Patient in Asylum Cannot Read or Write--Solves Mental Problems, MAY! A doctor in an asylum at Nantes bas discovered among his patients # "lightning 'calculator," who, al- though he can scarcely read and cannot write, solves mental 'arith- > there in 29 years, 3 months, and 18 'week's salary and hours?" he gave the correct answer on]in 32 seconds. Explaining how be galculated the number of seconds in 20 years, he said: "Linow by heart that there are i 7 ; el I Hi I Bek h il ft i i ! k i 8 i ; i i i i | ; i Si ig ! : | gif SE | i : i i SEF «E3] Owens--Yon are {0 be congratu- lated, sir, in securing a permanent position. Liquid Sulphur "is 'rapidly overcoming the ald time prev Judice of the - dootors and professions? LIQUID SULPHUR is also a perfech antiseptic, and is need for cleansing cute and bruises, and as an afd for healing. LIQUID SULPHUR taken according to directions is an absolute cure for EO ¥ ZEMA, RHEUMATISM and kindred 'troub- Don't Have Rheumatism Get GIN PILLS Now and be free of pain all winter. Mr. Robert Wilson, of Hardfield, N.B,, says: "It affords me great pleasure tp convey, not only to you but also to all sufferers Backache and Rheumatism, the great relief I have obtained from the use of GIN PILLS. 1 feel thankful to you. I recommend an PILLS to anyone suffering as I box, 50c. a 6 for $2.50. Sample free if you write National Drug and Chem- ical Co, of Canada, Limited, Toronto. -- FINDS NEW INDIANS, Brazil Explorer Says Savages Wor- shipped Him as God. Albert Lang, who is exploring the sources of the Amazon for the Bra- zilian Government, has written of the discovery of a new tribe of In- dians, a thousand miles from civil- ization, between the headwaters of Cairary and 'Moju Rivers. Mr, Lang gives a picturesque descrip- tion of the savages, who, he says, took him for a god, embracing hi feet to show their devotion. Their tools, he writes, are stone and their ideas so unusual as to suggest their belonging to anotlier age. The Jewish cast of their features might lead one to infer that they were of the lost tribes, did not their ignor- ance of iron and writing argue against it. "I am sitting in a maloca (hut),"' writes Mr. Lang, 'of. a curious tribe of genuine savages, arriving here after taking my six-man canoe above the headwaters of the Cair- ary and Moju Rivers, fighting our way through five dangerous rapids to get here. After fifteen days' #{ search I got in touch with a virgin tribe, which can be so described -{ because they are wholly untouched and unspoiled by civilization. They use stone axes and by their aid have cleared away some thirty acres of jungle, and so blunt are these tools that the trees look as if they had been chewed off. "They grow cotton and yet go wholly nude, only the women wear- ing = waistbands. was received hospitably and carefully watched. They embrace me frequently and give me bad drinks. I am here to § look up the indigenous tribes for Abe the Government of Brazil and as- certain their possibilities and the am- {best means of entering mto rela- tions with them, They are like big, savage children, kind, but suspi- cions. Some of the men have He- braic features. They show great skill with the bow and arrow, some of the former measuring eight | | omiLLiA, % - d drapes a Ee les. Price 50 Cents per bottle. For sale all druggists, or remit direct to LIQUID SULPHUR, 158 Bay Btreet, Toronto. Aen; ¥ We imagine that a dumb barber would be even more satisfactory than a dumb waiter. Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, &o. Mrs. Exe--/'Ah, what a change one little woman can make in a man's life!" Mr. Wye--"Yes; and by George, what a heap of change she requires while doing it)' Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. Availability in Prospect. "I fear I am not worthy of you." "Never mind about that. Between mother and myself I imagine we can effect the necessary improve- ment." Let the small boy make the noise of the neighborhood and he cares not who does the work, ivr. Morse"s Indian Root Pills are do the right medicine for the children. When they are ted --when their ki of order L} Coep the Childrer Well EDUCATION. LLIOTT'S BUSINESS ronto.. Canada's Popul clal School. Magnificent FARMS FOR SALE MH. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Streed, Torente. . F YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL A Fruit; Stock, Grain, or Dairy Farm, write H. W. Dawson, 2% Ookborne St., Toronto, HH. W. DAWSON, Colborns 8t., Toreris Brampton, or ACRES, MIDDLESEX COUNTY, soil mixed loam, 1 acre timber, 2 acres orchard, well watered, wire fences 2 story brick house, out-buildings, well situated. Close to London Market, 1% miles to Electric Railway. Esey terms. Apply The Western Real Estate Exchange, London, On! OUNTRY WEEKLY NEWSPAPER POR Sale in good Ontario town. Excellent opening for man of energy. Write Wil Publishing Company, Toronto. STAMPS AND COINS Q TAP COLLECTORS-- HUNDRED DIP. ferent Forel, Stamps. Catalogue, - Cents. Marks Stamp MISCELLANEOUS (AGEs. TUMORS, LU internat and. extery al. r home trea! sa ore 40 Inte. Dr. Belk Co. fad. Mollingwned Ont 'ALL STONES, KIDNEY AND BLAD- G der Stones, Kidney eo. Gravel, troabl 1) te vel, kindred a ments. positively 0 betes-Mollitne, and sure cure, iH Diabetes." - Price: $2.00 from ly A rect. The. Bapot Wanutes ny of Canada, Bim! TN . ETO, red with. t. Wel an Medio HIGHEST PRICES FOR Raw Furs M0. 00RFATY