d warrant, and its wolf deer ood Judgment, The yaar °°" 3 i afte at the conclu. is'i of i on of tk teaching of the lesson \ power all along the: clearly indicated these facts, X i ly it a the eaent Mt. A. E. Garbutt, of Port Perry, Nature intended. Wild play, such ay ; presided at the various sessions of the running, yelling; and other 'strenuous Books-~Among the For- Convention; and proved himself to be activities promote development, As Among the Meadow Peo-| on admizablé chairman. children grow older they refrain from the Brook People. : If an Institute is held hext year, it boisterous play, and if there is nothing v Spiders of the United|;y expected that it will be convened in to take ifs place normal development merton../ Oshawa; but there is talk of taking a of the lungs is checked. To supple- : to Know Trees. -- Parsons. trip to-some such place as Guelph, ment and replace it is the scope of ati rees--Keeler. Hk i physical training in public schools, ¥t Lesson on North Americal: should be directed with special refer! ngly and efficiently taught Physical Training ence to the respiratory system, Every 8 cle Mi. Kei Caps. | iad || oe bond be 1 epiriry ne B ale Evening a fr Cc meet-| ~ Synopsis of Address delivered by cise, i ar of exercise: on a le me] | Syos of Mos df Perry, it would tire out the. strongest athlete following programme was before the South Ontario ito follow the actions of a healthy i : Teachers' Institute. gla for. 3 day. . Some: Davents say puartette---Misses. Marion} Some 'years ago. The Strathcona ing trac gst enough. exercise In. McCaw, Mr. Melntyre | Tryst ily foruics, Lord Strathcona Sg creands, duing the Shares, = Letcher < donating half a million dollars a: te i. d ed to be -- be oh al Thus » David Archer, trust fund, the revenue from which is Serb decdy is by no = p i ® te --Miss Nora McLean to be used in promoting = physical VE of Year Y : ay. th o i Tar tal--Miss Florence Cook training in the public schools of Can- vin Years: ue ne - po ney rt Mrs. Bamforth, ada, 'The yearly 'revenue from that on Ry ny pe De ii A Miss. McLean : fund amounts to $20,000. This action years det merely becay on > rs: David Archer, on the part of Lord Strathcona is an rot take:h con hi se P ey. o : iss Irene Jack. indication of the importance of physi: oe hoe hi el oun - active cis Texander. * {<a training. | Nor is this estate of stiffen. the acter ace a hh Mined Qunste : its importance ill judged. teries harden pena, The rin nspector, R. H. Walks, B. A., wat Man is 4 highly organized animal of life would be greatl tendes vne Chairman,' 3 whose organism includes many. sys- 14000 dela od ey le onl o ti Prof, Alexander's lecture which was téms--=blood, brain, breath, muscular. ved ee ph Sep in ny . n > primarily intended for teachers' only, This muscular system is very impor- systematically kept u A an A contained much that was appreciated tant. * Should it cease to operate even Sy and ps py RSHC "CX by those: whi reading. for an instant, death would be the re- This is the way Eh to store {An important topic. at 'the Friday f sult,» There are five hundred muscles up. 'a large reserve of muscular amd morning session was- Mr. Chisholt's lin the body and they compnse half its nervous force; : "discussion of 'the Time Table for weight. They have wonderful power. The aim of the Athenian education | Rural Schools, As Mr. Asling, of| The contractile force of the respiratory Was to produce men independent, but Epsom expressed it ~it was 'a clever | muscles when the chest is expanded respectful: freedom loving, but law piece of work to find a place for all | three inches 1s equal to that required abiding; healthy in mind and body; the subjects on the curriculim; but it| to move 1500 lbs, ; clear in thought and ready in action, was evident that all did not agree} Man's work at its hardest only uses The Greeks were the devotees of the he She possibility of rh on phous Sue svnth of his total muscu- beautiful. With them beauty. without : A er-of: in, s were said about] The respiratory system is scarcely health was ports lg. they of nt of the public |less important. The breath is a great health and beauty the world has ever But there was a scavenger. = Scientists tell us that any seen; Their splendid physique was ; ation about the | of 'us exhales enough poison in a day ir oii : y in rh question to kill twelve elephants. Four fifths of trang han por le and Physica "What are four bodily energy is developed in the 4 youth, 'and was systematically uti? . The sub-flungs. 'The food we eat contributes; icq on 'thro life. 'They had their > and HAVE to} but a small portion * of the' mainten- public baths athletic sports, and ended is a specimen | ance of the body. © national games. ? Fourth Class There are 1400 square feet of Jung Japan has her 'national system of Tam "seats. service, but'in many cases only & part bodily training, known * as Jiu-Jitsu: = of this is developed, so that we become Girls enter the arena on equal terms a weak lunged people. with boys, and have proved their fii- The arc the master organs of 0°) do 86. Grown men and seats | the body, for every vital organ is .de- women practice together, and th lass' | pendent pon. their function, hve show an equal amount of strength, can go witl t food for weeks, without From the age of 7710 16 it is prob- ySeats |water for days, but without air for able that the Athenian boy spent one gas 0 fonts. a rectly dependent co he co. balf of the day in intellectual traini : ou re nkaggr that. wonderful and the other half in physical educg To-day the movement for. better : continue:indefinitely to cite physical and mental: development: is ' to show hoy. prom Sinculy the , Widespread. 3 i conc nthe