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Port Perry Star, 3 Jul 1912, p. 4

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"nook 'of this 'new The attendance to the riral meeting place is diminishing; the attendance to the sehdol-houseids dwindling; friend: . ship is being severed with the neigh- Tiving a short distance away; and with the person to whom you regular: ly send a letter; and the village preach er 8 being discouraged. © What is the season for 'this? Impassable roads. and nothing else. Country commun- ities are pot going to wade ' through mud to post a Jetfer,6:go 0. school, 0 go to church, or tos visit-a. friend; nesther will they suffer their horses 'to attempt it. They will not be pestered with doctor's bills:because the road is transformed into a quagmire. Rural inbiabitants are being degraded educa: tionally, socially and morally. Country folk are not migrating fo cities-becatise they don't like rural life, bist because the roads, if 'they may be "called so, areampassable. These people are.in- energeti of Canada 'and'the try i 7 of prosperity unequi Ca anada wor a higher standard of ctor 4, Peo ple pervaded by 'education and: good morals; ai Better" understand 8 and a mutual sympathy diverse peoples in the Cs oS CTE MAN 262 Major Stree {This essay wa ritten for, t Canadiad Highway Association, dnd won the gald 'medal offered. by thd, body. "The competition; was open to, all Canadian boys. --ED1ToR] | Prospect Garden Party It's mice when you go £0 a garden party, #0 find fourselt in a place where! there are good Cooks. | We found a Selligent enough to see that all' the} place like that on Wednesday evening discomfort and prevention of : social] of last week, and about five hundred' enjoyment is due to the lack of good|discovered the same 'place. at: the roads. Here lies:the greatest lesson [same time. Everybody enjoyed then! of the' Roman road-builders! ' You selves thoroughly at the garden party €anihof estimate "in dollars and cents} held at the home of 'Mr. Wm. Cook. the national loss entailed by the con-{ Vout must know 'that the Cooks are * stafit withdrawal of labour from farms | sociable people; and that is important and by the fading of the influence of | for a satisfaetory garden party is made the character-building , instutions of | up of four parts, sociability, good cook: the country. : ing; program, and weather. There is , Bushnell, a great American thinker }is ny need to-go into a lengthy praise says: "If new ideas. are abroad, new lof the various ingredients: of this 'gar: hopes arising, you will see it by thefden party. I¢ was a success--every, roads that are building." Simultane-|bit of it, and the master of ceremon- ously with the movement for the need ies, Mr. H. G. Hutcheson; mist have. of good roads arises one far-reaching | found his duties' both easy aid pleas- idea, even more profourd than'thé en-|ant. Eh hamcing of land values. 'It is thel The program was purely local (Mr.4 social betterment by which Canada'is jand Mrs. Savage are looked: upon' as fing 2 distinguished part in the up: | being at home here; this being evident hf of the world. by ther popularity), and it was a very Now we turn' to the 'meaning of general comment that the numbers) roads in the £conomic sphere, 1s. it{given were fully as pleasing as if the' = good busidess policy? Canada's talent had been brought from Toron: manufacturers, men of commerce and to, or some other large place. business admit that Canada needs| The total proceeds at the Sunday such a policy, but 'because they can'!services and' the garden patty, 'were not see any solid, unrestricted and {over $120.00: ' available gain that would accrue, they}. - There were people' present' 'from 'a don't care. - The cost of a ibreastfast}ntimber of outiying points, 'and they roll would be trifling did it not. cost| were surprised and delighted to find a the farmer eighteen cents a bushel | farm Home where sich good taste and more to transport wheat nine miles to} care were displayed in the arrangement | x railway station than it did from of the grounds about the House. They New York tp Liverpool, a distance of fare beautiful, and a great credit to the three thousand one hundred: miles, | owner. rm cost'of a boiled 'egg is the pays] fof transportation. from the "hen to the household: The intrinsic value of the egg is a mere trifle compared with the expense of carriage through two feet of mud Stallion Board. Appointed } 80. that wanted at home or el | they leave the longer 'here. "In" 4 'big 'Store £.1it 18 'pretty hard to put yous a' particular customer, but by out the name theater fashion done." New York Sun. Mat An Ignorant Lassie; ¢ A highland 'landlady, 'chatting' with +1 a neighbor, told that one of: village y girls was just married and ord that | Women & Institute she: liad. been' "wn mold 'maid 'ower : Sh Re ling" fo take' kindly" to matrimony; "An auld maid," she added, "is like fo The Annual Me i be awfu' ighorant where men fi are [well repaid the efforts pu orth concerned." FAN if a Success, : The grounds we "Blie fs that" assented: the melghibor. |tifully decorated: with flags, Do rye mind. my husband's (brither? | hin sce Tinterns eto, while. He was a schuilmaster, a weel built, floated the large "sch weel faured man, as ye may Ken, recently 'cictad io braid shouthers an' gey tall.' A % Enl'y ereoted po Sandy MeLean's mither had a gather. |8a¥e many practical po | to secure the Joy in. Life, Benson of the" Agricultoral Whitby gave pointers oni hig cure more hen-eggs, 3 Dist. Sect. also. spok y in seein' hame. Noo, Jeannot,' maid, was in a gre't fluster; Cameron," says she; She) { an' a tremmle, 'what am. 1 to dae? LIE my vell?'® . italian; French, Spanish Confections: 1t was not from either Italy ¢ France that we got the best con toners 10. the earifer days of Englis! brated pastry cooks, 'or pasteleros, they are called, though we have sin looked most to France for these ists, Under the patronage of "Bloody Mary" abd of Queen Henrietta Maris Spanish wethods flourished apace: the cotirt: Cuisine. 'We read that when |1. Mary 'entertained the Prineess Bliss beth. at Richmond in the summer : 1557 a sumptuous banquet was od, | In: 'which there was fntroduced as A as fectionery work. bearing the ary Spain, 'showing Mary's Spanish | ings in 8 rather ostentatious fash Over the deep-rutted roads, as they Compulsory Registration of Stallions | / exist at présent, a farmer can haul, on FL ' an average, six hundred pounds in five te be Enforced at Once, oars with two horses, If good roads| The Provincial Government has. yee constructed, however, it has been pointed the Board of Registration for ; oaks ulated that one horse could 'draw | Stallions, under the ' act passed at the welve hundred pounds 'and more in| recent session rhe Lepislauee The}. Not only would the farni- | members are; We time, conserve his emergies, | Station, Past Pres use.of his. vehicles Winter F; Dm gi a ap AR

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