con Tartan Wi Writing Pad snd 26 ens SE 15¢ Each for these Articles 10 gt: Dairy Pails, Granite Milk Pans, Granite 'Wash Basins, Pudding Pars bo fr Wire Clotheslines, Tin Dish Pans, 11b. tin Talcum oder, A 1b. pot Petrolenm Jelly, 8 oz. bottle Machine Oil, 6 hook Coat Hangers; bi Chair Seats, and dozens of other things Gr, Cippers, Sink all at 16¢c, Be sure and see our line of Underwear and Hoisery. The best value to be had The Fair ROSE & CO erie Sree irenebt tr King's Birthday Celebration Norse Racing & Athletic Meet --AT-- Unper THE Auspicks oF Kine Epwarp L. O. L. No, 223, on MONDAY, JUNE 3% 1912 Will be duly Celebrated with great eclat on a magnificent |, Park Grounds which contains the Best and Fastest Track on the Oontinent. . THE ATTRACTIONS 'Will be such as to fully demonstrate the fact that on the 3rd of June all woads will lead to Port Petry. Ample provision will be made for 'the <omforg and convenience of the immense assemblage. PRIZES TO BE AWARDED Horse Race, 2.35 class--Trot or Pace .. .. $60 $30 Five Mile Marathon Race (open) .. e : Baseball Tournament v Relay Race, 1 mile, (4 man teams), open Mile Race--apen ve oe o 220 Yard Race--open . . goo Yard Race--open . Mile R2ce--Boys 16 years and under' "Tug-of-War . " Kadies, Race Fat Man's Race (200 Pounds and over) CONDITIONS ~Horsk RACE--5 to enter and 4 tostart entry § yd cent, of purse § per cent additional from money winners. § ML) ntrance (gry SEBALL TOURNAMENT--Eutrance Fee $2 ; draw Fo place at 10 o'clock, ba Ja. must be represented. Entries must be made with the Secretary up to une 1, : LINDSAY OITIZENS BAND IN ATTENDANGE =F Both the Track and Athletic Grounds will be in fine condition. i "The Gate Ticket gives permission to the public to have 'access to any part of the grounds irrespective of fences. BASEBALL at 16 a.m., Sharp | AFTERNOON at 2 o° clock Sharp } ; ADMISSION--adul ts 26 cents Obfldren 16 cents: "hen the loving T Talented Enertainiis fom Rich Concert aad Entertainment Butea will Mrs, "Tipp spent a friends near Linden Frise have been _b town hall at Oakwi week. Miss Geraldine Perrin, of Oakwood was the guest of her brother Mr. F. G. Perrin recently. Messrs, Albert Martin, Orville Heatlie, Garfield Heatlie and Samson] Irwin are engaged with Kennedy brothers(our local carpenters)for some time. The Women's Institue will meet at thé home of Miss Ada Broad on Tues day of this week. s Miss North, of Glandine, has "ac- cepted a position with Mrs. L. Sparks Jr. proprietor of the Commer¢ial house as telephone operator. Mr. Ben Hancock, of ¢ visited our village on Monday of last week. Miss Florence Lapp, of Lindsay Business College, spent the week end under the parental roof. Rev. Brown, of Peterboro: occupied the pulpit of the Methodist' Church last Sabbath both morning and even- ing. Rev. J. F. Chapman took charge of his work at Peterboro. = + Mr, Harry Westlake is assisting in the building of the new: church at Qakwood. Dr. Henderson, 'of Cannington, motored to our village on Sunday and was the guest of Dr, G.'W. Hall. The Methadist church congregation is advancing very rapi t. Over fifty new 2 dl ve ve Joined. Mr. Richard Oliver has doing some work for Mr John at Royal Oak. ; We tinderstand that iting bells will be ringing 'here in the near future Messrs. Richard Avery, Sparks and Joe Short were among those from here that spent Saturday in Lindsay, Bik Mr. W. J. Yeo one of our' genial blacksmiths has had his shop 'much improved by covering "the roof with paroid roofing. ° Mrs Blanche Dix, Hazel Dix, Ruby Webster. of the I. C. I, Lind: =y, spent the week-end at their homes has been 'rushed during he last. few days, and most of the farmers have now finished. =: Gardening is the order of the and many bonfires have indicated the annual clean up, Mr. and Mrs, George. Wickett, ¢ uires Mrs, W, H. Wickett' visited friends in Port Perry recently, Our villagers are greatly inte inthe Porter murder, and it is all the | talk at present. Mr, George Saville visited Oak wood friends on Sunday. SEAGRAVE My Wm Stevens is visiting rel "Russell The tie Sunday School Aniver: sary is being held on 'Sunday and ont Friday May 19 and 24. The Rev Mr. Cameron, of Port] Perry will preach at r1.a.m. and 7pm and the singing will be done by the home choir. On Friday a football | match will be played and Seagrave teams, and a Baseball match is jexpected between Seagrave and Sonya juniors, . An excellent will be served from sto 8 eat? night the Rev. Mr. Bamforth will ill de- liver one of his p s Miss Green of Co Bethel | will] Good recite. * This is ethers regain sary and promises ) Mr. Lorne McDougall was laid off duty last week with inflamination of the throat: He is out again now. Mrs. C. Sleep was agreeably Sur-| a prised one day last week by an unex- essed Wisi from her brother, Aa] A. Y; © Winnipeg, ro he Ciro hint ME. was accom by Mr. J.C. Eaton, President of the T. Eaton 'Co. in his magnifiton| The two gentlemen had en the funeral of Mr. Graha: ean buyer for the Winnipeg whose life was lost on the Toh Titanic, : 'Mr. W. Pollock is improving but still forced to use acrutch, as he riot put his weight on hisinjured foot. © Mr. and Mrs. C, Butt, of Poit Perry, came out for the social 'and enjoyed the re-union with old friends. Our village sleepers "were rudely awakened about midnight on Sunday, and about 3 a.m. Monday bY the roat and whistle of two freight trains pass: ing through our station." We are not accustomed to railway traffic on Sab-1. ath at Seagrave, j, [our church next Sus oe Ar aay on James Martin. Mrs. Rog Mrs. Bradley is with her hus wh iB Perry, Zao En ~ The STAR and Farmer's Ad ocate DoW v Globe. 'Mail-Em sentusee 3 3