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Port Perry Star, 1 Oct 1913, p. 2

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CHAPTER XI. --{Coutinued), g round, and thé blood a ico - he saw who .t wag. ole. 10 * "Minal" de AE ig 100, astouished to hold Bhe stood Nall pomposure, as he ne i h anything ti he High iby any a i No. no! for 'treatn, od at her OF pehed. 'He You want Shey are all right. 'But. I want to speak you," she respon urriedly, A for pow as lie fore her in 'all his strength, meadily and Sot Saimly, ow protastingly, ex her, the Dger row Joss, a she Be hal ae haed - copying him, There 1s something the matter, I oan @ee," he esid gently, He looked round. 'Come into this quiet street, and tell me. How lucky it is you happened fo see mel Were you coming to my rooms?" wh ian: simply. | tha you Ve t was cha on, nee and my "And mine," he said in the same protecting tome. "Now, tell me #a they turned out of the noi fare into the quiet street. set. trightened. Hae, ADY one--p" grew stern, ae it done on the night he had struck out and eaved her from the hooligans. o, no!" she said in still trembled, : low volce that AL: but you." id; and, at ret brokenly, faldor ingly, bug presently, as she got into her recital and again Feaiised his anger, anxiously and earnestly, she told him of als she had heard in the Working Men's Olive listened in silence; he had/taken her arm in his own to soothe and encour age her; and Me still kept it and patted it reassuringly 'when ehe paused ou Smo- tion or for want of bréath; and it seem. od to her, with her natural' instincts quickened 'by her recent culture, that he was scarcely listening to her feats, that he was thinking of ¢omething el "And 'that is what has been ti trou ling you, 'sent you in search of me, Mina?" he said. "My r child! 'Ou' must ning her eyes he Tr ear them!" been Jpressed ir a "No, Mins, I'm in I assure you. You'll believe ne will yom not? The men yon overheard are a miserable kind of scoundrels, and - deal in threats of that sort as the Jrocer there deals in egge and baoon, The the sort of curs v are fond of bar ing, but" they're 'afraid to bite--in case they shold oe kicked, "on talk dynamite and outrage; but they don any Fake Bo I'm quite safe." jhe drew a long breath of relief; 'but nets was etill doubt in the eyes upturned im. "You are not saying eo to--to~humor me?' she asked in a low voice: He .met her eyes for a moment, and shook lijs head, He oould not for a little trust. himself to speak with those inno- cent, anxious eyes on his, "No, Mina, it's the simple truth: But --but--you cared so much, you were 0 afraid on my. acoount, that you tried to find me, 10 warn meP "Yes," 6 sald et iv simply, with Qut a "blash, her fase, still fixed on his' face. "I waa afraid. I am still afraid, 8 Aa She stopped and sh P red. You cared so much!" he »ia rather to! himself than to: her.. "You i ing the streets for me; and on 'were trembling with fear; 'anxiety; you. al pale' still" "Irwon't be afraid any longer, if you will promise to be eareful, to be on your guard," she eald pleadingly. He nodded. He was enrol listen: to her; as usual, it wi her voice tow) Bo listened rather than her: words. glanced at the slight, girlish figure at his side. What a she iL was, though manhood was ; o_ atop) at once. "I al 0 DOW: Thank Ton don tor Tia Cae 1 thought you might laugh, bea angry.' 't, care to run his heart Angry » hin thing, 088 ai' hie Mie throal and his eyes infinitely tender. Husely, Dot Sngzy, 3. Minat Wait--walt » mome! ie EEE Aho stop ins Se desire detain hi overw] to y keep her C5 id for. a a wi lon They had 'reached the. Embankment, had a little wa; fown doomed the Grecian ars tired, it a Ton ars 4 ou 5 brea abil, with us go into the gallery, a oy gh a little while, shall "ho 4 did not hesitate for a momen: ded, a ohild might have done, 7 it?" she asked as they passed "a picture gallery. Are you fond of "Oh, yes!" she dned "I've heen to the National G to the ons in the City. Oh, yes! , | Stier rehensive! oan you epare 'eren't you gol ns somewhere? Fi soemmed In & REY , 48 if you were on business." "The. business can. = wait," said Oliv smiling the thought of the futile a wearisome Committee on which he oug ht wo bs sittin #1 hed oontentedly, = and Tooked oy Bn hat beautiful place! And it is eo eool. - rt Seminas me of 'I dreamt that 1 dwelt in Juarile halls!' He Whi S ot ae Do he ue sented. uehed Quicl you you see the ptures "Yea," "she sald, Tin no great interest; "but they -are cold and dead-Jooki the pictures. Oh, beautiful, © murmured, as if ehe were a little awed. You are not $00 tired to round ?-All right," he Be anid, a at her side, nearly in alae, dn pointing out ture and ex he its point i in no didactic fashion, but as if he Wwers re- freshing his own memory. She Jiatene with eyes through whic! de ht shone plainly; ehe seemed radiant ith hi 3 * her nervousness and from her; Just a hatural girl, Jovove, Be na rapt, a on Clive witha de; yhich, in its turn, stirred as keen a6 her own. of the rooms: the centre ottomans; but in a moment or two she 'was up ain, a8 if drawn. by the and Clive eat still and hap did "Let me walk to the. you," he said, "Thank you," eho 1d gratefully they Ww tied on in ss until Shep. | ped a he ond off. Tere," shen ib is gooddbye--till * haveday a She nodded and smiled righ ow Or Dei! d 'ot. offer to -- her Goodbyel almost curtiy, and wi turned' at once. As' he did 80,8 & hansom d with bi soll 1d prin i ar nd E gold rings oa forward ¢vddenly over the. ap] stared with SELL or IE the retreating figure Stn moment Sara gripped the of th doore, her lips strained apart, teeth gleaming; then ehe- |b and thrusting open the trap fiercely "That pirl--the one Ww he shot ed--quick)--Follow her. fool-man! Follow Her not 3 too ol want to see where eo goes." man looked up the o atreet. "5a her. Right you are, tosh. said; and he checked the junta. walk, and followed on Minas track, Bar ib crouching : eins cornet of ed with her eyes, 1 ose Of a | bea fixed on the slight figure de it quick- ly, und with girlish' rier ORE the pavement. a CHAPTER XIL The following day was & but as he went about one" for 8 Palia- mentary work he was con elt that wow embodiment of st vor a3 pre- bree cepts of the | 5 When lash} *| year 'the patriotic crusade started in ho hin gh went forth | into all the. with the we- For wale Canadi luaaintt fo : re hn Sele dre oy thing, 9 memory that haunted, Sis. be -B to th a, as oon nt wi a | o y the Tate Ga Gallery, Pui oon og 2 "E ti th next day, bs id oa ation, in t the Hones, Srerywhere 2 at ime? a figure, the beautiful ne he, ons Berane 1 a eran _ -- Tew warm} he strove against She din: hinking that there was no |. "4 more Deavutit face on the canvases, that none of the painted women were more graceful, more sweet, than the sweet figure: of the face, the supple, wei Br cious » ness strani flecked with "though he Sad kept his letter, 'wze he not breaking enisith He felt Ih gui but conscience wh eaded with if he could i have Mstened to her story, | and "met. her naive anxiety on his ao. | count with "Than Good day!' Be: sides, what harm: was being done? And then, her evident hu Spiess, the ecstacy {of pleasure which one in her eyes, quivered. on her lps! co pure of wae 80 spiro: no doubt Ci rokr od. him as 's Ung der rl regards a man jatch © amon i, 2 1 inness. it Ee ote ad 'her saxious ae grap aoeount;' et gratitude. . oad he? He tas Se. question Ha aE op BE near. of . ie ig A fad Hbver befo been da Sa}, 4 ds in ! "and vests him ms back ~ Brosenily, en as pei ie im 400 full for words. et re "And he man in gave all these at last, in. a low , reflective voice. aorta) y rel Do many your, 3 HE quietly now; * don't. gw! inst Lord 'Standon; and that Fental" me Suttonholed him pri "Hullo, Harve 12 "he said. "i oy. Still pegging aw: ovelniment are going he Poor ed Hon ig. to ne in a Bi her mess ih of course; lw: 2 Sheet they will: if said, an "Whi ropees is only a 2: ak But nf i & better than 5 ad youll come to: terms and 'foce] that, eh Olive nodded. eas ith the hope Wwe can get the wi when we © in. | "That's it, Compromise; les m of. -comprami . Hig fan' Clive: i tace with kin digeinteres Ta 2% | marked, Bympa fiat : 1 wo x oh 'much.' his "hat, and 0 1 He stopped & and Tai ww the Oh are Sipte 80 few persons . Fat un times; } but: but._yot aly so many. as} bh plied. Th pion: oF Ru a moment. "Tb de, ad of A voice "Well, How | Probable, = - Ras--Somebody 'took ix hens an' 'a rooster from Pete Possum's 'coop ee

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