are two ways of engravin on a seal--relief and om the one the characters in ression are shown in color, iv thé other they are repre: ented in white on colored ground, he ink used for stamping is called ing: iku. 'It is generally of vermilion | naes, bub now | s with a, glanse so beautiful, so he cheapest kind of seals are urously , that it ih, sol ae of boxwood and sold at & waken new bt within him. gents apiece. ' Most seals are oval she was Slant, for |in shape, but some are round and should { others square, ' They rarely exceed to the fane-halt inch in diameter. : Simei : h fs hs 4 upheld on is @ ention Jalt 4 {Goud upheld his fa ory Shy And the steamer glided 'on over abe Family Priend you 7% on your money, "and the dividend Shares will greatly increase your income. You can have a plan and prospectus on request. Your Subscription may be telegraphed at our oxpense, or a letter simply stating that so many shares are subscri lor and enclosing cheque will be sufficient. Bubject to dor sale, Jou certificates will be forwarded the day we Teceive the enclosing your money. There is no watered stock in this enterprise. - H. O. Bellew Syndicate, Registered Suite 23, 11 St. Sacrement St., Montreal Will Tattooed on Man's Arm. a dead man's arm, carefully re 6 40 pers, A nave The will found in a scrap-book | served, was produced in the pro {the ¢alm moonlit waters; and drew] has of Toney to Veblungsnaes, where an| : ro waited for the In Private. ; oar ort of the day. A sudden| "As he started out with the bush- terror seized Frithiof that some one |el of ashes he walked into a clothes would comd to their end of the|line that he didn't see, steamer and break the dn that| When he had picked himself out which came prominently before a |court. On the flesh appeared thel Dumfries (Scotland) Court, is one of many that have been discovered in unlooked-for places. Even Mr. Rider Haggard's story of the will tattooed on a woman's back nearly equalled by the case in which last wishes of the testator concern-| ing his estate. A lawyer, who is chiefly concerned with will cases, gave a representative various in- stances of strange places where wills were found. at length t sight of| bound him, and then the very fear|of the ash pile and recovered his g at the door, itself made him realize that this hat he s was no dream, but a great reality. relieved his feelings. and" «| Cecil 'was beside him OE bo Tarod EL id 'era had begun in his} hea bak r| Buta one came near them, Still they stood there--side Ty side, and steamer. moved on. peacel! onge more, 'the silvery "track still marking the calm fjord till they ey slow- reached the little boat that was to tfland them ab Nasa. =When it is i ace y| no longer possi prolong t 80 ofte LE with its | Strange, weird tlm, he went, like familiar houses and spires, its|& man n half awake, to see after the _surrounding mountains, his 'luggage, and Prasently; with an not without a strong odd, dussled toling jound himself on re, re us, : or after ail, though boa the landlord, "stood to Worcome rever, and om: 4s lorever, rr and oe ih Hors "Which is the hotel 7" asked Roy. § hi Regs quay with the heartiest | And Herr Lossius replied, in his ; yet lie 'could not; but uaint; careful English; 'It is yon- ; rele blank r, sir--that 'house just under the moon.' But the "house under the moon," though somioriable gion did net prove' as 3 Sood sleeping: e. the ight long. Fribhiof: lay. brosd {awake in his quaint room, and at y length, weary of Td at the pic- | ohh 3.51% pain an the vin. tiful view. : 'He could think of nothing But e, new ansight in the back yard and > Fever, Epizootic And all iseases 1 the Jotee Toe afgoting his throat, speed. aime 13 Bron BeTEMPER ANG COUGH CURE. 5 to "Don't stand out there to do it. donee ots om Tot bottle inl Ute pare. une ol Cothe straight into the house and baby stallions--all ages and ' " PER" ditions. Most skillful solentifo compound. Any lot." tell me that it's all my fault. SPOHN MEDIAL GO. Goshen, ind., U. 8. ' #Henry," called his wife, "Well he snapped. A INFLUENZA fice sittpiae | SUN LIFE "E5mpanv: OF CANADA The leading features of the Directors' Report for 1912, as presented to the Annual Meeting of the Company, held in Montreal, March 4th, 1913, are as follows : ASSETS as ab 31st December, 1912 $49,605,616.49 'Increase over 1911 ........... PEBNREIEARATIE I ane 5,704,730.51 "CASH INCOME. from, Premiums, Tuterest, Rents, etc., in 1912-. 12,333,081.60 Increase over 1011 sreerune 1,775,746.08 PROFITS PAID to Policyholders entitled to participate in 1918. 691,975.84 ADDED TO SURPLUS during 1812 ............. . 614,008.09 TOTAL SURPLUS 81st Décember; 1912, over all liabili- = 5,331,081.82 ties and capital, (according to the Company's , viz., for assurances, the Om. (5) Table, with 8% and 3 per cent. interest, and, for annui- ties, the B. 0. Belect Annuity Tables, with 4 per cent. interest) DEATH CLAIMS, Matured Endowments, Profits, etc., - uring 1912 .1seuuteneesss Vp tar rarersserer .. 4,732,463.29 PAYMENTS to Policyholders since organization ........ 84,402,784.68 NEW BUSINESS (paid for in cash) during 1912 30,814,400.64 Increase over 1911 4,377,628.45 "ASSURANCES IN FORCE ist December, 1912 . 182,782,420.00 Increase over YORE sis vans savnne ven sesnencassenesenss 18,160,347.00 The SUN. LIFE OF CANADA" now occupies the premier position among Canadian life Assurance Compasios, fig ise polices; the SUN LIFE oF > ASSUrAnce busines than any Other, RST WL ey AY