ey | hear, but what Io | worth keeping, hv} ad I id as you Don't toll me hak rd like to Sught to hear. 10. Don't kick if T kick ; if you're correcting, you're worth .-- A FIREMAN'S PERIL. How Zam-Buk Delivered Him, At 218 Fader A Ave. Alta, lives W, P. Mahy, a former member of the local fire brigade, 'fwho has wonderful cause to be thankful for the curative powers of Zam-Buk. He says: "A serious "| skin disease broke out on my face, 'and epread until I was in a terrible state. The ts and little ulcers "| were frightfully irritating, and yet World, and Audition hb that the precious hoard Has: never bean e- iges. The contained in a large Wades 'chest, stich as most of the wealthy Mexi- cans formerly possessed. It is | claimed Shad the box contained Blanchet, | eralds, remedy, 'while they in fornade can toash & A Swear words 4 of dollars in gold, be- rls, set in native gold. Phe rg Da old guard the place most carefully, are . jealously watched to see that they do not dis- Tach ; year 3,000 "foreign waiters | An find situations in Great Britain. tle when scratched or rubbed they bled and smarted. * Shaving caused me agony, and sometimes 1 would have to go two weeks without a shave. I tried home-made remedies, herb salves, and various other prepara-| the | tions, but the sores got no better. When Zam-Buk was mentioned I had little faith that it would be able to do me any good. I gave it & fair trial, however, and the first box "I made such a wonderful change for the better that it gave me encour- agement to continue. I did'so, and to cut a long story short, Zam-Buk, in the end, quite cured me." Zam-Buk cures eczema, blood ily mie ad a ulcefk, chronic sores, piles, orm, oold sores, 'cuts, burs d ekin injuries, . All druggists stores at 50c box, or post free from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, for price. Refuse substitutes, ee Tommy--Huh! 1 bet you didn't have a good time at your birthday party esterday. Jimmy--I I fo mmy--Then why ain't you x to-day? "A QGrand Medicine' is the eo- comium-: often passed on Bickle's Anti-Consumptive Syrup, and when the results from od use are consid- ered, as borne out by many persons who "have employed it Sah ing [saved veo DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Strost, EE re h )"". BAMUEL LONGMORE, Write us for free sample of Gin Pills to | Baked. Hy. 'Then. get the Tegular size boxes st Juss Soalaes or dizect from: va--i. a bos, § for $2.50. Money refunded if GIN PILLS Ohemics] Co. of Canada, Limited, Depart: ment W.L., Toronto, : VERY WELL P PLEASED. Collector--'Bay, look here! I'm thed, of calling here about this 1 The Debtor--'Well; I'm mighty glad to hear Bobs 2 Comfort oF The the Dyspeptie.-- There is no ailment 'so harassing | be bought and exhausting as dyspepsia, which arises from defective action of the stomach and liver; and the victim |T of it is to be pitied. . Yet he can find ready relief in Parmelee's Ve- getable Pills, a preparation that has established itself by years of effec- tive use. There are pills that are widely advertised as the 'greatest ever compounded, but not one of m can rank in value with Par- meélee's. IT8 MORAL: "The thermometer is much like !™™ men in one respect." "What is that?' "When it once begins to take a drop it falls by: degrees." Marion Bridge, C. I have handled HINARDE ih LINIMEN'T ol is always the ieren inde of Tinton eren 8 NETL FERGUSON. « \ A girl knows by the way a man looks into her eyes 'they ought to be just the color she thinks they are. A Fein A hl! soney i Roo ENT oF » Hehings {4 eeding or Frotra a "piles in 6 to 1 Sas ee Did you. ever hear of» womai giv- a tn. charity the money she ial with which to eat bu ox {Old Lady T w ~ : | doetuit speak #1 he'd repeat an a 'he heard : Bhopman-- 'Yes; madam, he would--but you took. kim ot a durey 4 that t- bie NEAR ta TWO H Fo BEAUTIFUL Fan OF. dred ninety %o National | cure, ational Drug 8 ------ POY pho Hg JH UNDEED AND FIFTY ACRES_WITH acres real snap, rok aot Bos; bec Da Bacau; ton HUNDI worth the N IDEAL FARM OF il oan TE: Foor JNDRED ACRES IN COUNTY f Simo0s Hundred Acres a Ap] orchard; @ Frame oe two Barns. Can be bought WENTY FIVE ACRE Fro FARM Near Bi. Datharinest Brick House; Barn; twenty acres Can be bought very reasonab ble, NE OF BEST FRUIT, FARMS IN Bt. thirty of which are ened; El House, also Cottage and fine 'outbul Will be sold on easy terms. ORTY ACRES ~ CATHARINES -- lungalo: and ovine and good outs builtins. Thirty-four acres planted in it, al a money maker, ie owner wishes Yo retire and anions to se HAVE MANITOBA. ALBERTA, SAS: katchewan and tish = Columbis lands, both improved and unimproved, in quarter, half of whole sections, also in larger lota up to five hundred thousand acres. If thinking of investing in West. ern lands it is to your interest to consult me. 'Phones: Main 6080, Park . DAWSON, Toronto. MALE HELP WANTED. oop SALARIES EARNED BY RTA. n Agents and Selographery. Great for 'men. We qualify you quickly. 1. in Canada. 00 18, ex- Dominion Bohool Telegraphy, To- 527. H.W. plains, ronto,. SOUVENIR. POST CARDS. END 100. FOR. 15 BEAUTIFUL POST AD Cards, all different" Agents wanted. Smith Card Co., Parry Sound. "MISCELLANEO AY and FARM BOA Wilson's Scale Works, 9 Esplanade, Turanto. Y ANCER, YUUORS, JTMP, 4 gto. In ternal aud extur=: oud wr 0 Hg Write ue Iman Medical Smited. Volltug word. Ont. sal 08 6 TON SOALE GUARANTEED. Wilson's Scale Works, ¢. Esplanade, Toronto. me erst tirts Your Overcoats sadly bn Sule va Sand Hie direst to Tosirens 4 foo ae arivian RN orvemn Orta Oo: a ------------------------------------ you te change | f" 'that parrot I bought from you--he