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Port Perry Star, 1 Jan 1913, p. 4

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Lr. Arthar t part 0 me. 5. J. Hope is spending a week ith her mother, Mrs. Amsbury, Bloor St, Toronto. er 1 Miss Verna Milner, West. Toronto, is spending her school vacation with "her: cousins. Her father Mr. Wm Milner is visiting in Michigan,' ; "2 vMiss Mabel Gordon, ef Toronto, spent Christmas at her home, | Mrs. Verney and her son Harry, of Tottenham, 'spent a week with her brother Mr. Totten. The latter spent two days last week in Toronto. Miss Ethel Aldréd, of Toronto, spent the holiday at home. Mr. Philip Aldred's sale took place on Friday and was very well attended. Mr. Wilson Gerow purchased his two horses. On Thursday Mr. Harry Clarke left to spend a week in Michigan after which he will enter as a student at the Moody Bible Insutute at Chicago, where he will take a dourse'in' music and Bible Study, we. all wish him great success. Mri Fred Mawson, of Toronto, vis: ited his sister Mrs. Geo. Jackson. Mr. 'and Mrs. Robt. Reader," Mr. and Mrs. Karl Seymour visited. Mrs. John Reader at: Christmas. The Misses Raymes, Toronto, spent Christmas gt home. Miss Clarke, of Montreal, spent the Christmas week with her sister Mrs, Oliver Reader. Oakwood Mr. Joseph Goard arrived home after being away for some time. { "Miss M. Brown, Toronto, T. B. C. is visiting Mrs. D. Dundas. Mr. O. Wakely, of Oakwood, intends to go the States after Christmas. Mr. Wm Wilson is not recovering as fast as hoped for. ;Mt, P. Mark is at the present time in'a very low condition. Congratulations are being extended $0 Mr. and Mr, Ibell on the atrival of a daughter. Mr. Fred Kemp has secured 'the position ofcaretaker of the new Meth- odist church. Mr. Herb E, Tinnéy having resigned that position after 'eighteens years. : Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Massey, of Toronto, or 'ganizer for the Foresters are spenping a couple of weeks in: our village securing new members. Mr. A. E. Elliott of the Bank of Montreal left 'on Saturday evening to spend a weeks holidays at his. home in' Savageville, Quebec. Mr. Will Bonney spent Monday in Peterboro. Mr. and Mrs. R. C.: Cunnings, of Toronto, spent Sunday with his father Mr. J. F. Cunnings, Mr, and Mrs. John Weldon, of ."Landsay, visited at the home of Mr. J. B. Weldon. "i Miss Annic Munn was taken to the Ross Hospital, Lindsay. She is' suf- fering from throat 'trouble, we hope . she will soon improve. Mrs. Short, sr. is spending a few weeks -Holidaying 'at the home of her son, Mr. Joseph Short; Zion, Mr. and Murs, Webster arc being congratulated on the arrival of a son. "Miss: H. Richardson spent the holi- r r mother Mrs. V. Richard- SM of {ited Christmas week at home. |; riends here over Sunday, By Mr. and Mrs. Garfield. Falls, of |vi 'Toronto, spent Christmas 'day with friends here. ninth ; "Mr. John Giles and Miss Giles 'Miss Mary turned home on Saturday after visiting | Foley, is vi friends at Columbus and other places A: for the past six weeks, igh 5 To ha Mr. and Mrs, Garnet' Wilson, of} ar a Woodville, spent Friday at the "home ' of Mr. and Mrs. William Wilson. Mr. McMurray returned home from Toronto, Saturday evening. 'We under stand he intends opening the skating rink as soon as the weather will allow: Miss Pearl Coad, of Toronto, is the guest of Miss Gladys Hughson. Mr. W. B. Taylor, of Allandale, spent Thursday in our village. on Mrs. James daughter Viola spent Chi Wm; Munro. Miss Minnie Mitchéll, of at Mr. Charles Lambe over Chri Mr. Everettand Mr. 'and Dobson spent the holiday under. ental roof. 2 Prospect ht Mr. J. F. McClintock held the an- nual family 'gathering on Christmas Day. There were present Mr. and Mrs. Savage, Mr. Arthur Savage and family, Mr. Frank Bailey and wife, all of Printe Albert; Mr, Geo McTaggart and family, and Mr. Elmer 'McTag- garet and family, of Toronto; Mr. ¥. C. Collacutt and family, of Port Perry A very enjoyable time was spent by "the thnrty-five people, present. Miss Sonley, our teacher, and pupils are enjoying their Christmas vacation S U Mr. O. Thompsom was home fos Christmas. : We are sorry to hear that Mr. Robt McClintock is. leaving otir neighbors) : : 4 hood, he will be missed very much; } ' The Port Perry STaRis $ri0aye | However we wish him every success. | Canadian or British points, if paid in Tne Sunday School Christmas En- | advance; otherwise $1.25. To sub- dmother's ir frre Su xh) a' success; as usual, Scribers in the United States theiprice and gra le 'to 2 Soth e Wi The programme was well rendered by.|15 $1.50 per year in advance. = = Guests ee len id. the W the child ; t ville, | the children and others who took part: le PORT PERRY STAR and... oronto, Stouflville, mas day, fe Miss Hazel Boyes, "of spending her holidays at Misses Mable and Ella Parki Mr. and Mrs. 3 daughter Marjory spent Mrs. J. Parkin: ) BSCRIPTIO RATES: i ane ae Christmas "Santa Claus was there and helped dis: 2 Po {tribute the Christmas gifts. pte Canadia 2 them was a_handsome silver fern pot for Mrs. Ernest Holtby (Meta William son) and the following address. ; {Fe Mus. Ernest Holtby, "+ 'Dear Friend ~The ' odngrega tion of the Prospect Methodist church remembering the service you rendered as ofganist during the period that you taught the Public School in this neigh- borhood, 'have. believed it but rizht that they should show their appreci- ation of your labor, It has occured to them that: there could not be a more fitting time than at this their Annual Sabbath School Entertainment {We are 'aware 'that the duties of a teacher call 'for the 'expenditurc of much nervous energy and that you could have well been tontent to attend: to these 'without the extra labor and responsibility. of -a° church 'organist.| = {| You, however, cheerfully came to our] rescue, and faithfully 'and' efficiently filled the position. - And now that you have ghanged your. station in life, we | are pleased that you are permanently to reside in our midst: We ask you to accept this fern pot -as-a token' of our esteem, with best wishes for + your Fontinned happtness and prosperity in fe. mink marmot fi 185 {hat'and large, - "Grain Growers' Guide... $1.50 | Harn they will Canadian Poultry News... . $1 50 Hs Canadian Home Journal, . $1.85 Canadian Countryman ., .. .,$1:50 Cartwright Mrs. J. Barclay, of Toronto, is vis-|. tating her sister Mrs. W. Wilson, | 'Miss Lissa Wilson 'has returned] = 'home after a visit to Toronto. rs Mss. Wiliter Hooey; of Treherne Man, is visiting Carmi friends.

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