Spotted | da visited her. pasents Mr. and Mrs. Geo Howsam on Sunday, ~~ - The Ej League in connection with the Methodist church held their | business meeting last Thu "night when the following officers were elect- ed, Hon. Pres, Rev. T. Laidlaw; Pres Mrs. H. Davis; i Fics Pres., Mise ; 3x 'Miss. E, Smith; re- Miss M; Medd; y School at Mas i vi ir A , Jones; 2nd hold their Annu hick Tata y, MT Hellyer; yi organist" Miss * Louie Lin e auspices | 80° 3 Basta ras Sailor Blouses 'Ladies' Sailor' Blouses of fine quality white Indian Head, = made | with the new style quaker collar, turned back cuffs, pocket and tie, all trimmed with narrow band: of | black and white, 'or sky and White; check gingham, Cream Net Waist $3.00 - A nice dressy waist made of . cream net allover, with low neck, | and short sleeves. ' Neck is trim- med with heavy applique insertion, Has silk slip. TE | ft ------ In Case it Rains on 24th Coat is built in ' popular two button ' style, with. semi-fitted back, sleeves and collar are trimmed with an inlay of fancy grey silk to match. The lining is of striped silk. y Skirt is a six gore model with front and back panels, - trimmed in one sided effect with buttons This is one of our best suits and shows throughout splendid material, and superb tailoring. Banded Sailor An Ideal Outing Hat $1.25 Ladies' sailor hats, large and medium hat, trimmed with a plain tailored bow of black velvet ribbon. Colors white, Tuscan, and Black. Ladies' Umbrellas Ladies' Black Umbrellas with gloria or cotton taffeta $4.50 Have You a- Raincoat? For all round service, as Raincoat, Duster, and Spring coat, the silk poplin motor coat easily holds first place. It is cut on stylish line with graceful semi-fitted ! ck, set in, tailored sleeves, and close fitting. turn down motor eollar, cuffs are fitted with wind strap. Material "bas'a rich silky finish; and is rubberised, making it per- «fectly waterproof... Colors navy, myrtle, olive and black. "J Sizes 32 to 44: Price $10.00 covers, and fitted with the ordinary spring or 20th century attachments. ' Prices 7§c, $1-00, $1.26, $1.50 $2.00, $2.50 Ladies' Colored Parasols $1.25 Fancy Parasols in an extensive variety of new anl dainty. designs, white and linen colored grounds, wii woven stripes or dainty colored floral patterns. ! Price $1.26 Mr. and Mrs. Art Reynolds Bethes-| Treas., last sleep. JNTYRE Seldom has received a shock similar to that on Friday morn: ing, by the news' that Mrs. Robt. McKinley had suddenly passed away, after only a few hour's illness. As she felt 'poorly on Thursday afternoon a physician was called, and she was ordered to rest, as there was fear of 'a blood vessel bursting. Next morning she did not rouse at the costomary hour, and finally it was discovered that she had entered upon her long as Her ture is deeply felt by the family and friends, for she was dearly loved. She had become a because oi favorite 'of disposi A sinceré life will 'be all -- Knew hen | "Too late for List week On Friday Miss Ethel Aldred, one of Scugogs most attractive and pop- i ies; left for: Toronto, kindness, her gentleness, and] Axe Mich., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm: Reader. * There was a good at- tendance, the front pews being occu- pied by a large number of the friends of the friends of the deceased. ~The pastor conducted the service the sub- ject of his discourse being "God's comfort for the Mourners." Everyone appreciated the music of the large Union Choir, which was led by Mr. FRobt. Jackson, with Mrs. Sweetman, as organist. Mr, John Jackson, of Winnipeg, underwent on May 4th 'an operation for appendicitis. His' many friends in Scugog and vicinity: will 'anxiously ;await news of his recovery. ~The official Board of the Methodist Church met at the parsonage last . The mecting was very har- monious an: pects are encourag- ing. The blockade in roads though such a length of time leaves much to be done in a short ime. It is expect ed when all is completed that Scugog will give a good report at the coming conference. On Thursday evening the Buss} Epworth League meeting for tion of officers took place at Maple Grove Officers are, Pres, Mrs. S. E. Fralick; Treas., Mr. D. Sec., Miss At the eoncluso) UTOR Cures Blood Poisoning Arnprior, Sept., 1907. I was laid up for a long time with blood-poisoning in my leg and for several months the doctor did every- thing in his power to afford me relief. Nothing did any good, however, and every one seemed to think that I must | lose my leg. 1 was very much opposed to this and said, "No I'll die with my leg on. I had almost given up hope of ever getting better, when Rev. Will Pugsley the Evangelist, came to Arnprior to hold special meetings, -and hearing of my case, called to see me. After ex- amination he advised me to use Utor, a' preparation of his own manufacture. The first application did a great deal of good, and -after using it for two weeks I was well enough to return to my work, and ultimately was entirley cured. . I have great pleasure in recommend- ing Utor for any case of blood-poison- ing, ulcers or open sores of any kind. _ I think there is nothing bettef, and that it ought to be in every home. I give this credential with. pleasure. I am. 2 Yours sincerely, ~ D. McGREGOR FERGUSON Hair Quickly Stops ~~. Falling HONESTY There are lots of honest people in the world. If you have lost some. thing perha ps an honorable person found it. This ts an honest paper and honest people read it. Tell them about your loss in our Classified Want Ads.