Li | Aeron A TURKISH WOMAN BRAVELY SEEKING TO DRAG HER: CHILD FROM THE MUD UNDER THE FEET OF CAVALRY FUGITIVES, DURING THE LULE BURGAZ RETIREy ribing the sketch from whi ch this 'drawing was 'made; Mr. serves Wah says, under the heading "A Mother's Sacrifice' two in' the shade is the record put r is 'ales: used ng nese lanterns, artificial Tea. to r. afer ink. lacquer. varnish. : es, oil paper, and paints, The latter, we have found. way so quickly under, the on that it ix almost always hands of restorers and whereas Portland stone ESR a 122 IN THE SHADE. p : Terrible Meat Ware Strikes South | coptibte to the atmouph "Australia, cordingly is almost 'A dewprich from Bvdnev. N. B. Jowadeys for any hoi fie ila 5 * hod o says: One hundred and twenty. ithe properties or the 1 ' ton + up by the first heat wave experi {iF are really amazing," continu enced in Australia this summer. | tbe expert. "Tt is a blond of mioke 'This was aig at Evela: . as bd ore are oh tion on the South Australian bor. der. 'At Poma. in Queensland. the Six Thonsand Tons of Soot mercury stood 'at 110. while New- [hensing over London every day-- castle, the coal city of New South | which: contain lots of sulphur. and Wales, has had the hottest spell this sulphur, when it meets errtain for 16 vears. wecompanied by dust substances, forms sulphuric, and wind storms, Other parts of|or vitriol, New Bonth = Wales were affected; | 'It was the vitriol in the atmos. but in Svdney the heat was less se | phere that brought the. big roof of vere, the thermometer going only | Charing Cross Station down with a to 93. No deaths are reported. crash a few years ago. The smoke 'During the retreat many distresxing incidents: occurred. For in ) hk a Ha, wagon stuck, and one of the children in it fell into ront of the: cavalry fugitives. "but the cloud of cavalry closed: over her and the or not I never found out, hut more than likely the mire.' TO AvOID TU UBERCULOSIS. se «1 Rules Which. io Observed, Wonld | Drive Out Consumption. A healthy body is the best protee- tion against the tubercle bacillug or any other disease-Breeding germ. ; i Therefore, keep well by ohsery ing n ite one "the following ruleat=" } $2160 to ama Meds Live, work and sleep in rooms x 2 F LL waco, flooded with 'fresh air and purified ' 0 I re A DY sunlight every day. Bee that Hes subs. 14%; valle: your sleeping room is thoroughly ventilated. 'Use good, pire, nourishing food, Sv. and thoroughly masticate what you "bag, on to 9% per eat Cultivate cleanly. tempetate and "| roeniar habits of living, Avoid breathing dist-laden' air. In sweeping and dusting use a moist broom and duster, | Universal observances of these Barieys| simple rules would render nnnecess sary the maintenance of coetly sani- F, | foria. A portioh of the Kine Fd: {ward Fund of ene million dollars : for Consnmntives will be devoted to the gnread of knowledge dosigned to os prevent the further ingrease of the | disease. » CENTURY OF PEACE. ; J ores Britain Plane tar the Great Celebration. Xi drmotel trom Tondon save: vey wad the principal sneak- the Marcion House on Wad: | community. Rap neeting to arrange elebrations of the century of peace nthe Fnelish-apeakina peo- in his: remark. that. al boundaries of Canada Bates wera side hv miles; nota ort or n was placed eenlled: the visit: Root and the The mother sprang to child. TAIPHOLE A h GAT B01 IAS SAVED MANY LIVES SINCE 1TS INVENTION. 'Doctors Hare Benelted Greatly by .. Professor Bell's Famous Dise covery. The telephone has been a great factor in improving the health and welfare of the community, accor ing to the view of the. editor of The Medionl Review of Reviews. He ith the development. of modern transportation, it 'was said that the oceans no longer separated America from Europe and 'Asia, but served | to connect them. ' In a similar way | it may be said that telephones have helped to bring physicians and pa- tients together. A Marked Decreans, "The telephoné has been a mighty © factor in improving the health and wellare of the commun: ity. Health bureaus have been able to accomplish their work more ra- pdly and effectively by the use of ! the telephones. Ambulance service hax been developed to a high state of eficieaey ae the accessihil- ity of telephones 1 parts of the ty of gerviee. with promptness in 'phoning, have | served to save many lives that otherwise might. have been lost. - The private practioner. it is true. has 'suffered. a mathed decrease in' through the re- o of ambniance * from the locomotives had BRAKEMAX LOSES LEG. Jerked OF Top "of Trrin and Run Over at Wyoming. A 'despatch from Barnia savs: William: McIntyre. a voung Grand Trunk brakeman, was badly injured while working on Tuesday on his train, He 'was passing over the tops of cars ag the train was enter- ing" the yards at Wyoming, and, when: the cars gave a sharp jerk, he was pitched between twé openings and fell on the rails below. One leg was run over by the wheels and he was otherwise injured. . He was rushed to Sarnia, where Dr. Hayes ampiifated the 'injured limb: He will recover if complications do not set in. A. BOY ALLEGES CRUELTY. Says Farmer Turned Wim Oat With out Money or Overcoat. A despatch from Sarnia says: The Children's Aid Society, in. whose charge he is at present, is investi: gating the case of Solomon Hadling. ton. a Barnardo boy, who in court | stated 'that a Dawn township far mer, for whoni~he had been working for the last four years, had the other day told him his contract had expired and turned him adrift with- out money or even an overcoat, and clothed only in a light summer suit. AY im men MONTREAL HARBOR BOARD. Farquhar Robertson ard Lient.. Col, Labelle Are Two Members. A despatch from Montreal savs: The announcement is made that Mr. Farquhar Robertson and Lieut.- Colonel- Labelle will be Montreal's new. Harbor Commissioners, Mp. 'Robertson having declined the Chairmanship, the third member of the 'board, who has not yet been appointed. will take that position Tt is persistently rumored here that Major George Washington Ste «| phens, 'the former Chairman, will i fre: | get the office again. Ded aro i nearest as called fo iL hours of the night. lehione saves man RANE 3 FS RR RL RR A i A LS is thi Sal I : So i Ain frei RRA MR. ASQLITR'S 8 DAUGMNTER. {In Company With Lady Aberdeen | ; > Visit America." © « wi Rey 'London eays': daughter of Pre- ailed by 'the Celtic rt visit x 0 eaten away the iron; which was tot sufi ciently painted; 'Some years ago, too. before the Londen under ground railway was electrified. is was a favorite pastime at' Gower Street Station for passengers to go and poke umbrellas into a certain iron girder. which at one point was Imost as soft as putty. "In such cares, paint is the ene's neer's great standby. In some ways it is more powerful thap iran. Many London. buildings, in faet mav be said to be practically held together by paint. especially rail- way: stations. Since the Charing Cross disaster, all the big London termini are in the painters' hands practically all the time. Forth bridee was finished the paint ers' have never stonped working on it. ~ But for a skin of aint the | vitriol in the engine smoke might rot the bridge, "Tt is this substance. too: that has made Cleopatra's Needle, on the Embankment, show ' greater signs of age since it came to Lon: dom; forty years ago, than it did after : Two Thousand Yeirs in the clear air of Egypt. Probably the difference in the twin obelisk that stands ip Central. Park. New York, in a corresponding time, is so slizht as'to be hardly noticeable," Offhand. one would say that every building of any age in London wns of the greyest granite obtainable, vet when one of them is cleaned. as a few have been lately, it proves that. they originally were almost white. and the transformation is a bit startling. In a dissecting room, they. always can toll whethar a nn. tient is 8 LODUSSAR-&b a Zonedme man. for, whereas, the lungs of the Iatter are the natural color. pink, those of the former are jet black: The London soot covers one's {ace with smudges. and. if youn leave any white material in front of an open window for an honr.or so. when yon come back vow will find it litterad with, "blacks" as they are loenlly termed The soot kills 'vegetation, too. unless it is tended most care- fully. In the! garden inside the Bank of England. the leaves are washed every week with soap and water. AIDS TO NAVIGATION. We HSA Sl i Notice of Mation for Partiame _ Committee to Investigate. ww An from Ottawa. say E. N. Lewis (W.- Huron as be ky Kino Yie ee a ra Gee