_ They are furnishing lunch 16 the fashion of the. latest caf lunch rooni is called a No 'admission is. ¢ { but each person buys from. the different tables that which they require for their lunch, A uniform price of Sets is charged for each article such as sandwiches and Coffee gets, pie and cream gets and so on through a list of delightful dainties. "The young 'peoples society of 'the church of the Ascension, Port Perry, intend having a Hallowe'en' Supper in "the Basement. of the Town Hall, on. Thursday evening, October 31st 1912 Particulars later: ; : . . BASKET BALL Oshawa 17--Port Perry 4. That was the score at a basket ball match played here on Saturday afternoon last between Oshawa High School girls and the Port Perry High School girls. At half time the scorewas 4--3 in favor of Port Petry, and it looked like a victory for Port. But there was a wonderful "little player on the accord [i apd lily-o ovate lily-of-the- mother of the corsage bouquet groom was supported Dri DD. Af Carmichael, of Oghayw ) signing of the" register, Miss Edith Ross, of Toronto, sang :*/For: You Alone," The grogmsman's gift tothe Daring the enti 'only to the claima shall, at the time of distrib been given; and the en and 't will not be Hable for 1 Dated at Port Perry the th of September, 1919. = Hueerr. 1. Espr 'Solicitor for 4 LITTLE BRITAIN Oshawa team, among the forwards. [bride was a pearl necklace; tothe |": Mr. 'Johit Homewood She scored all the goals for her side. 1t seemed as if she could throw the ball from any point and score each time. Our players did some good work, but they lacked practice, and two new players did not help" matters any. However there will be some good practice work begun at once, and it is hoped that the next match w-ill result differently. A PLEASANT EVENING Last Tuesday evening the Epworth: e tendered 'a reception to the students of the High Schoot, and "in spite of te fact that it poured rain that evening, there was a 'good tarn- out, and every person enjoyed the evening 'well. (The program .was brief und was followed by lightrefresh- ments. | A somewhat amusing feature of the program was 4 singing. eohtest. In 'this number, the audience was di- vided into three groups which each in turn sang a' song, 'and: the winoing group was awarded a prize--a box of chocolates, "Old -Grimes" turned out to be the prize song. that evening, The Annual Harvest: Thanksgiving services at the Church of Ascension will be held on Sunday next Oct: 6th Services both morning and evening. The following Bell Phones have been installed this last month, loseph Peel, Manchester Road, Walter Weir, Manchester Road, Metcalfe; Port Perry, C. M. Williams, Prince Albert, J. N. Sanderson, 'Cad- mus, Wm. Jamieson, Port Perry, Geo: Davey (Res), Port Perry, Ben Small man, Port Perry. Folding Go-Carts at cost at Carnegie's. W. C. 7.0. Convention "The Annual County Convention of 'the 'Women's Christan Temperance Union was held in' the 'Presbyterian Church at Port Perry Sépt.. 26, The President Mrs. E. E. Starr, of 'Whitby presided in a dignifiefi and graceful manner. "At 9,30 the executive met for ap- pointment of Committees and at xo "clock the convention: 'proper' was opened. Ey of. forty bridesmaid a pearl ring; to the flower girl a ring; to 'the: pianist a pearl brooeh; to the soloist a gold: pin; and to the groomsman a pearl tie pin. After a bnffet luncheon, the happy couple left on the evening train for Mew York, and on their return they will reside in' Uxbridge, "Dr. Mellow having purchased Dr, Bascont's prac: tice there. For some years Mrs. Dr. F. Mellow did good: work as teacher of the Primary. Department 'of the Presby- terian Sunday School. * In this and other avenues of nsetulness Mrs. Mel: low will be greatly missed: so far as "Port Perry. is concerned, 7 The house decorations were very pretty. They consisted of a profusion of hydrangea blossors 'and "autumn leaves; . 'The presents were beautiful indications of the esteem ofthe friends of the bride. Mt. and. Mrs. Jackson and family, of Toronto, are" the guests 'of Mrs Corbman;' Ee -------- Se ------------ To Whom It May Concern C 'McArthur wishes to announce "| to the public that he has only been in business ten months and bas secured the hberal patronage 'of about 100 quarts of milk per day, for which' he wishes to thank his patrons." He will Be prepared to. double that trade; and if so will guarantee to the public to instal and equip a dairy unequalled in the county. fo ¢ C. MGARTHUR ~ Phone No 11 2 ving Services The Méthodistsof © ¥ the eight} spent the summer in our village: for. Toronto this week: = Mis. John Pearue; former resident was here Tast mw newing old acquaintari Mts. Walter Puley, « spending a few days at the village. ES Mrs. 'Soden, of Bailie! guest of Mr. 'and 'Mrs. F. G. this week. Wedding bells will be finging in' the near future. ©0001 Mr. FG. Perrin, of the Lytle firm, was in:Toronto a week on business. © Fs Cutting corn, potato. t threshing : seems to: be: the day at present, 'Mr. G. L. Stevens, rep of the R. SS. Robertson Peterboro, was in. our urday' having 'made the tri automobile. : AT Mr. Tom Short; of Oshaw a few days with fnends here Mr. Herb Perrin who has } at' Kinmount for. two or thi } has commenced work again at tN posa Station. 2 vk Mr. Levi Spark was in: this week attending "the f relative, : Several from our village ity attended Oakwood fair the avet weather, EE Owing to so. much wet /w here is still 4 great d to 'do in this neighborh The 'Rally Day service of th odist Sunday school will'be /Mr. William Heatlie/ de the West last "week main 'some two of While - there he "will bi the sylvester auto the Mrs. Thomas Wool ren, of Brown's Schoolhol guests of friends Here