Er "Norse & Athletic me A PORT PERRY Unper THE Avuspices oF Kine Epwarp LO. L. No. 223, oN MONDAY, JUNE 3", 1912 Will be Suv Celebrated with great eclat on > magnificent Park Grounds which: contains the Best and Fastest Track on the Continent. THE ATTRACTIONS Will be such as to fully demonstrate the fact that on the 3rd of June all roads will lead to Port Perry. Ample provision will be made for the]. comfort and convenience of thei immense assemblage. PRIZES TO BE AWARDED Horse Race, 2.35 class--Trot or Pace .,. Five Mile Marathon Race (open) .. Baseball Tournament Relay Race, 1 mile, (4 man teams). open Mile Race--open id ' o 220 Yard Race--open 300 Yard Race--open Mile Race--Boys 16 years and under Tug-of-War , Ladies, Re Fat Man's Race (200 Pounds and over) CONDITIONS --HoRsE RACE--S to enter and 4 tostart ; entry 5 5 per cent additional from money winners. § MILK RACR=Entrance BASEBALL TOURNAMENT --Entrance Fee $2 draw takes place st 10 o'clock, all teams must be represented, Entries must be ade. with the the Secretary up fo June 1. LINDSAY CITIZENS' BAND IN ATTENDANGE BF Both the Track and Athletic Grounds will be in fine condition; The Gate Ticket gives permission to the public to have access to 'any part of the grounds irrespective of fences. AFTERNOON at 1 o'clock Sharp ! Obilaren 16 cents. BASEBALL at 10 a,m., Sharp! ADMISSION--Adults 25 cents. Grand Stand--Free Grand Concert in she Brening When the following Talented Entertainers from the celebrated "Harry Rich Concert aad Entertainment Bureau" will make their first ap- ance in Port Perr PMILDR wa JAOK How OHARLES and il Oommittee--8. GRAHAM, Ohairman ; 5 EM L. G. HALL, Treas. ; E INGRAM, W oo BEY. a and ses snd Wo Vocalist, ): ¢ Miss Pol Spark ho the North har some' Hooper Brothers Lopes Brothers com ai to be kept busy for a while. meeting ; the Christian church last Saturday, Mr. Corwin Andrus, wife and chil dren, of Toronto, were he the funeral of Mrs. Levi Mr, Mark Wicket killed the first] beef for this season on Wednesday of last week. - The warm ran of the last few days is causing the grass to grow and the leaves of the trees are developing very rapidly giving Nature amost. heautiful aspect. "Mrs. George W. Prouse, of Lindsay was in our village last week renewing old acquaintances. Our villagers are now preparing for the 24th-of May and they are antici pating an excellent tim Mr. Charles H of « Lindsay, spent Saturday in our : Miss Cora Barrowclough returned to her home on Saturday evening after a pleasant visit with. friends and relat- ives in Port Hope. Our wolunteers go to 'Camp this year on the 1oth oF June. If any other of the young men wish to join the recruit they may do. ro Brarpiry to Mr. John Griggs, Bugler... =. A 'trip in his automobile to Cannington on Tues- day of last week. °: ESS ATE. : r. Mackenzie, of Lindsay, onr villas one day last week. Grim Death has again dC | village and claimed one of our residents, . Mrs. Levi Spark has been ailing for some time quietly away on Friday morning at the age of 69 years and 11 mon The funeral took place on Sunday service was conducted by' Archer in the Methodist Ch remains were interred in the Cemetery. ~~ She'leaves ton loss a beloved husband, two st ence and Russell, of Little hrée daughters Mrs. Corwi of Toronto, Polly, of Mani We extend to the bereaved sympathy. 3 Apwission--25c--Reserved Seats; 35 cents." Jost of Hall at Flint's. Shar ' There was no: service in on chuich on Sabbath; nor. Sunday School, as the Bethel 'Anniversary. services were in progress. Mr. Stanley. Wodldri formes clerk; was assisting i J Watson's store last Mr. Wm. Dagg and family, from | TE Haliburton, er) at J. H. Brown's tsi sou Wetasntay 'morning | from Con, Camiieesont ; recently. Many heard with deep 1 of the | death of Rev. D. 8; Sn en oneof the brightest 1 His ago. vill be 8 agent, in quest of purchasers of Plows and Manure's Mr. F, Lyle purchased a fine. con near Zion last Thursday: | 'Mr. 1. Wammen of Lagskidale,. wasal: £155 at the parsonage ou Tussday, A RE SR Er a ett