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Port Perry Star, 4 Feb 1914, p. 2

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i ed "a8 one It was found a boundaries would he ional pound or tract tion. horsato nb. Rte 0 eloven ponide v the . bo «provincial {PY Ah ks + habit has grown the prevalent dis- ; poland in baffoes) | Cee Bub being so wedilod to thie bev- : without. it; 'especially at breakfast, x Faighouty dy parcel i th t area' oak for the Raditional | An weight sof a p 0 made rom yilpme & conte? for each oi for comparaiively short dieta RR or even Ah between , po! ts. within the eame, nroyinoe, | 2 and-ths' 7° Appeared y practical to -system, under wh om, under w. kiko Tate Rovon Es 0 t Wi have 10 be casried hE i the sures Ri re "dry consider. the provincial dort as. the mite of hy sone. And]® pt. 18 the mits of the zonés, an uently the rates were Syed BY re vinces, " Thil makes the simple one, mich Dasier to follow Rd he fone exstem. based . % e first or, logal Tate xm Mle firet pound' ang Saco cent, 3 ih evi ius of twenty 'miles fr sei active boundaries. This is to give local mer: chants an advantage within their own neighborhood ahd 'aloo farmers |" gar: deners whe can use the mails for send- Je produce to thelr local market at a Ww Tate. A parcel Or 1T! pon Flliey 17th; las. yells intimated. he Official announcement was made by the Government on Wed- nesday. Last year the House open- 'ed nearly two weeks earlier. Al- though' no "official intimation has *béen 'given concerning the leader- chip of the House, it is taken for granted that Hon. J. J. Foy, as "seliipr member of the Executive @euncil, in the absence of Sir lames Whitney, will 'direct the fPusinee 3 Te RL JAPAN'S NEW ISLAND. fre Milos East By South of Iwojima Island. from Tokio says: A > voleamic: island, : five miles in thousand |' ; has 'appeared three ¥ Both of Iwojima Is- fe one of 'he Jenin group. A OTHER ER WR {he Use W When' Easy Way Out. Along with . " ere's an the tea and coffee ease--nervous prostration. The following letter shows the way out of the trouble: "Five years ago I was a great coffee drinker, and from its use I became so nervous I could scarcely sleep at all nights. My condition grew worse and worse until finally 0 - the A I. consulted declared |g; 42} breakt "roubles 'were' due to coffee. is just as injurious because it veontainy. vaffeine, the same drug. erage 1 diditidtisee how I-eould do [to adh that. meal. ici incomplete coffee. "On. a, visib, my friends deprived of. coffee; 'to prove that it was i Muthe end of abont; eight [5 ¥ vas less nervous but the Binet for coffee was intense, so 1 "went back to thé old. habit as soon 3 as I got home and the old, sleepless, nights came near making a, wreck For ol me it] heard of Posgum, to try it. I did net li * because, as I. g r ed, i. was not made in which an article ia pork g first the rate is 1 ad pach T ato lo is Jp. ce! ts | ani for distribution to he ORT aay lo ns of 11 Pounds ho Ee what the Dotnet i quent pound wu Fe OF FARK PRGAUCTS | REPORTS FROM THe Ceaning TRAD "The next sate 1s fixed a a one pound parce Method. 5 Simole. : ga t d id wil wt ot pou wi 22 ¥, | ily 3 pound an GIira fol 1% 5 gents Be imposed, making. und an an one AR od of gua ing 1 the rate Lol | nd Chord A ee, Lickrice a 4 ups ns 50 harmful : 'and so. can be ; A safely am idren, as 'well as Paite, Your physician or druggist can. this statemuent, for we are re tnem on request a complete Bitof of all the ing ients. aay 500. Hottlen by the 25¢. and Pl Dru, i" and Chemical Co. ott : a7 Canada, Limit Lithigs be erste. all and 3 ublic, there be! Tg a ee arate card fof iproyince. on lie ven = 2 "of tage a Poe a ree in which | an all other pro- vinces of the 1 hg ¥Wheén a pare ailéd the postmas- fo, geen, {fom the address the province to ated oh I shows him, without ro nd one cent wo Sy eg eet or fraction 'thereof! up .to. four le, and two cents for each subse: p lod is Rounds, within the place of mail- ng: \rfespective ¢ or go al boundarie he. next rate is fixed for the provi to wh tere the articles is posted. thie fis poun: radius of 20 m: CENTRES: oF AMERICA = Frices ot cate, Crain, Chcess ana Oihst froduce at Home and Abreas Breadstufty. Toronto, Feb. 3.--Flour--Ontario wheat four, 90 per cent., $3.55 to $360, seaboard, and at & Gr Toronto, _Manitobas--First $i stron ute bags, $5.40; do., seconds; 4.90; etrong bakers', in jute bags, $4.70: Manitoba = wheat--Bay ris, o. Northern, 9 1-2, and No. 2, 9 1-2¢; track, Qoderioh. All rail. No. i Northern, $1.01; No. 2, 99 1-2. Ontario wheat--Prices of No. 2 are 87 to B8c, outside, and 91 to 920 on track, To: ronto. Oaté--No. x Ontario oats, 36c, outside, and at 38 1-20 on track, Toronto. Western Senads oats, 401-2 for: No, and at 3% for No. 2, Bay ports. Barley--54 to 55¢, outs tee, ort New No. § American, 70c, all rail, Bx wi 2 at & > 640, © uckwheat~No. 2. ab He io. ie outside: Bran-Manu'toba ; Pra ton, in Bofonc Toronto freight, Hid 824 to $24.50, rrr. Conntry - Ppedues. Butter--Choice dairy, 23 0 fc; Saferiok, 20 to 210; farmers' ao: 'prints, 24 to 26c; creamery prints, 30 rd 3l¢t. sol to storage prints, to 3 solide, 2. to 96 1-20, © ey Egge--Case lots of new-laid, ac per dosz- én, io Ho por a Selocte, 36 to 38c, and storage, ow ee: 14 1-2 to 4 34¢ for large, and 15¢ for twine Beans- Hand picked, $2.20 to $2.25 per bushel; primes, $2 1 Honey Txtracted, 8 tine, 11 to 12 per 1b, for No. 1; combs, $3 to to $3.25 per dozen for No. 1, and § $2.40 to $2.50 for 'No. Poult try-Fowl, 12 to 13c per 1b. chick- ens, 16 to 18c; ducks, 13 to 15c; geese, 14. to 150; turkeys, 19 to 22. Potatoes--Ontario, 80c par bag, on track, and Eolawares at 80 to 8c, on track, in car lo . Provisions. Bacon--Lon 15 to Joo leat. case lots § 9; ad Lard--Ti ly y , "® we ences, 14 La sib 141.20; pails, | rere ! Balea Hay and Straw.' Baled' tly No: 1 oted 4.50 to $15 B ton, on track pL Soe No. 3ugiel at i $1 B10, and mixed at $12.to § Siran-=Car lots, $8.50 or 6.75, on Winnipeg, Feb. 3.--C Northern, 86 ~ Noy» Yo HJ Northern © ro; Soot 130 sod 0 i207 3 haa: Ng Fo. # Seay (teen i SEE hor 23 io i) $4 el or Win i No. 3 Oats, i o.W., Bie ody He al Joy HE to be carried, and a glance] mak THe EHS n A PIPE Arr Sixes og FROM ALL. OVER THE GLOBE; a, A Caditda' the Finplee Amir 'the World i WW Generat Hetore. Your 4 be : "Middlesex Fis council may de | "i cide on an industrial farm, E The Nyberg Auto Co. will Tocats at Berlin and employ 200 hands; i Fenian Raid' bounties' paid total K- : 81, 585,600, being 58 per cent, above 2 estimates. The Federal Government's 'adver-|. tising and printing bill for the past year was more than $1,400, Owing to the campaign that has been carried 'on by &'lady Dominion customs: officer against smuggling, the stores of Port Huron, Mich. have decided to 'step advertising in the Sarnia papers until the ®pecial officer goes to other points, s It is.reported that the majority of the municipalities of Quebec and of its representatives in Parlia- ment, ag well as the Chambers of Commerce and labor unions, are giving their support to the Cham- ber of Commerce of Montreal i in its demand for the. immediate... con- struction of the Georgian Bay Ca- nal. Great Britain, London's strike of coal porters has collapsed, The London Times announces that Bir Lionel Carden, British Minister to Mexico, will shortly re- turn to England on leave to report to the Government upon the out- look in Mexico. United States. An antidote for bi-chloride of mercury poisoning is said to have 211 been discovered: by a Chicago phy- gician. General, Gen. Villa has repeated 'his pledges of loyalty to Gen. Carran- za, head of the Mexican rebels. ee 3 REDUCING OUTPUT. Pennsylvania Coal Mines Are Shuts ting Down, bs A' despatch | from Philadelphia says: Because 'of the , unusually: niild weather, tome of the anthra-|. cite. coal producing companies are) 'greatly reduting their output, The Reading Company's collieries, em- ploying 30,000 men; closed down 'on { | '| costs $1.00; smaller size, 50c., at al the" hi oa ito "6a "fog the fteanier tucket, of Se Morena and "M ers Transportation : Company... Monroe, rent from o her engine-room,. filled and, ik ten minutes 'of the collision CB Hr NG CENTR isn) Tuxeda Island," "rin Colunibia, Short of' Provisions," V Yananda, the busy mining ce tra of Tuxeda Island; a EW opbby diss astrous' fire on Tun ight, an a lack of a i He will mean that somé temporary suf fering must exist' until a boat supply. The flames "broke sut! Deighton's store, and' oki short. time 'the' «confisgration 3 spread: and consumed the : gemer. '| vives from Vancouver with a i drug store and pool-room 8 18 ed e ively on: mite Wal ih the Miners' Union, H to keep, 'the flames from spreading to the hote Very. Title Ww of the flames. eg Liquid Couch Mixtures | i Can't Cure Bronchitis But the Healing. Fu Fumes; of. atari ozone, Which are Breathed to the. Furthest Recesses of the Bronchial Tubes, Bring" Quick Relief "and Sure Cure. Every sufferer from coughs, cold, bronchitis and all throat and chest ailments needs a soothing, healing medicine which goes direct fo the breathing organs in the chest 'and lungs, attacks the trouble at the source, 'disperses the germs of dis- ease, aud cures the ailment thorough- ly, And this medicing is "Catarrh- ozone," ! The gormkilling-- balsamid* vapor mixes with : the. breath, descends through the throat, down | the bron- chial tubes, and finally reaches the deepest alr cell§ in the lungs: All parts are soothed with rich, pure, 'medicinal 'essences, whereas with a syrup the affected parts could not be reached, and' harm would result through benumbing the stomach with drugs. - "I have been a chronic sufferer from Catarrh In the nose and throat for over eight years. | think | have spent four hundred dollars trying to get relief. | have spent but six dol- lars on Catarrhozone, and have been completely cured, and, in fact, have been well for some time. Ca- tarrhozone Is the only medicine | have been able to find that would not only give temporary relief, but will always cure permanently. Yours sin- cerely (Signed), WILLIAM RAGAN, Brockville, Ont." A For absolute, permanent cure' use Catarrhozone. Two months' outfit dealers, or The Catarrhozone Com pany, Buffalo, N.Y. and Epson Canada. ---- CL . CHINESE E_BANDITS, i - her. stem clear ] A Jovpaich from Vancouver gays" ; store, post-office, telegraph- Wo i and. Customs, as well as Rirkpesy' ] Dyn as saved {rom the path doc 'Whargeable' to 'intome, There is a Wed bral Five soldiers 1 "of #lmogt t 813, 000. as | i the a once se) ize pi year is the con- 5 gents Sores 0 : oh Ho House on' docreadel that of $3,703,702.48, is fnder the head of public: works decr of $150,000 in the Naval fpr vice opopion indter i 38,750 undel: reilways and ca pe Sif 244.10 under misce "& 'decrease' of B71, 003 under militia, Large Increases. The largest increases are 81,- 266,500 under agriculture, $1.911,- 840.75 under post-6ffice, $250,958.22 in provincial subsidies, $383,550 under immigration, $405,533.33: un- der trade and commerce;: «$745,570 under railways, $584, 041757 7 in civil | | government "and $1,738,013. asoount of public debt; inclu striking fund. 2 During the fiscal year March 31 last the total authorize expenditure was $184,198,817, but of this amount nearly $20,000,000 was left unexpended. During the} year which closes March 31 next the expenditures on large national undertakings and in connection with investments bas been very. heavy. In the Agriculture" Department the detailed votes include: $770,000 for experimental farms, an increase of 811C,000; for the enforcement of the Destructive Insect Act, $50,- 000 ; development of dairy and fruit industries, $225,000; cold storage encouragement, "$200,000 5 health of animals, $500:000 ; administration MAGAZINE EXPLODED. Italian Soldiers Killed and Serious- ly Wounded. vA despatch from Genoa, Ttaly, 'says: 'A powder magazine of the. nearly Jortifeations, exploded ong Tone "on i. of Liuan Chow. | A depatch from Sh Ching, says: A force of 2,000 dits on Thursday sacked and. burn. ed isuely the entire city of Liugn Wednesday Night for the remainder. Cho 0 of the week. Ofi Thursday the ¢ol- Susquehanna' Coal | 1} Company, a Pennsylvania- Railway | corporation; suspended ; operations} lieriés. of 'the until Mondays. Miners, say they iad cannot.' recall such long contin Nei mild. weather at hhip seasq ie] year. ot ionipos 4 rape i Fx-Contiable: RobertiJ. "Reid; | of Krafchenko! hey Jared ! "The brigabde: apparenthy 'aire connected with 'the bands com manded by "White Wolf," sho iave~for a considerable: tima heen i havaio the SRSRSEH;PALh of: fi Hon a Burned t the Enfige Clty [of Meat and crease of $300,000 'mates incl continental, | Bridge, $3, 000, 000; Welland an $4,000,000; Lachine Canal pre ou: $215, 900 ;~Trent Canal, #1 force'? Tr TE EN 240,000 ; deve a] Er tho ock "industry, $ ; A New Bringwick . Prince Edward Toland British: Columb bia . ak, 'Manitoba i... a © B1,310.41 20,000.00 The Railway Degarimedt oti. ude :--New terminals at Halifax, $2,500,000; "wharfs - and docks, Halifax, $160, 000; installa- tion of block and telephone, gys- tems, $164,000; new car ferry and dock' at Port Milgrace, $458,000; new rolling stock, $1,000,000; aaa orn extension in Halifax' County, : For the Hudson | Bay 'Railway terminals and elevators, the vote is} x $4,500,000; for the National Tra; 5 3 ~$8 ,000,000 ublio Works estinnics includes the following capital expenditures for the continuance Boris al- ready in progress on harbors "and rivers: Toronto harbor, $1,000,000; Trench River improvements, $500,- 000; St. John harbor, $3,000,000, and a million each for works ab Victoria, Vancouver, Quebec: and Port Arthur and Fort William. Public buildings votes are largely for the' smaller class structures, and practically all re-votes for the continuance of works already in progress. civilian were killed and nine gihery: viere seriously wounded. . ' Hamilton Police. Commissioners granted increases of pay to 4 0 High Class Profit-Sharin VESTMENT 4, pn dx da; Noda? 32 HL pases Nami NAL SECURITIES COR DERATION LIFE BUILDING ONFEDER Bonds. Serisd-s10g,] wit a ppoial' "time after 3 r and- PORATION LIMITED SANADA

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