holding their meeting at the. home of Mrs. Pearse.: It is to take the form of a parlor meeting at which a good programme will be provided and refreshments "served Members and all others who are interested will be welcome, An admission of ten cents will be char- ged At the last meeting, held at the home of Mrs. Bradly, the sum of $5.00 was voted asa donation' to, the building fund of the New Franciss Willard Home, in Toronto This is a boarding home for work- ing girls, and strangers, where they will be surrounded with kind- ily christain influences, until they { become acquainted with the city. | 'Any persons using Surprise Soap are asked to save the wrappers and send or hand them to Mrs.: Pearse, or leave at the store with Miss Widden. + They will be thaakfully received, 'as the W.C.T.U. 'can get! a cash rebate on all such front the | Surprise Soap Company. Last year $800.00 was realized in this way, for the Franciss = Willard: Home: Ty wh Important Phone Purchase The. Bell' Telephone Co. have | bought the Drs Bascom and McClin- tock private line. This is. of considerable value to Bell Subscribers on: Port Perry ex- change as the subscribers on the Jines abve mentioned can now be | reached without payiog the private} line tariff. 2 5 Mr S. Jeffrey was in Toronto atf the beginning of the week. The engagement is announced of {the idea that possibly the schog he ranks of Port: Perry. business | Miss Alice. Lorraine Burnham, | men, and expect that he will give Joungest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. aided yalue to this_importast in- | Jobn Wansn Burnham, Port Perry in our town, A good many |t0 Dr. Norman Tempest Maclanris, R.U. Irwin, Mr. present. -- were read and ap) Moved by Mr. seconded by Mr, 2 Ms. A, E. Garbutt - . Communication 'was: from Miss Holman tende wesignation. to take April 1st, as she has an at a salary of $650.00. mation was accepted. The law permits of th iof tendering a resigna some members of the should be required to the terms for which they gaged. for coal, which was ordere ret paid. i Corimtinicants 300 Miss' Holman's resign 8 | Adherents brought up the whole subject of | teachers and salar ies for average salary paid tolady tint the 3 'in Ontario towns and facorporstad villages, was $484. Port Pe vi 2 an oF a Yong thn ath. was not udexpected. Bi al 'will takeplace on on Thursday, afternoon. ; : Mr. Ingram brought' for could be run with one less teache amen now earn their nd with | Toronto, ~The marriage will take}, this concern which has been' doing | Place in April. m steady increasing business and! Mrs. Jas. Stonehouse atid 'Miss Whe 'such healthy growth must prove of | Real spent a few days in Toronto : 10 Port Perry. Editor fast week. The Greatest Premium' of the Year win be titted for oll, Gas of Electficity.