AA HER i a Ee ae tn AR HR Rn St SRR eh g sleeves and Col Ce nd Wi Prices from $3.50 to $6.00. NOTE. As the object of this sale is to ised at these ridiculously low prices will completely clean: the not: be sent out of ; ay be fitted on in the Ready-to-wear fisting Room. gs AT 49c #A Collection of Hats consisting' of 'Rustic and finer straw Braids, also finely woven fibre Hats, Nicely trim- med with Ribbons ot flowers-- Summer Millinery i By the end of the season 'we want 'our show room to be empty of trimmed Hats---not one left. This nieans a big opportunity for' you to secure a. summer hat at practicaly your own price.. Out object at this season of the year is not to make a profit, but 'to clean up the stock, - Watch the windows for Special Millinery displays. GIRLS WHITE SILK HATS $1.00 Girls white Hats, = shapes covered with corded silk, pleated silk or pleat- ed Chiffon. Shapes are medium or large and suitable for girls, from 10 Choice of any Hat 48c to 14 yrs. Trimmed with braiding, °F wings, etc--Regular Price up to $4.00 apni -- the ay eAliitg: 'den party was uceess, the program rend- s( by the' Whithy orchestra and Was thoroughly enjoyed the § by Miss Grace Davis much ap- a5 was also the. reading by . Lindsay id of Tiends here on Arthur Prosser spent a few days r. Albert Hutchinson, of Mariposa tion departed for the North West on. 'Saturday evening to join his Sydney. Dr, Walker Davidson, of Cincinnati Ohio, is at present enjoying a. visit with his brother Mr. John Davidson. . Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Johnston and son Stanley intend leaving shortly for 'the West where they will spend some time, Mr. W.-]. Hooper and family spent Sunday with friends at Scngog having made the trip iu their automobile. Mr and Mrs. Richard Greenaway have returned home after a pleasant visit with their son Dr. Greenaway at Hamilten, Rev. Jas. Archer conducted services in 'Lindsay last Sabbath; Master Wesley Maunder, of Lindsay visited friends here recently. she August meetingof the Women's Institute will be held at the home 'of Mrs. David Culbert. Messrs Maurice and Charlie 'Wool- ridge, of Brown's Schoolhouse visited friends here last week, Miss Hilda Sando, of Lindsay, {visited friends here during the past week. Miss Millie Heatlie has returned from visiting friends in Lindsay. sovgoe The trustees of Maple Grove Public School have engaged a teacher, their choice being Mrs, Grieves, who for some time taught in Port Perry, and comes highly recommended. Dr. E. A. Totten, Lindsay, paid a short visit to his parents before sailing on the 8. 8. Lake Champlain for England. , Mr. Arthur Aldred has apned full charge of the Hopper Drugstore, at West Toronto, = At his recent ex- aminations he succeeded: in _ taking the high standing of 73%. We. wish him a successfil career. :Master Gerald Shipman, Canning: ton, spent -the. week end 'with his grandfather, at the parsonage. Mr. and 'Mrs, H. Fralick, spent Sunday with Mrs. ' Pearce ' and ~ Mrs. Brock, Port Perry: To clear $1.00 The lady representative - of the Barnardo Home called on the girls on the Island recently, her object being to learn if the training and environ- ments are satisfactory. If not the girls would be promptly removed." { Mr. and Mrs. Totten have been visiting their daughters, at Cannington Miss Totten is spending two weeks with Mrs: C. J. Pearce, Port Perry. Some thrilling accounts of the Regina cyclone have ' been received from Mr. and Mrs. W. Wannamaker who with her son Herb Hope were unfortunate enough to be in the devastated section. Mrs. Wannamaker received a wound from some falling timber. GET YOUR BUTTE PAPER PRINTED AT Mr. Lorne Hazlewood, one 'of Scugog's former pedagogues, visited Mr. W. Savage and other friends: last week, He has been principal of 'an Iowa school for many years. From that state he was called to His old home; at Oshawa, to attend the funeral of his mother recently. Miss G wendoline Ruck. is spending the summer in Cannington; Miss Ethel:Aldred 'is spending a week with: Peterboro. friends The STAR and Farmer's Advocate :i.evsee 2 35. Globe (Weekly)... iisdiies I 55 Globe (Daily) vans iin Mail: Empire (Weekly! mais {fio Jremium at this price) Fam ald sini sean BO Fam He Sun-vieis Weekly Witness ....., Daly World 3 3 Ev ing Star (rural offices). 2 30 E Eveting Miss ~Hariett Jones of Bedford T