di heres can bé no 'progress pr nd without it. '1 Mich, for some months. Prize Winners of High| School 'Athletics eo Dash, 1 N. Mclean, BY | uires to bi dealt With carefully, * fw: 1 we have said before if the 'concem so Je Bash,» N. Me BY} sioperly' equinped and managed I Tump, 1 Jack Gibien- | ought to be & good thing fof the town... Much depends on the management. Run Broad Jomp, ¥ M. Forster. | It would be wise for Mr. Simpkins Standing Broad: Jump, x L Honey, | be present at the nomination: meetin: | 2.C. Weir: | to answer any questions the electorase High Jump, 1M. Forster, 2 by| may wish to ask, Information of the: «| Reversion, W. White. fullest kind should be in the hands of Pole Vault, 1 G. Howard | electors who do not want' 0. tum SENIOR | good thing a vay, nor do they wish #6: Dash, 1 C. Sh 4 3 ] Tog yd Dash, 1 C. Short, burden the town with taxes by making: 220 yd Dash, - 1'C. 'Short, 2.7 byl, wrong. 'move. Reversion, James Bowles, ; Of the By-Law to, restrain. coms. Hop Step:and: Jump, 3 H., Pedy, from running the streets, we have ab 2 by Reversion, W, Raymes. 57 Sn Broad Jumps .H. Purdy, aity spoken. © It would be well, how by Reversion, Dan McTaggart. ever, that\every voter should express High Jump; 1G; Short, 2 by' Re- his opinion ony ' this' matter, as thes ; version, BE, Williams, new 'Council will possibly act' on the Pole Vault, ¥ Hi Purdy, {expressed willof the voters; OPEN BYEN: 1 Fem Rulayy Firs RYE cle Rave, 1 Art Boe: x rs Mr, Hutcheson' says i Peng "100 yd Dish open, ¥ Art Lee. will not'be a eandidiite "for Couneil i906 yd Dagh open, ¥ Art Lee, a" by) We are sorry he fsels: compelled te. Reversion," R. Glide. give up the werk, as it will be diffioty '§ Mile Race; 1 Geo' McMillin, 2] | to replace him on the council' board. M. Ingram. i \ His interest has been cheerfully a, Foot Ball Rick; 1 Edgar Moore. to the town's welfare for some eight: Baseball Throw, 1 M. Honey. years. Particularly in connections: Putting-Shot, 1 V. Suggitt. with the Electric Light 'and Wades Three legged Race, 1. McTaggart | works: Department has his untiring: and A. Boe. ; energy been valuable, Mr. and Mrs. Garbutt, spent the} = CFG wove Dover served tines holiday at Foronto: ER oY Lye ja 'Miss: Wilcoxson will be in Saginaw, town inthis capacity will hardly, Se a meg derstand bow: much time 38 require "Miss: McEachren will spénd the and how many, demands: ve 1 by {Winter in Toronto, considered, If by any. means Me «Mr, and Mrs, Follick, and daughter Hutcheson could be induced: again. Lillian, spent the Christmas holiday enter the Council, the towns interes: 4 in Toronto. "would be well served. ba 1s. R.. Bamforth' and Dorothy . * Neniihation meeting should bie mtorth . are in Kingston, visiting well attended: as the | 'prosperity of the friends for a couple of weeks. town canbe madé or matted by. thes 2 : municipal - officers, In addition: tes: y Council Meeting this there are vacancies on the School Board to be filled and the Schosd! _. Town Business-was. wound: up on board is'one of the most importa bodies'in the town. uesday night of last week when the Council of 1917 held its final meeting. | | We ave holding our own. Real vs - At the'panclusion of the procesdings. tate is going up in value. The tunis Fwhich cipal debt is. gradually being wiped}: Liha: Hom Joily ay out. Now is the time to 'watch: