Fis Te ~ "A despatch from Ottaws says: The 18th bulletin of the: gomans o of 1011, issued on Wedn tains the statistics of of the ple by single years, od totals I Cats. 'and for each of the ad also comparative statis- tics of the distribution of the people by age periods in 1911 and 1901. The largest proportion per 1,000 of persons under 10 years is found in the Province of Quebec, with 273.508, as compared with 271.456 in 1001, when it also held the pre- mier "position. The lowest pro; tion is found in British Colum with 168.345, followed by Ontario, with 200,316 per 1,000; these two _ provinces occupied the same rela- tive positions in 1901, the former having 169.874 and the latter 208.- 393 per 1,000, The provinces which show a betterment at this age are Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Quebec. The greatest falling off is shown by Manitoba, which has dropped from 270.094 to 248.677, end «-by Prince Fdward Island, which has fallen from 232.086 to 914.450 per 1,000. The Western Provinces are the regions of young men and women, as is shown by the large per cent. of the population between the ages of 20 and 45. It is an interesting fact that the high- est, proportion. for this age period is to be found in British Columbia, and that as. we come eastward the proportion assumes & constantly decreasing figure. The provinces 'showing the larg- est. proportion over 70 years are Prince Edward Island, Nova Sco- tia, New Brunswick and Ontario, with ° 52.9; 46.6, 38,1 and 34.7 "re- spectively per 1,000, while those showing. the lowest are Alberta, Saskatchewan, British Columbia COLD STORAGE BILL. "Quantity of Provisions on Hand to 5 Re Reported On. A' despatch from Ottawa says: The bill respeeting cold 'storage which, as recently intimated, the Government will bring down this session, is now in course of prepar- ation, after having been under consideration of Hon. Martin Bur- rell for some time, Generally speaking, the measure will provide for a stricter inspection and con- trol of cold storage plants and for returns showing the exact quanti- ties of provisions which from time to time they contain. The idea is to protect the public against any oornering of markets to unduly en- hance prices, The details of the bill are now under advisement, It will embody the results of an in- vestigation made in the principal American cities by Dairy Commis- sioner Ruddick regarding the cold storage system generally. x ADULTERATION OF ¥0O0D. "»_ - The Proportion Prevalent In Cane ada Is Small A despatch from Oftawa says: The annual report of the Dominion analyst, tabled on Wednesday, shows that food adulteration is still prevalent in Canada, although the proportion of impure food is small, 'Of 268 samples of lard, two were found adulterated; of 157 samples of butter, four adulterat- "ed; 69 samples of cider, 29-adulter- © ated; 150 samples of baking pow- dér, 36 adulterated; 138 stock feeds, 22 below guarantee; 80 fla- voring extracts, 40 adulterated ; 280 spices, 45 adulterated; while 273 samples of pepper showed 53 adul- terated. & Soe. Interesting Statistics Are Furnished by the 'Latest Census Bulletin § and Manitoba, with 8.2, 8.8, 12.3 land 13.3 pe, So vely. -| That Oa country of Toure a is evi denced by fact that 812.9 per- sons in every 1,000 of the popula-|8™ tion of known age are under 45 years, The proportion of divorces is given as six in 10,000. Of the total male Dopulagion, 62 per cept. are single, 34.85 married, and 2.33 wi- dowed. Of the female Poy 57.37 per oent. are sim married, and 5.31 Sa One man and fifteen women of under 15 years are married. From 15 to 19 years 1,20 per cent. of males and 6.9 per cent. females are married. The influence of immigration on the realtive standing of the sexes is shown by the fact that in 1911 there were nearly 113 men to every 100 women, as compared with 105 to 100 in 1901. For the population under 18 years of age the 'propor- tion of males to females is fairly level, with the former having but a slight advantage. In the popula- tion between the ages of 20 and 45 this influence is strikingly shown, |. the aggregate for. this period. giv- ing 124 males to 100 females. At the age of 70 the ratio of males to females assumes again its normgl proportion. . From. 80 years of age and upward the female population exhibits a greater. tenacity of life than do the males, In all Fastern cities the female 'population outnumbers the male in very nearly a 'correspondingly ratio to 'the extent that malés' prepon-|e derate over. females :in the West. Montreal is the only Canadian city where the numbers of males and females are in fairly true propor: tions.' x PANAMA-PACIFIC EXPOSITION Premier Says Britain will Not Par- ticipate In It. A despatch from London 84S: Premier Asquith on Thursday again refused British official participation in the Panama-Pacific Exposition at San Francisco. When asked in the. House of Commons by Waldorf Astor to reconsider the matter Mr. Asquith said: 'The British Gov- ernment recently reconsidered the question of participation in the ex- position at San Francisco, but re- grets that it does not feel able to modify its previous decision.' rnd mri MOHAWK INSTITUTE ON FIRE. Firemen Had Strenuous Tight to Conquer. It. A despatch from Brantford says: A fire that threatened to destroy the Mohawk Institute occurred on Thursday might, breaking out in the greenhouse. The fire brigade of the Institute fought the blaze strenuously and finally conquered it. The total amount of damage done iy estimated at $8,000. oa NOTED MAN DEAD. Alphonse Bertillon, Créator of System of Identification, A despatch from Paris says: The death occurred on Friday of Al- phonse Bertillon, creator of the system of criminal = identification, which made his - name known throughout the world. He was in his 61st year. qe Dr. Korn and two companions from Berlin have made a record balloon flight of 1,848 'miles. BRITISH NAVAL ESTIMATES Will Exceed $255,000,000 RS nd from . London 8ay8: doi Duiiams anfismantary suaséspondent * the $15,000,000 Supplementary Last Year in 1914, Over and Above very conscious of ia rai position, do tem," 4 not like ab all, por of Catarrhozone You Prevent ' "and Cure All Head, Nose, and tly a | simply ts, goths. throat and 'nose, sore! tion, No medicine brings such 'Prominin Hef, exerts such an invigorating influ- cures throat troubles as "Catarrh- ozone." Doctors, hospitals, sanateri- ums, all say that for those who suffer' from changeable weather, for those who are predisposed to catarrh, lung trouble, deafness, or bronchitis, no 'treatment is so indispensable as 0a: tarrhozone." Victim of Chronic Catarrh Cure L I contracted a severe cold while fol- fowing my occupation of furniture tra- velling, and eventually It developed into Catarrh. The desultory mode of life | was following gave me very lit- tle chance to attend to the Catarrh condition, and at last | became a vic- tim of Chronic Catarrh, | bought a large package of Catarrhozone, used It as per directions, and have never béen bothered since. 1 will be only too glad to give any Inférmation | possess to any person suffering from the disease that was the bane of my life 'two years. A. H, SWARTZ, Brockville, ont, For certain cure, for relief inp an hour, use 'Catarrhozone, the: only di- rect, breathablemedicine. . Twomonths' treatment guaranteed, price $1.00; smaller size 60c.; at all druggists, or the Catarrhozone Company, King- ston, Ont, and Buffalo, N. Y,, U.S.A. A FOOD RIOTS IN AUSTRIA. Bakeries Raided and Bread Distri- "buted to the Hungry. A despatch to the London Daily Mail from Vienna says that food riots growing out of lack of em- ployment have broken out. in Gali- cia. The unemployed in berg raided - bakeries * and distributed bread to the hungry on Wednesday and afterwards held a' demonstra: tion in front of the, Town Hall. On Thursday most of the bake shops were closed, but crowds invaded and looted them. Fighting between the rioters and, the police assumed serious proportions. ©Orres- pondent says similar troubles are Did from Stanislau, ricci mesniia A ROLD THIEF. Snatohed $15,000 From a London Jewellery Store. A - despatch from London, Eng- land, says: A thief smashed the with a tray of diamond ornaments, {valued at $15,000. He was chased and caught and part of the stolen goods was recovered. Many of the articles, however, which were scat- tered along He 'streets, are miss- ing, eee "SCHOOL TEACHERS Also Have Things to Learn: fee and refused to be convinced of its bad effect upon the human 8y8- writes & veteran scl teacher. (Tea is just as harmful because it contains caffeine, the same drug' found in coffee). 'Ten years ago I was obliged to give up my much-loved work in the public schools after years of con- tinual labor. I had developed a well-defined case of chronic tee. poisoning. 'The troubles were constipation, in the top of my head and various parts of my body, twitching of my times after exertion, a general "'gone". feeling, with a toper's de- sire for very Stzong coffee. I was a nervous wreck for years. "A short time ago friends came to visit us and they brought a pack-' age of Postum with them, and urged me to try it. I was preju-| diced because some years back 'I stuff called Postum, which I did "This time, However, = friend 'made the. Px By Breathing 4 the Rich, Balsamic Var ence, or so thoroughly and speedily pide, window in a jeweller's store on| $28 Regent Street on Friday and bolted | ¢ 'For many years IT had used cof-] ons Jlsars, $2.58. flutterings of the heart, a thumping: § limbs, shaking of my head, and ab{ be bad drunk a cup of weak, tasteless| i 2 13, an ey Fiat to Hol atm oe tario oats, 35 to 86 1-2¢ aa, a AO 88 1-2¢, on track Toren 0. 40 1-2¢ oats, : io a To 85 1:30 for No.| uh = in No. hot 950 to $1, outside, witt Ls ey 57¢, outside. 0. 3 Samarieus, 3 700, all Een wien TH {EHS nl 1 FRAG in a ro Foonte. freight. Shorts, Country Produce. Butter--Choice dairy, 22 to 23c: in- feos, 19 to 20c; farmers' separator Bs rints, 22 to 26c¢: ereamery. | prints, 30- | HAPF NINGS FroN ALL OVER THE GLOBE IN A -2¢; .-molids, 27 storage J Boe | pointe, 27 io Bo: 8 ins. 95 13 t0 i NUTSHELL. © lots of AY i "to AR NE 86c pe torage, 33 to ; ------ per. doze selects, 5 34g, ana storake. Bio 30 per dozen. Canada, the Empire and the World New cheese, 14 8-4¢ for large, ang sm ang pis emia. $230 to 320) iu General Refore Your Pe nae nberactod. in ts, iL to 120. _ Eyes. : 1h. for No. 1: combs. on 3.26 per : ils Soten" 'for No. 1, and $2.40 to $2.60 . for * Canada. ad 1bsh a PEE Tid Hoel fadioul 166; Brantford's hydro-electric depart. gegse, 1 setts iiss dy 230. partment is being flooded with jor: 88-15 9 ders, bag, at track, Ware ad at 90 EE or than ar Sot Tots." = Miss Tether - Jones of Sarnia, '| Ont., has béen appointed city clerk of Lethbridge, Alta, - . From two to three: 'million' dollars' will be spent on 'extensions. to the hydro-electric system in 'Ontario. 'Provisions. Bacon--Long "clear, 15°to 16¢c' 1h. in case Joe, Pork---Short cut, 2%. 50; do, mess, $24.60. Hams--Medium" to i616 18 to. 18, pha; breakfast bacon, 18 90% backs," 0 24c. Sart ard Fieroen, 14 1- ic; tubs, 14 1-2¢} ' The Winnipeg poultry show open- apt ed with over 1,500 entries, 'exhibi- _ Baled. Hay ang Straw. 3 tors- ranging from Port Arthur t6 Ct Baled JDay--No, i 1 at $1 $14. 50. Jo ys 2 Regina. /, ul a OTE Soa ured ag $12. to. $12.50, The estimates of the Toronto Baled straw--Car. lots, $8. i) to $8.75.) Works Commissioner call for an ex- + | penditure of over $5,000,000 on lo- cal undertakings, including sight on track, Toronto. Winnipeg Grain. 'Winnipeg, Feb. 17.--Cash -- Wheat--| new bridges. No, hern, 88 1-4c; No, 2 North- ern. ie Ey No. : Noreen. sf 84, 1-4o; The family of Andrew Westbury, 0, 4, 4&3 0. b, c; No. ' feed, 61 1-2¢; No. 1 rejected seeds, North Cobalt, had to get out of 8 1-2c; No. 2. Foleo ed seeds. 1 1p their burning house at midnight in 0. i . » 7971-20; Noi red Winter, 88 1-40; No.| Bight attire in 30 below zero wea- 2 red Winter, 86 I-4c; No. 3 red Win- ther. ter, 84 1-dc. Oats--No. W, Hr EW 80 avira No. 1 reed 431.46) At a ditsinguished banquet in No. 1 food (32 io; No. fead, 32c. Ottawa of Canadian lawyers from i 0 5 2c; toed Ne Baier all : parts. "of the Dominion it was: + $138: "No. 4 CW. $1.26; No. decided to form a Canadian Bar a Association. The offer of the City of Brantford . Montreal Markets. Montreal, Feb, .17.--Corn, American! for the Grand Valley Railway and gn. op Wah eB mdian. fhe Brantford Street Railway has estern, 0. Cy ariey,. an. feed, 48 to tc, Barley. malting, Heh fe6a: | been accepted by the bondholders Buckwheat, No 87c. Flour, of the former, i tents, firs 35.40; Man. Bo ni wheat F. H. Hopkins of ,the Ontario or strong ake {or Winter faerie gholee, $4.75. to Agricultural College, Guelph, won 5: strlen Tol ers, $4.45 to $4.60; do. first. prize vith bags, $2.06 5. Rolled oats, bar- Pp n an essay competition felis. $1.35: bo 3 i 30 Ine. ags;05. Bran.) open to all agricultural Solleges on Mouttte, 328' to, $32. we No. ch Der the continent. n car lo es finest" westerns, '1 3 oh : Tigeae, The largest steel water tower in Canada and the second largest in America has been completed at St. Thomas, with a capacity of half a million gallons, Expenditures approximating be- tween two and three million dollars are involved in the construction B.8¢: No. 1 Northern, 92 1-8 programme of the Ontario Hydro- heat finern, 00 1-8 to Electric Power Commission for this year, arjorie Drake, thirteen months easterns, 13 1-2 ors 3 4c. Butter, chole- est creamery, 98 a 28 1-2¢; seconds, 27 to 27 1-2c. Eggs, fresh, 36 to 37¢; se- lected, 83 to 34c; No. 1 stock, 80 to 3lc; No. stock, 24 to 26c. Potatoes, per bag. 2 lots, 80e. Uhited States Markets. Minneapolis,' Feb. 17--Wheat--May, 91 1-8¢c asked; July, 92 3-8¢ bid; Ni 1 hard, 04 6 5; first clears, $3.40 All of the Grand Trunk employes Live Stock Mark ota. who went out on strike on the Lon- Toronto Feb; 17.--Cattle--Choice but- Shers, $8 to $5.5 0; good [medigm, RY oo don division in 1911 are now back on ci A . 3 LRT bulls 34°50 0 $7; © cannery on duty, with the exception of one and cutters, i oe o 3 4; Busi fat conductor, who will be taken on . . V Os | $8.78 to $11: cominon. $4.15 to. § If; again this week. tockers and Jeaden ee | io to 1.-| 050 pounds, $7. 3 ity, 500 OS 6 %0 Lo pi 30; * t ewes, $5.50 to 44 i heavy, Ducks; 33 to $3.50; SPH A of Ti .560, 'but wit! Te ead iaberss or: 2 the buck lambs, CORR 0 ; and wi $5.5 att Sara, ang SEE £5 70. i of prime and Great Britain. Seven militant suffragettes were S sentenced to jail in London on a ROnoft cars, and $8. 18 ° charge of obstruction. peeves were made' a over 1 7 $-20, The Mississippi, the first motor from that down ta soldat or, the | oorer liner of 5,000 tons, built for the At- 75 each: calves, bc to 7c; sheep, about lantic Transport Line, was launch- i lambs, 8c to 8 1-Zc: hogs, 93-4 to ed at Glasgow. ' In the first division on the home --ie rule bill in the British House of Commons the Government was sus- PAINS IN. BACK ALL GONE wives » sori 55%. GIN PILLS COMPLETELY OURED, || oo B.C. David, of Cornwallis, N.S., , United States. s, "About a year ago, I wes suffering | Germany w. ad 80 much with a dreadful. Lame Back United Le fe ne and Hips, that I could not stand up M v straight. I was informed by triona- PCY 4 in Mexico, 4 GIN PILLS. I : 2 in laborers as "a menace to| Jaye entire omy ro General ii: | brought to the . Hotel had to make on his 'hands patents, $4.6 - ran, 322 to $ha50, d, in Brantford, and the two-| 8 51 2 hy May $1 3 34 July-418 f months'-old daughter of Fred and -4, ose, whea 5 1-26; 0c Hamilton No. 1 Northern, 80 12; No.3 North Mrs. Ri h; in )... Were ern, 88° 1-2¢; No. 2 hard Montana, 88 to smothered in bed by pulling the 88 1-2¢;" May, 9Zc: July, 92 7-8 bedclothes over their faces. | disturbances are in part the Young Lumberjack Had Seriotes in Northern Distr atch from King ay PE ollins, a young Tn umberjs whose home is in this Thursday morning. | He had ob) feet badly frozen, and it is, fea { at 'may have be: amputat- : = oo working at about. 30 degrees below zero, had to drag himself a8 best he co four miles farther. to reach nearest farm, Part of the way knees, and he suffered terrib He had a man drive him to Pay, and Here he started on ie journey home. £ fall i TO REPRESENT THE KING. South Atrloans Would ° Welcome Prince Arthur of Connaught. | A despatch from London says: Bloemfontein correspondent of the Daily Mail states the opinion is: gaining ground that it is highly de- sitable that the King should be re- presented in South Africa by a member of the Royal House, the case of Canada,' If Prince thur of Sonnanght. Eis apt poin geroy, it "is ur Ml would make a strong appeal: 2 imagination of both .races would be a great senvite to tr Imperialism. HOTEL BURNED. Hotel Arlington, St. Thomas, Des- troyed By Fire. A despatch from '8t. Thomas says: Fire destroyed the Arling- ton Hotel here. at 5.30 on Fri: day morning. -. It was a brick structure, a landmark in the city, and about 190 guests were regis- tered. Through a mistake in send- ing in 'the alarm the fire brigade ran about a mile to another hotel, and. by the time they returned tc the scene of the fire it was past con- trol. The temperature was about 14 below zero. All the guests had time to-dress and escape, but there is doubt as to whether one man is in the ruins or not. -- P Flowers, Fruit and Sunshine in February i and always, are to be found in Califors: nia, the ideal Wintering place, reached komfortably and convente ently by the Chicago, Bion Pacific and North West- sen Line, via the fastest and most direct: amidst the- luxurious surro ey of the compartment, club and ob- servation parlor, or mor Limited, fastest train to to. the Mage Clty. of the TATRO c City of the un. shine, via Salt Lake Clty; - a the San Frandigeo" Timited. The Overl offers: "Safety--Spoed-- Scenery. nd Route i excelled dining car service Rates, an bonis foatter and full Particulars nt, 45" Yon Bennett, General ae "Streat, Toronto, Of= x 2 Serious disturbances have oc- curred in connection with the agi- tation against the Ministry at Os- aka, Japan. Mobs stoned the tram- 'cars and the Tevenue building. The a off" dau The Inspector-General of minis iE 1 olor, the Susie Prien