Mr. and Mis, W. McKay spent the " "holiday with the latter's pasents and Mrs. George Jackson; AN A Mrs. Thos. McConnell spent t holiday with her sister Mm, M. Mr. Spence was at home dutimg the eM Williams and 'Mr. A. L. - were in town on Thanks- Wir. B. Crandle, of Toronto was in ®own during the holiday. Sfiss. E. V. Gamble spent the holi- day with friends in the city. Wm. Jack and daughter Trenespent "Mhanksgiving day at Toronto. = ° ' Sr, }. G. Hutcheson and daughter Whelwynn, made a brief visit to Tor- auto last Saturday. The Editor, his wife and' children ingent the holiday in the city: Se. Gordon Hern, wis in town dilating She holiday. " Beweral disappointed duck-shooters welurned home to Toronto, One of hem semarked "Those 'ducks are as wild as Montana Steers and have a Wallege education." 'Mice being rather scarce a number wf our shore ducks are feeding in the miharvested buckwheat fields. Wiss Louie Clark, of Toronto spent the holiday at home,' Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McConnell, of i spent the holiday: in Mr. Wm Jeffrey, wife and child, of Toronto, were in town for the week wend. Mr. and Mrs. Gauld and Miss Gauld of Montreal, were the: guests of Mr. sand Mrs. S. Jeffrey for the week 'end; Mr. Gauld is auditor of Pay Roll of Salaries for the entire system of iC. 2. Railways from Halifax to Van- "nouver. Quarterly Services will be held 'in he Methodist Church next Sunday morning Mr. Washburn, of Ashburn, was dhe ghest of Mr..and Mrs. Glide over Sunday. Mir. and Mrs. C. B. Gerow of Orillia spent Thanksgiving - with friends in "down, The 'W. M. Sof the Methodist have just completed making annual bale of clothing for Deaconess Home. This year's gift is valued at about $70, and con- xine mach serviceable and waim «clothing for the needy people who wome under the care of deaconesses. This is an excellent work and takes "the time and energy of a number of the ladies, who make the quilts and | ; clothing, being sure that nothing is "ment a ble for 'actual me. "ind wear. The: growing population of renders this sort of charity 'effective, " THE CONCERT and help to. A veniences that you enjoy. This being so it is scarcely fair to spend your cash in the 'leity, and buy on credit at the home store when the cash i scarce, Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Meads of College st. Toronto, announce t of their neice Miss Clara [sell ; engagement of their neice The Family Herald should Tremeer formerly of Port-Perry to Mr in Xly Siar. Canada: "fil find some part of W.R. Cann, of Shelbourne Ont. |ger business than cver this sedson, Marriage to take place quietly 'on Nov. 27th, 1912. FIFTH OF NOVEMBER The Loyal True Blues of Port Pery will 'hold their annual supper and con: cert in the Orange Hall on the even- ing Tuesday November sth. You are invited to attend and you may be sure of a"pleasant time because that is the history of these anniversaries, : PAINFUL ACCIDENT Mr. William McKinley who is em- ployed by the Bell Telephone Co. met with a painful accident which will con- fine him to the housé for a few. days. New Telephone |i} " Directory | The Bell 'Telephone Company of |a bank is. 5001 fo print a | of its Official Telephone I the District of - Central cluding subscribers, or those wh make changes in their When coming down a pole he "drove[should place theit or his elimbing spur into his right foot. This was healing and he was about to résumé his duti >s but troubles do not misfortune to have a horse fall'on him Manager at once to invita ; Should "also" repost in'such a way that he received a pain hanged in. their. Tisi Additions hers. Yi ful' sprain. Under - medical md he progressing favorably. HOUSE FOR SALE 1600---Quick sale for Cash' will he a very desirable hoté ropesty in' Port Perry. The house is located 'on a corpet on Bigelow St. It has og uf fine rooms, all in excellent ¢ and tastefully décorated. Electric light. Good lawn and grotinds: Apply at Star Office for futher par- ticulars, DRESSMAKING Dressmaking done at D, Bods a Prince Albert by M. Williams and A, Boe. ' APPRENTICE WANTED Apply to "HOUSE FOR RENT House for Rent with acre of ground -jat North end of town. . Apply to Mrs. Ash, or.T. J, Ash at Mr. McCaw's, either to the Local: Manager, or direct|™ to the Special Agent's Department, Montreal. : . To learn the tailoring business, ; Shoe Laces, 6 pr for : : Wa, Dost, Port Perry. - [Clothes pins, 7 doz for Back Combs 8 in"dressy combs ary e 11b'can Aaleum