New cement sdevaiin: ate to be built at the school this: summer, and hat will be a much needed improye- | Ly and Mis. J. W. Curts went on "he excursion to Guelphl © ¢ ber of the | Ladies Aid in Mr. and Mrs. Purdy left last reelé ; "orthe Coast. They: will 'be absent about two. months, Ther trip in: cludes Vancouver, Seattle, Portland | in Oregon, and home again by the puny Lakes and 'the Crow's Nest ie Dr: Robert' Archer received a tele- gram stating that his 'son Harold had 'waived safely in Edmonton," and that Br. David Archer is with him, Harold sis doing well, although at one time wnncally ill Mi. and Mrs. Garbutt have gons to ther home at Elmbank. Miss Coad will spend the 'summer #m Saskatchewan. Mr. D. Ferguson is confined to the "house with inflammation of the glands of the knee. Mr. E.'D. Wallace returned home From the camp at Kingston-on. Tues- day morning. 3 Mrs. Georgé Heusler and Mrs, liver, of Toronto, 'Were guests 'of "Mis. Rolph for the week end. _ Mrs. Henry Doubt returned home Srom Toronto on Monday evening, and the journey very well, gina necessarily has a 'widespr terest, and as ..soon as 'the: reached our town there were 8 number see the sights. who were ahxiouy for the welfare of}. 'While the choir is s hap relatives. down 'the lake, let me tell Mr. Brock received "a telegram from om his daughter, Mis. Hughh, saying all ¥ was well, : Mr, Fred Brimacoub, formerly of | than fiction. Listen then Sctigog, sent word that 'himself and{of an eye:witnoss--- { family were safe, but his 'hotise was X man who loved fishing dest d. oe Le Y Inne Carnegie has heard ri | down from the city with 'brand new 'He was a8 proud ba daughter, Mrs. Wm: Flood, ron trolling outfit, learned that everybody was well with |it as a baby with a new doll. them. 2 its.a wonder he let it get The following was clipped 'from | he loved fishing even by the Toronto, World," did the'hooks; go in they ; The Methodist' 'parsonage 1s. in as a sort 'of companion he eur ihe. wife of oni ain a another line with its glitter merly pas © : ny She. Was Dia her bed in and hidden hooks. the sun room over the porch. Mr. { Pretty soon things by Lewis rushed in, caught her. in his|and fast too. "A big fish | arms; and took her out just. as the lto the fisherman's pet ol X being' suj : nd of Sunday: School in The Firemen: and the local: Society room 'collapsed. = She would Have course, Mr. Fisherman oP the Sons of England. intend hold-, £ '#Eng a joint .eveurSion' to Niagara Sout the 14th of August. Particulars THE CORNER BTONE Jt is hikely that the corner stone of wthe new post office will be set day this week, as it is ready. No time has been set ag the Government Mo aot allow public gatheringsin:con- meetion with these matters. So there swmnll be no silver trowel or speeches. The stone, upon which Mr. Airey has warved a simple maple leaf, will be set he northwest corner. of the building" ~ahivectly under the tower to be Port Perry Junior "won the prize of $10 at Greenbank on Dominion Day, Tre against "the "Uxbri | greatly appreciated by all. been killed instantly in her bed: "Lewis carried her in his' atms toward the back 'entrance with ithe whole 'House flying about him, not get out, and 'then wade for: 'entrance,' Whig was. Holding Mrs. Lewis in his atms, 'Mr, Lewisisat on 'the stairs' 'while they waited for what they expected to be intsant death. © "They expected to die in each others' arms. rs $a Services in the a aiian. church, next Sabbath, July 7t! hip be con- j ducted by Rev. Ca¥. Ne "holidays Ferry, who is 'spending under the parental roof. :Mr, McLean crowded 'congregation. 'concise, thoughtful His clear, address | was ost of us can peinéinies the school: Toss in the law of accumulated motion "momentum. 'to haul $hurch at Victoria. in the line. Slowly; Man he pulled it in. My, bi He |cdud|bonuol. Right to the oli © the' with that prize dling outfit i mouth. 2" } "I'd sooner-have lost $5 hand troll," 'exclaimed the fisherma ling; 4nd he started 'again to 'his fish:hand 'over hand; and at the last moment he lost So, disgusted with his luck; he} 'Baseball Team Preached last Sabbath evening to a}in the second linie; and; dangling. its hooks was the trolling ou he thought he had dost forever. had taken a second bite,