T § beginning to show He imitaett; to n, show a sl iy Rew Tork or Sadon + ge o 'the ake and enforce o continues Yo move" BCH larity that foreshadows many eatallt TORONTO GARDENS DISAPPEARING. Apartment houses springing up all over : y Ares another evidence of rons [m ng nu population, "The Y. of homey", ay Jot much. longer deges ® e le. e garden "even a which mest Toronto househol have in the past demanded, is Jgoom} architect the {other day declared that he would wot 'agaiy advise even .well-to- do clients to attempt to ardon:2 plots in Toronto. He 'wonld tell them | ma! to get enough on, and what. little bit of space was left he would Have, tovered with pavement, This would make for cleanliness at least. r and hirder to secure. A lead! ound to build the house Fhe. TH. ri your locality, when Nosh, Blue- Mr. D, 5 Man, the Sh Disirics High Vinci lor Mani- Jas JURR or OF BRIDES. | afternoon this; ot. Jung the aicn ALE la am fhe mort Lae ng p n o iv en Mooners are fhe be ean Some day toba ; Lyman Lee, Hamilton, Ont., iH, Ct., Solicitor, and Mp. J. be O'Regan, ec, Que., Tv for the Province of Quebec. | 5 y matters of interest to the membership generally were 'dealt with in these various reports, and they cover a great deal of. detail, all 'of 'which 4ndicate marked and rv) steady progress in the Be of of 1 this National Fraternal Insurance in.| Association. The officers of this But a lawnless city of paved courtyards wit is not pleasant to contemplate. SIR JAMES ON A WHEEL. A familiar figure on the streets these cool June evenings is Sir James Whitney, the * Premier of Ontario. His is not a «wostly equipage with prancing steeds and footman and coachman, nor a luxurious "motor car, nor is he numbered among the pedestrians. He travels on a bioycle of doubtful age. He is always unacoom- jan nied. And he is never warned for reaking the speed limit, his pace never J» exceeding six or seven miles an hour. While nearly everyone else has deserted the bicycle as a pleasure giver, Bir James remains true to his friend of bygone days, a trait which, it is said, he carries "into his treatment of Jigople as well. And every evening, if poss! date spin around the well: paved residen. tial streets. If' the weather 'is cool enough and he can get sway from his office he takes his ride before dinner, . Most people pass him without recogni: TONDON IN BETTER HEALTH. Health Crusade Saves 28,000. Lives > Each Year. A despatch from London: says: In the past six years the death rate in London has fallen by 19 per ; cent. , according to statistics printed on Thursday. The mortality from tuberculosis has increased from 26 td 33 per cent, and infantile mortal ity has increased 30 per cent. 2 + phus; however, has been completely banished, -smallpox has been prac- tically exterminated and, the. mor- tality from typhoid fever is declin- ing. It is computed that the health ,.crusade in the last 20. years has re- sulted in saving the lives of 28,000 Tondoners each year. : ble, he takes a se- {has trucks, for the summery wedding gowns of the attendants, and fifteen minutes around five o'clock spent in me vicinity any af. old boots have long since been barred, but the platforms are al- most constantly. covered with confetti. PROF. RAMBAY WRIGHT RETIRES, After 28 years continuous. work as a teacher of biol in the Jaivetally of Toronto, Prof. meay : Wright has de: livered his last lecture, and has retired to carry out private research. He is not yet an old man, being only 60, and ot many Bd of usefulness ahead of him ret. fle "Prof. Ramsty 'Wright's name -- been associated with any great Siscoverice in the field of biology to which he hae devoted 'his life he was regarded as ah efficient instructor. His gent! ly presence and rich full vowels will be missed in university halls. SMASH WINDOWS IN DUBLIN. Irish Suffragettes . Adopting. Mili tary Tactics. A despatch from Dublin says: 40 campaign of window-smashing was opened on Thursday by the Irish Suffragettes who came into vigorous conflict with the authorities. After the. women had made an energetic attack on most of the public build- ings, eight of them, -who 'were armed with bags of stones, "were arrested. The women, before the police came on the scene, had set siege to and succeeded 'in' shatter- ing 42" windows 'of "the = Customs House, 'the' post-office, the land commission office and the police and military barracks. a Substantial Advance Beourities of Towns Contiguous to Usually Show Good sorbed by Larger Large Cities Profit When Finally Ab-| 5d Neighbor -- stances of Where this has Happened. : os 2 sete so gontributed by pany get the return he should his bond, $957.30 1 Order have been able from yéar to year to indicate conclusively, by their reports, satisfactory progress in certain directions, but 1911 indicate progress in every de- partment of this Order's opera- tions. The Canadian Order of For- esters confine their business entire- ly to the Dominion of Canada, and if one may judge by the results attained, the policy adopted jn this regard, at the eps of the Or- der, in 1879, would appear to have been a wise one from a prudential, as well as a patriotic, point of view. To deal with 'a few of the points brought out by. the reports of the various officers, first igh bs be men- tioned the fact that 1911 9,35 new members 'were ioatiated to the Order, a larger number ae has been admitted in any pre: vious year. of the Order's experi- ence. The net increase in the memi- bership" for the year under review was 5,022, being 903 in excess of the previous year's net additions to-the rder. total membership ab 45 end of 1911 og 83,126. oi in respect to the ran 495 Death Claims ere nid di by the year, amounting to $500,570 'When: it is considered that in 101 three more Death Olaims were paid, amounting to a alightly larger gross total than thal pid in 1011, such a favorable showing reflects 'oredit- ably 'on the physical selection made of business taken by the Or: der. "After paying 'thix sum of over half a million for Death Claims out of the Insurance Fund the Order was able to add the very substan- ial sum of $330,754.64 to its Insur-| ance Fund on hand, being a larger] TT i rE XT avert addition $0 this Fund than that made in any previous year. total amount standing at the Credit of this Fund on the '1st of June ps was $3,740,350.07. n respéct to al Benefit Branch, this dep #lso, has shown satisfactory | gross, - There was a net increase. | membesehip in this departme $ ihe Jou ear of 4,120, showing a to membership on' the 31st of D ber, 19, aralled in this doparty ment of 53 net to he 1 fo Several In-|» nd edit of hs ne R458 | torest earned b ote of |isfaction, 'News that gold has Yt you ars. sotel 4 i and courteous in your i will be welcomed ing samples of our superior necessiti reliable remedies. which our goods users 'under an 'ob ip given the priest, physician, or pastor, and you will make move | money from your spare time th I dream of, besides a host ot riends. Maurice West, of Yornts, a singe made as high as ten, and have]. averaged five dollars daily for the year. Your give perfect sat- 3 receive repeat or- ders in every home." This is your opportunity for a pleasant, profitable and perman- ent business, Address, The Home|! and | Supply Co., Dept 20, Merrill Build- | ing, Toronto, Ont. Pf mn GOLD IN FAR NORTH-WEST, Geological Survey oy Has ty Pare ties Checking Up Stories. .Adespatch . from. 'Ottawa nya} been found = the North-West Territories, at. t Liard, has been received at the Geo- logical Survey here, but, nothing of- ficial has yet. been ascertaine garding the authenticity of the re- ports ' reports,' decla of.-R. W: Brock, director 'of th survey, "simply come from pros. pectors who have come down from: the country, and sthte that they Have found no rush to the country as yet, and y| should not be until "something more offici known." "Mr; Brook~also stated that thirty parties from the re- ¥ gold. ' There 'has been | to $3.10. Baocor Lon, clear, 14 ui Pen o hips Spi 14s ver $25; s--Medium to toe 18 ons. 81. Ham i Two Provinolal. Pr Premiers Roce ( wider heavy, 1612 to 170; rolls, 13 to i bacon, 10; backs; thé Honor. of Knighthood. ¥ We N * > : 1 ¢ Lard-"The i fais ma ashanesd, WT ] Sah Wertorn, No. 3 om. Ea Ei, asd Ei Flere at Tk Baie Soh HL 151:20. 1 ha to ook Ts ! File, Gepigs, RR ual Maire, ava, Service C sn of Cai Field Wm. Gusta s Nichol: inneapoHs, June What uly, der. 'Th is FE eliits. Ey Marsha Sir st second patente. 50 olears, $3.90 to $4.15; seco! Buffalo, June 1s Spring hr Xo. 'Northern, Satldade, 8 hi Boarce. ow. Tow, 78%:20;. No. 3. corn, 78 No. 4 corn, 114 ole TI 3k: Hos teal Ss billed. Oats fir, Geological Burvey had already gone out to different of :the coun- try for survey work. Ten more will bé sent 'out: within the next few iin Order | EXTERMINATION OF RATS AND 3 MICE CE. jar I it were generally known that} there 1 i8 no tr 'barn or any es of Bont grat Shs the Bick and Funer fo nue of the - 'road, there ie RE net a