the cos Lo oes ten 'and. then oa ance to tramp the roads a ¥ ? a flared to find this y ; rate one. 8 of | ad eb incurable vagabond food nd lode. the}. Otten canst by Tes and Coffee | ing in a home, but he rofuned, & was therefore sent to. prison, tis TWO FAMOUS BANDS. oie trom England for the Cana~ ten oh ial of iin has| dian National Exhibition. {Lbingl ghmn s; in Siousands of} wo Sastgus bay band ftom Bagland oases, clear mplex- wi attractions ing po - at he Catadion tional Exhibi- : Washo, young. lady tells her|tion this year something ing ong i be be : es. malas sR SH Cdl vin SA tod. dred | g Gori Fon hind of his Tamony brigade rou; across ocean a nm Eh Ea a mee eq ements AO ] J 'nate with the Besse Th' Ba Y oly compounded and omposed | i 1] dognize as Britain's proven to be effe ve , " Purifics ; : Two 'such musical Boathrnas ave never before been brought together on the continent. ¢ Sid I the oid a one of coffee and went BE ei tute sam Tittle - book; "The... 0 one SH of ve Zo suse ly lays from 120 fistress (engaging 0 to 150 'eggs: at: a time, and these you have nice print. dresse mature in two weeks. Under favor