ete. Colors, navy, green, burnt, white, and tuscan. LADIES' CORSET COVERS, igre Fg E COTTON UNDERSKIRTS, 75: ' white Cotten Underskirts with good body. Deep flounce is trimmed with yarn with close ribbed top knit : foot, these silk hose are serviceable and very sightly * when worn with low shoes. Sizes ro tof and 11; Hair Goods, 'Beauty Pins, Sash Pins, Collar Buttons, etc, At Greatly Reduced Prices Some time ago the firm of Phillips and Wrinch, wholesale dealers in smallwares and Hairgoods failed. Though the selling agents we secured some of the choicest lines at a price that enables us to put them on the counter at the original wholesale price, BEAUTY PINS 8c PAIR Gilt Beauty Pins with setting of imitation pearl or brilliant, Reg- § ular price roc. AT 10c Dainty enamelled or plain beauty pins with pearl or brilliant set- tings. Regular value zoc AT 15¢ A lot of regular 25¢ pins 'con- sisting of gilt plain or fancy en- amel or oxidized metal. AT 26 Beauty pins of real silver, oxidiz- ed silver, pins with dull gold finish set with torquise. Sold SASH PINS, 26¢ Collection of black, dull or brignt gold, painted enamel etc. "These sold regularly at soc. SOLID SILVER PINS 16¢c This lot contains some very ar- tistic designs in oxidized silver. The wholesale price was $10.00 . a dozen which is more than the price we are selling them at. GOLD FILLED 8TUDS SET OF 3 FOR 25 Small studs in dull or bright finish. Can be used as collar buttons or for front of waist. HAIR RETAINERS. 10c Hair Retainers use to. hold the loose hair at back of head, Come in amber finish. Original price 25¢ BARRETTES, 25 Hair Barrettes of high grade French manufacture in large or small shapes handsomely decor- * ated with gold tracing or open work patterns Regular value soc SIDE COMBS, 16¢ Side combs well made and good size with perfectly finished teeth comes in black, or dark brown, finished plain or fancy effects. Regular value 25¢. jw of lace insertion finished with lace 5 3 Aw &iN : {ls regularly at soc Guaranteed gold filled. UTICA Mr. J. E. Buck our merchant in Toronto over Sunday. GREENBANK REMEMBER The following officers were elected oo for the coming year at the Women's Mrs. W. Tennyson and Mrs. James | Institute meeting. President, Mrs. the Hortop visited with Mrs. James Hor- | Geo. Real; 1st Vice President, Mrs, . top, of Port Perry last Monday. Isaac Beare; Secretary 7 reagure, Miss | Presbyte rian Ey : The school inspector Mr. Walks|E. Mc e; Directors, Mrs. W. H. i . Th adud Tan. | visited the school last week, Leask, Miss E. Barrett and Miss Till; The Sunday Shoal at Man | Mr. 8. Lake. Toronto, the guest|Auditors, Mrs. J. M. Real and Mrs. Sabbath School chester will hold er. Apnual TI. Lakey, 'Joronto, BUeSt I O'Neil; District Representative, Miss | Freewill Offering on of his brother Mr. James Lakey, Sr. Ethel Miller ! A . A HEA ! George Horn has planted out a fine . . nniversa ry SF i . ; + The W. M. 8S. elected their officers May 26 Orchard of over eight hundred trees) "hol Fp ident. Mrs. M.. A. ee this Sprin 8: : J Till; 1st Vice President, Mrs. Rev. Mc at taheld at 2.30 Un Mary Cross and friend, of! Cullough; 2nd Vice President, Mrs. ri Uxbridge, at Wright Crozier's on Suri< |. »° Real; Secretary, Mrs. Geo Real | - ' . conducted day. : Wim. . es, T. Phair; Cor. Secre- G reen bank ' Mr. and Mrs. David Crozier, Glas- bh gy Me ole; Superintend- gow visited his parents Mr. and Mrs. | ent of Systematic me Geo. Wright Crozier on Sunday. Lee; Delegate to Convention at Beli DL A -------- ville, Mrs. Wm. Real; Superintendent SONYA of Mission Band, Mrs. Rev. MeChil- At Sunderland on the morning of lough. . April 25th Mr. Jas McTaggart The Presbyterion Sunday School : away in his fiftieth year, after a: linger- | Anniversary will be held as usual on to do| ing illness, borne with Christian pati- | May 24th, The committees are at ence and resignati was{Work and a good time. is expected. will ~~ ion. Deceased the third son of the late Alex McTag- On Sunday May 19th there will be gart.and was well and favorable known | services all day. here, having spent his whole life in| The Women's Institute of Green- dence-- | this section of Mariposa. An. enér: | bank, have ordered a Vacuum cleaner 'Perry | egetic and successful farmer, he engag- | from the Page wire Fence Co. "| ed in his vocation until last fall, | + | he sold his farm, stock and implements and retired from active Jif, taking up a. ni 0 PRINCE ALBERT his residence in Sunderlan 'We are pleased to welcome Mr. and | Alconsistent member of St. Andrews | Mr) Bred to Welcome Mt. and J church and a ember. of the senior]: ii.) Brown $0 ou village aR ying ad e Class, he i "Paint.