OHUROH PARADE annual church service, of Old d Lodge No. 9, 8: O..E: B. 8;{i ¢ held (D.V.) on Sunday next at » 1 the Church of the Ascen- officiating. en 'will meet at the Lodge room T. J. WIDDEN, Secretary amous" Refrigerators, Walker won the hearts rb audi ence with her charm, as well as well as with her distinguished gifts, her recitations showing versatility in both pathos and humor, while ge her vocal solos. were rendered with] = ap , 'best on the market at good tone; quality and five, Sushain. A ed power. The Delhi Durbar . .- Toronto. Daily * Globe -- Chas. a aan TEA AT THE PARSONAGE Emery rendered "The Highland] § ; cure Ladies' Aid 'of the Methodist! Brigade," and was ericored 'again |. Church inh Hive a ain the and "again. "His other 'selections| Qu ; ae Tea 1 from 4 10 7 pm. were equally well given to the great rial will Be Mrs. Bamforth extends a hearty invi- | delight of the audience, which gave shown, and a good comic dictitre, All tation to all. him double and treble encores for for toc. Children sc. A LARGE MONUMENT his second and third selections. A few days ago Cawker Bros' livery| Toronto ' News:-- Mz. Charles ein 7 | Wheat, teams. were engaged in hauling an| Emery, entertainer, was a huge Live Stock Market Wheat, spring. unusually large and handsome monu-| favorite with his audience, heat, goose. ment to Pine Grove Cemetery at Barley Prince Albert. The base, which; St. Louis Star :--Jack Howard at 'weighed four tons, is of grey granite. | the Columbia this week is making a Comper of we Diochs any mie big hi. tastefully carved and polished. This Washington Post i--Jack How- ., monument marks the last resting|ard, character comedian at Chase's]? i 5 of John and George Williamson | Theatre this week made his usual|little for mo change for some timed Cattle, live weight. 3 14 i o ite a number of years' ago John Bit writh the ag hege. There is no disposition on the part of | Hogs, live w 8 00 to 8 50 \ William son used to live in the house ' the people with cattle Ad sell at' any Ho, dressed cwt..10 oo t now occupied hy Mx Alexander, and} Toronto World :--Toronto's new- lower diel that pie st i Butter 188CI sais yes adie Bod fn he aindss of Bopse est comedian, Mr. Jack Howard, tion of beef is beginning to fa Eggs: nore atc ic those days' a 8 was made a decided hit with his char-Joff. "Retail grices are still adv After awhile the Williamson's moved | acter songs and monologues. however, whether this be true "away, and the McMillan's became the The top price for exporters wass $7. i leading horse dealers in this locality. Have you seen the minia- again, and butcher 'cattle sold "John Williamson diéd last year in! ture - model village in} $6.50 to $7.25. : 3 4. Nerth Dakota, and it is worthy of] . Carmegie's window. apt Fat 2% Es HIE Mail and Empire $83u%8288 a strong probability that there will be MEATS. POULTRY AND PRODUCE note that while he was neither born in Port Perry, nor did he die here, yet his body finds its long home in the beautiful little Pine Grove Cemetery. A full stock of seed corn at Monet's ~~ AN OPPORTUNITY We would respectfully call the at- tention of the Council to the following recent amendment to the Municipal Act:-- "Paragraph 1, of section 542 of the Consolidated Municipal Act, 1993, is ~ amended by adding the following clause: For authorizing the pulling down or Tepairing or renewing, at the expense of the owner thereof, of any building, dence, scaffolding or erection, - which, by reason of its ruinous or dilapidated state, faulty construction or otherwise, may be in an. unsafe condition as regards danger from fire or other dan- gerous risk or accident." There is one such building in town that would appear to be a' menace to public safety, and a second building that is rapidly going that way. The Bowling Green is about the "prettiest little spot in town, and is only needing "a bit of sunshine to dry it up so that the bowlers cen get out on it. Those ornamental trees 'show more clearly than ever the need for the town to fix up its end of fhe property. ' Manufacturers' Agent and - McCormick Farm M Mr. Harry Carnegie is in town. Mr. Jas. Carnegie is able to 'bel about again after his operation. Mr. Hugh Lucas was in town for the week end. Mr. C. J. Jeffrey was transfirred from the Bank of Commerce at Port Perry to a branch of that bank at Sault. Ste Marie. y Mr. Joseph Goldring has gone into the real estate business in Prince Al: bert Sask. in addition to looking after the bind and other musical organiz- ations there, Mrs. Hood and her son Gordon attended the post graduate recital of Miss. Florence Wharton, last week in the Conservatory of Music, Toronto. Miss Wharton was a former Port Perry | girl and has become an elocutionist of recoznized ability: _ At the Epworth League next Mon- day evening (under the auspices of |' the Citizenship - Department) Mr. J.|€ McE. Murray will give A Talk on Banking> This address will be thor- oughly practical and useful, and those interested in business matters will do well to ovail themselves of this oppor: tunity to secure information that is often only learned through long and sometimes bitter experience. Remember "the date -- Monday evening, May 27, in the basement of the Methodist church: Dealer in The Oaly Dictionary New Divided Page, Use Utor for cuts) n dollars. "Bi ou about this most single : : sons in Port Perry and vi who AJ . THOS. REDMAR, W. L. Parrish, Port Perry. |" milker and butter cow." Apply | will be to: R, U IRWIN, Port Perry ~~ WANTED For reference, the names of ail per- i Nachinery