3 1 Cr : . . shel "oo "BE A BUILDER + There in nothing 10 commend in destructive. criticism. not be satisfied with the house'in which you are ving, at pay to tear it down till you have plans for a better on., al, 'money with 'which 8 build it. Destraction is easy. A cow kick overa bam laid 8 great city in ashes. A spark from: a locomotiy has lid waste many a noble forest. A moment: of, forgetfulness or dnattsntion may wean overwhelming disaster. Anybody can. destroy 'butiit takes'a 'smn to build--F. H, S. . : a rE or With all the changes of fashion, a sunny face is something ' that | ineyer goes olof style: x ; 3 } ; * % = At is hard to makd a contented farmer of a boy whose father is not igenuinely interested in his occupation, ¥ : : a LJ . "Thete #5 more profit in growing Crops on one 'acre of fertile soil that has been thamaghly titled than thereis in three acres of infertlle soil, i *o¥ Whenever you hear of a newer; better, quicker or cheaper way of doing anything, find aut about it. Every time you cut part ot your work 'out and tri] get better results, you are making for efficiency, ¥ * » ; ¢ 5 Y ' "Ihe old dog is smarter than most of us. He knows enough to €recp around fo the side of the house Where the sunis shining, He who mistakes dishonesty tor Smartness, may smart because of * his mistake. me LER, Have a care as You add to your means that you do not add to your ers are now all busy pre] 'meanness also. 3 x e yule tide season, The fast horse may win but the faster 'a man is, thé more certaity le Gro 'of Toronto, : nt Sunday eh uate ors Hothest >: beivio loss. I hokinoe te BE bad aii ne Mid Groves. + ; . ny economy is despicable because it is th extravagance and Miss Millie Heathe is spending a VICE posing as virtue. r days, in Lindsay: ER Ly The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist A voll of building paper and some laths rightly applied wills reduce p | Church will meet in the Sehool 3 330m the feed bill jn winter beoatise it is easier to keep the cattle' warm ihe Church on Thutsday of this by. shutting off the cold draughts than to keep thems warm by extra FRE feed. * 0» * Too many dairy farmers are conducting their dairy as a sort of a side fssug when the should be making it 'a permanent business; RE CHEER UP! Well, My friend; What makes you sad + 'When all around you are feeling glad? Cheer up a bit : ~ And crack a smile, Bee that you doit Tis worth the while,