and comfortable; 'and' horses kept in good condition. You can depend on us to} lease you, and. the "proof 'we offer is the service we givel and in the fact that we are basy all the time: of the ne highs ost grade. ; 5 a . = are , Several former iene nol ers friends in Toronto an are pleased to see. Frank's 3 Corner Yonge and Alexander Streets bho CAWKER BROS! wot EIEIO, ot face behind the wicket ag PHONE 2 IE TE Fa IRIERE, PORT PERRY, ON1 More wedding bells are Heard, Wilson' have re: | {home in Will 'Dewey. has htered the} employ of the Bell Te ve Colin f Mx. Ba : x | Toronto, 7 " 7% Miss Li G. Goode, of Port Petry; "Rob James Lucas! ; JN was. isising Mrs. Whiheld ast Be, ol , y / / week, Te 2 . : PN MeL Wilson was "visiting. Scugog|w Grain & Seed © friends on Sunday last. ne os | A pair ofyproperly fitted specail The Misses Vieketh of Port Perry; Merchant oa or eyeglasses is the greatest pleasure an 88 : _ ; oronto; : a person can 'have, 'Ours fit 'When Were Fata i you get thei, and fit all the time, | DAturday 0 ast we DEALER IN Our prices will suit you also. Prince Albert on Su Retrastin MILL FEEDS F. E. LUKE, 3. ' 159 Yonge: St. opp. Simpson' 8; CHOP SHORTS - Toronto BRAN ~~ SALT : FEED GRAINS 8 AMATITE ROOFING PRO.FAT:BREWERS' | i re tee a GRAINS, etc, etc. thing. Se the Hiss; hem for cone. 1 Best of foreign connections for the | handling of Seeds of all KasA Ene All graduates are o Red Clover, and Timothy. an want to a i id 0 Kindly submit samples and ask for «quotations. a BUSINESS James Lucas : COLLEGE Port Perry, Ont.l| Grinds Sow agg