notion He could get difference between e, 60 00 por Drosha ay Ap i we x 01 po he Ti nd « He infers - they are immea- tate-| Surably inferior to the. paleolithic easily | man of Europe, who fashioned tools "say | and hunted ig game with his flint-| Sh SEE 1iPped atrow a knife. She words X ; id. | they know are almost as few as the Filla Sure the Kid. ideas they try to exphess--Scientific other causes of disease | ™eTican. lood. Thus Dodd's ; : 1s are a natural cure for| A Bimple and Cheap Medicine. -- - ef and all ills|A simple, cheap and effective medi- e: kidneys. =. i {eine is something to be desired. : : There is no medicine so effective' a ri, regulator of the digestive system as POINTED PARAGRAPHS. Farmeles's. Yogotable Pills, "They > - 1! |. And the louder a man talks the | sap be Pe anywhores -- their ; Joss it amounts to. - 1 I beneficial action will prove thelr re- OW narrow minded. most people | oommendation. They are the medi- - [sre who argue wititus! _|cine of the poor man and those whé Somes people Je hecanse they are | ich 10 escape doctors' bills will do it to tell the truth. well in giving them a trial, It's surprising how many griev {ances most worthless men have. [# '| >You can sometimes do'a friend a . VALUATION Y : (IL \| \| favor by refusing to give him ad-| "Politeness cost nothing," said po AJ 'vice. : . the ready-made Philosopher. It doesn't take a very clever wo-| 'Yes,' replied Mr. Growricher.]| | pan = make a man make a fool of | "If it had a market value there fi ED in AL : .| would be more of it."' ne 1 And many & woman has a wis remaniod good friend by leading him th attimonial a has aver, man has a he good yor BO iB oars Liatasnt, Oo. ued neighbor he is apt me. Gaara 8 jlinitment Co. Limited. _. Tower, | It's an ya for a married | mos my fimily ao hard stables man to understand 'why, as a bache- for years, and consider it the best medi- lor, he didn't understand women, |cine obtainable. Yours sruly, : x eel Proprietor} Roxton Pond Hotel and Livery Jos tn at Dr. J. D. Ke 8 sente: has] ordinal is without doibt the ers ght of m {and his ' % a eo ol . plmade him a great favorite. cing ever troduced for dysem: | _ PR 1 a i iarrhoes, era a ; 4 WT Se tN: k Fo VERY MUCH ALIKE. . \ ; op | |summer "complaints, se kness, Ey WOULD NOT BE WITHOUT ete. It on ly: gives Trelief and "Did you ever get a kiss by tele- It's diffoult for a man to practice | BABY'S OWN TABLETS never fails to effect a positive cure. | photie f » ec: popular "at the sate de WERE her bottle whan theiy children are| "It's like dreaming about"some- : ee 50 Ne Onee a mother: has used Baby's teething. g \ thing-to eat when you go to bed Land 'Own Tablets she would not be with- : i hungry." | out them. They are the only medi-| India produces twelve million | dy cine for little ones guaranteed by | tons 'of coal per Sonim. \ mn analyst to be free \ ai ; those opiates and other harm-{Minard's Liniment used by Physicians. pd a Ee A BAD SIGN mg'? ures. 'Concerning them X . compounded by ow Mrs: . Wood, Undeswood. Ont., Peray---I have reason to think my ties tor but 7 yours. Now's pod | Says: "I have used Baby's OWn| wife has donsed fo love mie." Mario B56 Batre Th Aseria 3 Tablets for the last four years and| Harold--"Ts it possible 1' Murine Eye Remedy Co.," Chicago uld not be without them, as I| "Percy--*'Yes, she hasn't jumped . hem ] 1 every fon me for nearly a week." IN GOOD TRAINING. given them to my little CL "Nothing serious the matter with The Tablets are sold byl garg and soft. corns both yield | your. father's lungs, is there dealers or by mail at 2614; Holloway's Corn Cure, which is | Jerry?" from The » Williams' entirely 'safe to use, and certain| 'I.should say not. = He's beef Co.y Bi le; - : "satisfactory in its 'action. coughing for 37 years, and he can & rn : cough louder than ever." © MUST BE GENUINE, Read We Ausinst: Pai EEA GT y 'Weapon Against Pain. rl think ved better Tn nd There is nothing equal to < Dx; V GOMPAIDS | niomas' Eclectric. Oil when well| 4. He | rubbed in. It penetrates the tissues | 4110p ye and pein disappears before X. There ACCOIDABIMG Car i. | 18 no known preparation that will | oo ard YOEion a holi- reach the spot quicker than this stohodness magic Oil, In consequence it ranks |: he. 8 first among liniments now offered |i, oombs to the public and is accorded first | Vozetable place among all its competitors. hag Mothers should never be without a| 'No, what's it like?' > Need Care , No A Wee ine serious. UrmoE TI uzCoON> Of 'the 937,788 non-commisgioned | officers and men in the British Army, 167,281 bélong to the Church of England: SpA ! Minard's Liniment Lumberman's Friend. ONE REASON,' : er | EB hover 10s any