: Fancy Aplique Trimmings 26c Aplique Trimming i in silk, cotton 'and tinsel, in Cream, Navy, 'Green, Mauve. Regular Prices up to $1.00 yd. Sale Price 25¢ YARD 4 gs LINEN Chambray apes, and shapes i Ae ; ari baideand elaborately trimmed 15¢ YARD "Ribbo - We imported direct from Belfast a cloth made of pure "Irish Linen, and woven in a chambray weave. This mat- erial wears and washes well, is 27 inches wide, and sold Try rT padi NAY NEE tyden, of Toro here for a few io pe | c fo35c pair. Miss Vera, two weeks' outing Jackson's Point, Lake Simcoe. © The i in this wiciaity isalmost Miss Geraldi Perrin, of Oakwood with b brother Regularly at 20c yd. Colors are Grey, Navy, Sky, Green and Pink. Wash Belts 'Ladies' heavy webbing with a fancy fig- 16¢c . Wash Belts made of ured white ground and mercized | the with Sor brother Mr. F. G. Perrin, The Ladies' Aid of the Christian Church met at the home of Mrs. Will Greenaway on Thursday last. On spite. of the disagreeable weather a goodly number attended. 'Miss Emily Dobson, of Oakwood, was the guest of her cousin Miss Mae Archera Eo days last week. - Mrs. Thomas Slemmon, and daugh- ter Maude visited friends and relatives at Salemi recently. Mz. Charlie Yeo has returned to his home in Galt after spending a few days under the parental roof. Rev. Wickett and wife, of Shann- onville, are visiting at her home here for a few days. ¢ Mrs. Richard Westaway, of Brown's Schoolhouse was the guest of Mrs; -| Jobn Yeo, a few days last week. 'Mr. P. J. Pilkie and family, of Tor onto, are visiting friends here having made the trip in their automobile. Miss Lorna Hullyer spent Sunday in Oakwood the guest of her sisier 'Miss Elsie Hiliyer. Clan Charlie Rodman; of Peterboro, t the week end-at Mr. Nathan Rodan 5. > We understand that Civic: Holiday Dahavay is to be held in our village some' time uring this month, A big day of sports looked for, 1 Messrs. Moys Avery, Goons Avery Willie Spear, pret a couple of this h friends in Lind- Con stripes in contrasting shades: : 5 Colors Black, Mauve, Sky, Pink' | the To clear §c PAIR | on white ground. Regular 25¢ Sale P.ice 15¢c YD Phonac Corsets 16¢c This Corset is one of last Season's models and is made in short style, consequently this Corset has been dropped by manufacturers and we are clearing out the remainder at 75¢ pair, Regular Value $1.00, white Sale Price 1§c | or Grey. We congratulate Miss Lida White- side on passing her exams in the Model, Peterboro. Miss Lula 'Carpepter, of Toronto, visited her grandmother Mrs. Kenneth Ferguson a few days. Miss Ruby Watts, of Sunderland, was at W, B. Johnston's a few days recently. . Congratulations to Miss Hazel Dix on passing her exam in the L. C. L Lindsay. - weiratirer-- EPSOM Jos.; Ashton and Miss Ruby spent Sunday with friends here. Mrs. Li "Scott, is spending a few days, in Toronto this week. Mrs. Ackney and C. Asling with friends in Cadmus on Sunday. We are sorry to "report Mr, Bailey on the sick list again. Percy (Costello and sister Agnes, and 'Miss O. McCulloch, visited rela- tives on' the Island recently. Mrs. Widdifield, of Uxbridge, is the guest of Mrs, E. F, Ashton. 'Miss Brown has returned to Tor- onto, after spending a couple of weeks with Mrs, Geo. Hart. FARM FOR SALE 100 acres clay loam, 95 under. calti- tion. 5 hardwood bush, frame. house, bank barn, two good "wells, orchard, Ohne mile from Village of Sonya, at iW ot Bb Mariposa. For on Port Perey Star 1s 1ssued every Wednesday morning from the office of publication, Blong Block, Queen street, Port Perry, Ont, Subscription $1.00 a year in advance Advertising rates on application. SAMUEL FARMER, Publisher and Proprietor Ls Oshawa Eair The Prize list has been issued offer- ing bigger and more varied prizes En- suring better competition in 'all departments. Thepreliminary found- ation work for a big fair has'all been quietly done. Preparations are now complete for the most successful fair yet held ~The advertising material is ready to be spread over the - country. The past record of the fair shows the directors are men of high ideals, who have shown the public more than they promised each year. The important thing now isto advertise the dates. 'I'he people. knowing the fairs record will co the rest. Read the prize list, read the bills, read the papers, talk over the fair, and you will arrange early to be on hand. Watch the pap~ ers for special . announcements, remember the dates' Sept. 9. 20. 11. Monday Sept. 9 in prepatation' day Tuesday and 'Wednesday Sept. xo. and x1 are both full shows days with all exhibits, attractions, races: midway and everything in full swing: