women, | on and smile "Sara fe not | the World. 1 Packets Only. Beward of Substitutes. --y and spirit, Lad; | Ha 4 4 ly Edith met the gaze and ole Jt fuer she demanded foauaitly, | PPOF. Letlle Says France Is Los- J Speak the (truth, thel - jug Adopting "White Flour. 2 TL otane os % her feet, ne it sho| Prof.yLetulle publishes in Paris truck and every fibre of her|an energetic protest against the Lan overs ia aero ove una Foren eating of white bread, which nearly of self on her k minutes or this last | S0lf ou Dor Jnees, and wound ith ch 4 supplanted brown ha bers ry true it is true, dearie!" bh oried | 81 « He says at the only om Ek bt momet lin a kind of wail. "Light of my life, be | real bread is the: natural bread er TAN0S 0 calm! He is not worth a thought, a pang, | ..; iti sat, betors re him in without any addition. of youre. He is a liar, a hypocrite, and a A : Bu St Lawrence + | traitor, an the wretch who' wrote this| "This can not «be - white," he ye avTe eave. It is the man Koshki. He and I|.4ds top il 1 in original packages. id Ben watching, dogging Marvey Sa. | 0dds. e childishly unfortunate touched from etn You * | hib.. There ie & girl. I have seen her. Iii idea that the peasant's black bread cupboard, Jou are sure of . J | rand %0 Der month, 3 of and warned her, is less fine and desirable than white sugar absolutely free from ° L Edith wr is a national peril. contamination or impurities on "France has. changed an essential re * Sara, Taughed. "Is a of her nourishment. White bread 8 i mols Jove. rr is made more and more starchy and wae all OE Intvoon aaa? Bat no 'is less 'and léss nourishing. The cares for her; he meets her, goes to rich products which are extracted All first clas dealers fan sunly . so insist upon ha ow | y : '| "He hae. i ho--who ls ehet" demanded Lady | go to feed the pigs. The baker now o ; e k : MEE A d : one would think f. o for him to 'be. | Bdith, her bosom heaving, ST. LAWRENCE SUGAR REFINERIES gondiiion h apn ' "nouns "wou 4n't you have done ; i) ncareh be: | ih In paileq Mine. eid Sars. "ghe| SXtracts only 50 per cent. of the LIMITED, MONTREAL. reson eam CX the larg ; BL wol's it m and. ve toll you 1s 'the etngor irl--the girl at the ¢ wheat t elements, whereas fifty years 25-1013 and ich led -Benson te." AS | married. 'An' bein y know if"you had not epoken. | who was struc b Then 2 saw ht he ext tod 85 £0? haual, the. Pkerby Iwate lined "wit off EHaeplebw Eg! 80 oht 8 | bo At till." amonget the people. As this man eays,| 289 De extrac per cont. § mongers which 'ore fa , Wot are you mooching about | "Then you. have decided, Mina?" eaid|the eshib--the fool.beaet--was with her Jere bargaining and haggling; Man's attain? bubindss of yours a Clive Bel os. indeod" ehe responded |Loda%i I saw him Her voice broke, and } Si he bulla distr "and soo iy dive, on 4 x. heart, need o © earnestly, the color rising to her face, her | ure. "Dearie. you ey ee & A Tall One, ve no need ue 3 A Sok. 1 have lost her. Tor rob thAnis io 8 i sare. Her i oud y |i have done with him! Me is wii _JLiaborer--And they have tall PLEADS [FOR BLACK BREAD. you and Fate. But you think I don't oe worthy that you should touch him aL 13 : h rus] to face. | care what becomes oR I have heard a 10 himp They have Tht your finger tips, not worthy that buildings in America, Pat? Ais tral etal stood Tibby. Tibby, not | that she Ae X want 10 ese or 10, *'D "hac: Re. woud hes stranger | Bor O1aT our Yep ghoul rest pon nin Pat--Tall buildings hav' they-- gatrich foathor.. ne he had geen, hor at t he she o caught hi him up |S0ould be a Jesse Line al the but spurs him trom yon. Let t him, go go, let | faith, Mike, the last one I worked oonee! heen N ter shal 0 a ul Boric on her arm, R00 Tih 3 Peculiar ive, "Unpunished!" broke ady Bdith'e | On We had to lay on our stomachs roi Mg Ee p -- B14, Shon us the last time, mind! ce money sh . a od i Te etal Danish nimt hed a: Jo 1¢, the moon pass, ad uEed By shrpries aid Annity, olive | dot mind owning cha ith Shem Noi if dod | whi marky bag vio ol wi creme | Dame. She Yond Raver ons * ith Pi a ARR be! will only give me back my volce--" Her | for, in which he la do fond of dabbling, regarded Tn, find her at home. 1 ive arter | Nerds failed her, afd ehe turned her head | She is one of his 'People.' Pretty, T sup- edd haltaenans air. of an hour." She Dan ne * Olive did not r J "Oh, it's "Ye for a minute or two, 8 tell, h h rh, HET ln man gh (tt en BSS LG ype tas Boon vky, Savi on ha, Mink reo" ody nil Snehed ual BI 7c 1 NIGHT went on with her haggli ores ted for but BA. oareely, as eente! one | "Yes; I know the type! And he can d fe ; ied ne. pence Clive wail ho. mors. ke but, walked 'of us at least 0 a living ¢ death; there 16 | leave nie Tor ver! Foor mo whe loves she said i de- kl. vais ead in a du | quickly" Sagi Renta, uel no appeal, no hen I parted |him! Punished! Is there any punishment ul . from you that ning at Brimfield I saw | too bitter, too oruel f. il traitor? & i 3 ulte Jrosh; And Jona 2 nd, | | murmured lolly, the mS a of this loveless | Yea; the word Sta rl oh,' it T cold 'ST A under the bed for a 'wi and 1 Som { "he wae too agitated, or lage of mine--yes; 1 must epeak | only think of eome way to strike him, to uldn't surprieed if you Bu) plainly: to you. You know that (make him suffer a hundredth part of the e you tl hi % me for a FL NC alo ins nq Sndina' the' dons Five , and shall love you while | agony he is causing me!" i X _ at the sitting-room door, His ifs §7 t resol L Her voice choked, and ehe became in- A CANADIAN KNIGHT mm, bleseed it 1 dol" retorted the heen, eat eo ainfully at the sound of | Lilt, An Jolt het prticulats; and eho tore st the Jace'as her D S$ a, as 0 " use som che were stifling, ae nd he 'sd a 'arder nut to srack IES a in .that he had 10 Held the place 1a the World which belongs | poser ware bursting. Sara glided to her ISTINGUISHED SERVICE ORDER "erin Te quid manage: Th: i have recognized his step; for | 2 he. 0 oked oat him with' the. tears bl Zoot ptEa drow the GUiverLE jomp fe the COMPANION OF THE RANGE em ' 4 Bir, throw in Cabbage" sata em a erom her ahalr, aud was most, blinding Per, and held out her hand. Tips twisting, her teeth clenched. A Paste | The F FDALLEY @uo.| No Dust y;. 'an' Ull take a poun hand pi ping th the chair, the other pressed | 1 know, I know Fee broke in. "You| 'Hugh, dearie, hush!" ehe whispered, No WASTE | HAMILTON cAnaDA {No Rust 0 Yale of a Sound he ex- agatnat bosom. For a moment there ould Ee raseckt he Ron wonld hot hissed rather. "Be at Test, my angel!| |! - 3 Wa , aged C] A Tre you omy Mean Jae, hil ence, as Xe. & hh think I don't understand? It is hard for ys hol coved the Datior rn aloe profound me.~--Ah, no, nol" for iit y enough he ne ny ratel' 0; ft you male o Ra her, and took her hand. made to draw her to him. 'You must not A hy the hext, barrer,| "Mina!" he eaid. "You have heen -ill, : who knows how | you are here, back here: I have just seen to be civil, 'ab a ibby; ehe has told me nothing; but she |h ,"Ere's the pound, and "ere"s the cab-|has let me come to you tor the Jast fimo. | must do the right thing Fast helps me to age.' anid, the man, jabbing them fnto| "1-1 am glad it le the laet time, she | bear guy trouble : And.1 could dot bear k aeket: "an' my gratitude to a mussi- | 6 ftir I aw You even only now and again. Providence that I don't orften 'ave| She sank into the chair, and he leant | YOU €ald when you came in that we were ustomers ae you." be t the mantelshelf, lookin, Tucetjug fob the last time; and it must be ith a grin of satisfaction, Tibby » paid a his despair Won't aek you to forget me--I know r Lit 8 would oe impossible for me to for. * "Oh, you're ," she pk ol ok a voice, The Bet ¥gi; but I will try to remember you anty ald Fossler Berd 1,88, 800d, very great friend. Don't arry our basket, Tibby," wnta [1 ih x ie hack. Abore ya g |'D6 anxious about me. Yolce will comes v eX voltae it re 2) ao A A LL LLL LLL L. LLL LLLLL TTD TTS oS or mer sed Thby. x [bhck again: and If it should not, hate 0 A ' Lan i Chevaile i rigk er ways of earning a living, an fuel Saying Ii Tim hot nest to 'a ta Sa or he on uniuat the rigy of my | 85% Tohal leirn io be content, if not. habpy." 4 y mes a itt] $ ve turn away, for 6 ooul BT evel. ati o on me. Good night, Mr, a Tibby bs a er am look malt her face and retain command of she sm Livia good-bye?" he eaid hoarsely at i is good) 0," ghe echoed, holding out both her h and trying to smile. 6 took the trembling hands, and bent . her; but he felt that to kiss her would be to outrage her eense-of purity, to ineult her grief. He looked long into her eyes, then lingeringly dropp her handy and quick ly went out. bby wae waiting for Bim, in the giroes, Sh opened her lips to epeak 1g Bins bs the agony in his face etruck her a and with scarcely a glance at her he pase. ed on. As he emerged trom, the Renta, a mi from an op looked after a yn pon evil Fliiter In stole into the ar LL '20c a cake--Three for 25¢ For sale ewerywhere. | Look ; Jor the name 'Jer . As she put aside the dark cloak { almost concealed her Oriental p: . EO on i Edison Phonograph epasmod ioatlys as if she were in a state of euppressed fury and excitement; and for (Mr. Edison's Latest Invention) some minutes she 8 haced up and down Jer 5 room Ww and manner of a tig- feo Bi hs SLA ot UE Now Shipped ® : gaine sual composure, and emooth- An water an a ing ok rs EE Te i > y ? y ; door." There wae no newer, pi iy A offer introducing The New Edisons. Write quick--awhile this offer lasts. where, releases its. old she stopped with a startled exclama. Edison's new phonograph--ust out /--the perfected musical wonder of the age! ; Hons for JLody, Edith wag lying ose ards on ly arm Dp! : ] t fr ye ro her eves, the EE Hae lim mets RITE today for our new Edison Catalog--the catalog that tells you all about the wonderful VIO e agr ance Hy down With a leiser four Switz. and ran * mew model Edison with Mr, Edison's 7ew diamond point reproducer. It will also tell you to her mistress. "Dearie, Jo. Der Thietress. iv Doatle, dearief: she about our new Edison offer! Now read: . has h ed? Speak to me, k to I. Pet and Hard water or ot Jergens Viole | (BEREERL BE BITE | Me Edison's #207 mp of @)ffi@pee ex sod yn te ~ I er hea. er race w! > 'Glycerine Soap lathers as freely i none white, save for patches of 'crimson; her among all his won- e er: new mogel Fdison and your he d bri . eves were glowing, burning, ae if with derful inventions is choice of e brand n as the other, an rings to your toilet [fever ent abo demanded ; his phonograph. He records on an absolutely free loan. Hear all the ial 1 the hi "Where have you she deman: b striving to villes, minstrels, grand o , old sacred hymns, every kind of comic end t 3 2 hat most appealing of perfumes the 4 hoassely.. nt ome Jo oy Jont ' the most perfect pho. popular music, also your cl choice*of the highest grade concerts. and operas, as delicate fragrance of fresh, sweet st violet. want you to laugh with me," she laughed : pograph. At last he' rendered by the world's greatest artists. Entertain your family and your : . hysterlealin "ih eigen Jock at + Ww model. friends. n, when you are through with the outfit you may send it FE mk be rey THE pd - Fngshiuiin now at. and ye! m foo] shoug * epoch. Remember, not down---no d i igtressed. upset. Re Sara, and be : to us--no pt BR i Bi Wp Bele Ly a Thats +10 C.00, D f Re me that I am a fool to tae any no- pr . I from us--direct to you. Returnable at our expense or payable (if you 4 want to keep it) at the actual rock-bottom price direct ffom us. + Why should we make such an ultra-liberal The Reason + offer? Well, we'll tell your--we are Se theral ud of this magnificent new instrument. Whicn You sot he t In your town we know every- derisive Ia oun; but. as 1 0. - - - i ay will ny that nothing like it has ever been heard--so wonderful, so grand, so beauti- 1, sich a king of entertuiners--so we are pretty sure thot at least some one, if not you, i a . X Ie 1 h that cou! EB then somebody else, will want to buy one of these new style Edisons especially as the on conoonl i 3 i i a faint | Sa fei ered now 'at the most astounding rock-bottom price and on possi Agi by ad Our NewEdison [EPP 'Catalog Sent Free! 7. Fx. Bapson + Your name and address on a" ni Ki ag Emig