"Mrs. W. R and Miss M. Kisson speut af few days in Markham Meco Chur Miss Vida Mouse and Mis M Atki visited Miss E Mrs. William Stacey visit: , od at Mr, Frank King's on Sunday." i Mt. uid 'Mis. 'Thos. Mouse, and]. Mrs. John Stone is sisting daughter Ruth spent Sunday with Mr. the parental roof. and Mrs. A. Gillson. 4 Mr. Harry Hocken i is deer' bunting. Mr. O. Gillson left for Toronto last | We Wsih him success, - week where he has secured a good| Misses Beckie and Elsie Vipond position with the Dominion Express | Were the guests of Mt. and Mrs. S: Company. Robertson and of Mr. James Coates The Stork has again visited this) 90ring the past two weeks. community, leaving a young daughter | Mr. W, G. White who bas been} at the home of 'Mr, Edgar Woolridge | working here 'during the summer is and also a son at' Mr. John Wherry's, | now spending a few 'days with his son in Port Perry. The last meeting . of the Women's Oakwood Institute was held at the home of Jos. Strong. © Though a heavy rain fell, yet Miss Stella Ree spent a few days | about thirty members : were présent in Peterboro the guest of her. cousin| Several interesting papers were tread Miss Ily Giles. and enjoyed, We are sorry to: announce the se-} The Ladies' Aid Society met at the vere illness of one of our elder citizens | church last week to spend a few hours in person of Mr. P, Mark. A speedy] quilting in aid of the 'Deaconess recovery 18 hoped for by. many friends | Home, Miss Stella Savinac and Mr. Gar-] - Mr R. H. Walks paid. an 'official field Heatlie spent Sunday with friends { visit to the school. in Cambray, The Annual Convention of the Mr. W, Stevens our School Inspec-| Women's Institute was Held in Toron- tor from: Lindsay, visited our school|to last week. Mrs. Darcy andjMrs. | and reports everything in apple pie|Freeburn acted as delegates from order. Shirley Institute and report a favoura+ Any one finding a band bracelet set| ble time. with amethyst and pearls, kindly leave at the Post Office. Mr. Clarence Hill left on Tuesday last for Toronto where he was sucoess- fully operated on. Master Walter James, is at. presen very ill with typhoid fever, 'but glad to report is getting better. The infant daughter of Mr. Fred Dames died on Wednesday last: and was buried in east Oakwood Cemetry. Born to Mr. and Mrs, Dr. Stevens a daughter. Congratulations. ------eib Seagrave The Financial a nt | Seagrave Circuit met in on on 1ucutay Nov.s. A sentation of officers: al siderable' business transacted. : he Charen repre: Rey. Mr, Johnson paid a visit to a sick friend in Lindsay last week, Mss. Geo. Stone has retumed tothe} city: - vite Mr. D. Town's'sale on Monday last Little Britain yaa well sented and prices soured especially in the cattle line. Mr. C. A Jap was the guest of] ae Perrin and sister of Victoria Mrs. G. F. Weldon at Linden Valley Corvecs visited with Mr.C. W. Moon's 'afew days last week. family on Sunday . Mr. John F of Manilla ith his mother, | Dr F. E. Mellow, of shige was spent Sunday' last wi s m 5 ous vilageone pment Mrs. Kenneth Ferguson. . ie ' Jeok Mr. W. H. Stevens, Public School eww ago the Trustee Inspector, 'of 'Lindsay visited our | Board of ve authorized the er- school on Tuesday of last 'week and | ection of found everything very satisfactory as This lng carried out by the usual. placing of a wooden rail nd. banmis- i ters on school room steps a A: mg oy Srcumed rail on the cement steps which is a fine time while away: Sectded imps improvement, The work bag Mrs; Charles Smith, of London was Shicugh 10. completion by J. H. Brown & d th She guest of friends here 'during the "sir. J; H: Brown bas leased his Mrs. Will Rodman and son, of ' the on ot he Stari Fadi : North West are at present enjoying af" Geo. McMillan of Sonya has yak with bet | parents Mr. and Mrs, hired with our local drover ors 8 John vt Mrs. Rictard Avery was one of he Mr. Frank Sn amon g his neigh on the Chine steps yder returned from |at Sask. a few da Tooki fale ma MF ako ooking Je and piistor completely by sui was presented wi a handsome Chair'in- Oak and Velours, f Ladies' Aid Society, of Mapl it haying been t Nov. hp "BLINK was his birthday. ' Earlier in the 'day | tell me that pri he had received a very | Mor- bedritig their birthday wishes. Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Fralick speny is a few days in Toronto, this week Rose Cane who has lived with Mrs. | Demara for almost a year returned | to} Peterborough last week. ¢ Mrs. Wanamaker has been spend- ing fa few days with her relatives. | She and her Tostind will live in' Port Perry until March when they will move to the farm which: "they have purchased from Mr. Jos. Gerow.' r. and Mrs. Jno Hope attended the funeral of the | te Jos Bryant, | Port Perry. Nov. rath was 'dark dnd rainy but every one knew t00 well the hospital: | hos; Rd con, served by x 5 ary, tables being set 'with taste and sf ance: Mr. Cl - i 'were the guests Rodman, of Scugog, for J days fecently, shice which they: friends in' Beaverton before turning home. Mr Rodman harvested 120. a of turnips from six acres. - This the sarii¢--bofl and Mrs. Chas, Gordon with a card b thon, good fortune for this wet weasher. [very pleasantly i Mr. Redman has managed his silo filled n the usual bors. x Mr. and Mrs. Lerry, of E My. S. Durty, and Mr, H k, 'were recent {and Mrs. Gordon, We are all sorry to Sintzell fanuly, pa i Asiothier Old - Mrs. Narcissa Anni Te ber the ai in the music. = Many