ertisaleum as a' mission: ie Christain and -Migsion- Board ta join: a. well of Toronto workets in em under 'the Supérin- Rev. AE. Thompson. oft is exceptionally fit: Chtistain effort on the globe, lominally it is the most religious city | gremists "of more 'than 'a 'Score. of different faiths, each' zealous: bigoted and narrow. Thps Jerusaleom: pre. 1 Tents problems for solution Unknow "dp any other missionary Held, Miss + Beecroft has had thorough training iaehiding a course in Bible "Training = 'School, Toronto; Moody Institute, * (Chicago and in 1906 graduated 'from "Nyack Institute, New York; she stud- iad music for a number of years at the Toronto Conservatory, and for a Aong time has been giving unstinting- Ay her time and talent in teaching and ministering in both the 'Church and city Mission Work. » Her departure will. be felt most keenly by a large Bible Class of young fadies in the: Parkdale Tabernacle, the world; but it is the home of ex<] Enniskillen. We extend a hearty welcome bride and groom, M: Mrs McBrien who have our midst. © Eh Miss Nellie Haycraft of the Bow- manville "Statesman" spent Sunday at her home here; + 3 LOM = :Nestleton . The Methodist Church are holding their annual Entertainment next. Eric Coss 0 ent English day 'evening. Come" one, Come all] ; + and enjoy the fun, young people of the community met atthe home of Mr. and Mrs; A. H. Veale to present. her with a Case' of |; silverware on behalf of the choir, and a hanging lamp and a clock oh behalf of the people of the community. ' The: Nestleton choir : attended the services, of Janetville, last Sunday and made a very favorable impression. Mrs. Harold Porteous entertained a number of her friends last. Thursday Who have come 'to appreciate her | CVENINg, progressive: games were in- splendid efforts to led them "into lar | dulzed in and all spent an'enjoyable ger and fuller conception of life. evening, § Miss Beecroft leaves . a 'host of! Ea tiends who will wish her ever success oO as she'leaves Toronto for the Holy Seugo g Qity, where literally she will follow 'at' Miss Ethel Aldred has received her least in some of the "footsteps of the [diploma. from the 'Elliott Business Master who journeyed over the Judean hillsides nearly "two thousand | years ago,--and in whose service she is gladly taking up het cross. Her ewell message was given at Park-{ dale Tabernacle Queen Street West on Sunday evening and she sailed 'from New York on the 7th of December. Brooklin Mrs, Sommerville and Tillie" Rob- son of this village, who have been wisiting in Toronto for the 'past mon- th have returned home. Mr, Gordon Hall, of Toronto spent Sundey with friends in the village. "The bride and groom, Mr. and: Mrs John Maynard arrived home after 'a week's honey-moon and in' the 'even: ing the boys of the village turned out 10 give them a welcome home. As they thought that Yctions speak loud~ er than words, they used tin pans, . ANY of our boys and girls have just received one of our : MAPLE LEAF PINS } Mt Jou A + You can earn one too, easily. You only have to do three things. | | FIRST. A Right away now~-take a post 'card or a sheet of paper and write out the full | i { College ane is to be congratulated up- on-having completep:her course in an exceptionally short time: . She has al- ready-secured a good position. = The Centre S. S, committee met at the parsonage Saturday evening and prepared the bags of candy oranges;etc for the Christmas Trée. ' Mr. Sparlings address on' China fas one of the 'most interesting Mis. sionary Addresses ever givenin Scugog, Mr. Emerson Fralick has arrived at Vancouver where he expects to live for some time. / ; On Saturday evening the death "of Albert Johnston, the 15 year old" son of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Johnston 'oc: |? cured at his home, the result of an at tack "of inflammation of the lungs. Great sympathy is felt for the sotrow- ing "parents," especially as they have passed thru a similar experience. sev+ eral times, several of their sons having died of pneumonia. Mr."Prentice Jr. is in Chicago, 'be-. ing in the employment ofan: Express Company.. He. is greatly missed here being one of the straightest and. most popular young: man: Scugog has sent forth, 3 1 Miss Elva Savage has returned from Orillia where she completed her course at the Model School, The Annual Missionary services were successfully conducted by R. MeCalloch on Sunday. His even-| ing service on tha Text "To you who believe. He 1s' precious," wis a most: eloquent spiritual Heart-to-Heart dis course upon the Love to God. be - Quite a number from here attended the' fair at' Guelph and Mr. Grant Christie carried off the red ticket on his two year old colt. ©. MA Merry Merry Christmas to all our readers" will be ae and surnames) and fall ad- || rogram: ; na will occupy the chair, and R.'B. Sm Colunibus, wiil act as' i The Sonya branch; 'of the Wonde Institute, "held their last the Home of Mrs." N. Durés on Dec, 4. 'Our delegate to: Toronto, Miss: M Clarkson, gave a-very structive re port of the. convention. held their: fe- cently. Miss Ailéen McCaw, of Port Perry, sang a solo; which was enjoyed by all, Miss Lorna Dure played a piano solo which was appreciated: We hope to have Miss MeCaw and' 'Miss Dure favor us again. Many good ideas were given by the exhibition of Christ: mas gifts: The - January ing which will be. Cig ibe 3 ¢ ho Miss Aelein McCaw, of Port. spent' 'last. 'week with Miss. ] Williamson. ET Miss Eva Durée was in Toronto, last week. : ? 5) Miss Ella MacKinnon, is visiting}. in Greenbank. : : ie The Royal Oak: concert was'a de cided success and was 'well attended. { Miss Ferguson deserves credit fo 1 arin, Mary "MoTggart, Nettie - way the scholars were trained. - Mr. and Mrs. J. ECR. H spent last Sunday with her parents | #Shady Nook." ~. i, a 3 g Cartwright 0 Ladies home for the holidays. : «Mr. W, : Steele's sale onthe was well attended and prices were very good. In'the evenin Steele gave the young people a. wi as very m i Vv Lenore Medd, Lora Srovin, Teacher: Gorton, aah I