PAIGE 85.60 E SKIRTS $8.60 "with a long panel of narrow silk it while four rows of narrow silk banding runs around the skirt below the knee. Black only PRICE $8.60 _GREAM NET WAISTS $5.00 Ladies Waists of fine Brus- sels net, made with a five ; inch band of insertion run- tyle, short panel in: ning over each shoulder A yg gan RAL and down "front and back. ed with buttons. : i : A fine tucked net forms the yoke and short sleeves, the cuffs made of deep banding. he waist is finished with a high collar of = tucked net and edging. Sizes 34 to 40 ' PRICE $6.00 Western Canada Real Estate Company -204 Kent Building, Toronto, Ont. + . Please send me; without obligation "on my x literature containing facts, figures of Carman, ; gay