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Port Perry Star, 18 Feb 1914, p. 3

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'rheumatism. T! 5 back, arms and legs were terrible, $reated with several doctors,' but they did not help me, and as time went on I was unable to work, and to think that I would be a cripple for life. While in this try- ing ition a friend who had been cured of rheumatism by the "pee of Dr. i Pink Pills ad- vised me to ¥ry this remedy, and I got a supply of the Pills. I had taken the Pills for several weeks before any improvement was no- ticed, but once signs of relief came the improvement from that time on was rapid, and I jovfully continued taking the Pills until every vestige - of the trouble disappeared. No one but a similar sufferer can imagine » the gratitude I feel for this relict n pain, because I have since & perfect health I urge other rheumatic sufferers to give. this Werd'cine a trial." Wou can get Dr. Williams' Pink ills from any medicine dealer or by mail atiB0 cents a box or six boxes for # from The Dr. Wil- "lHams' M poi: Co., Brockville, Ont. Ta ; -- re # BACTERIA IN DUST. Heat of the Sun and Bright Light = Keeps Them Down. That there is & surprising scarcity 5 "of bacteria in dust has been shown by recent experiments. By means of the Aitken dust counter, one scientist discovered that: in: the: open suburbs of London there are 40,000 'particles in*every cubic inch of air. The same investigator "found in London: but one microbe to every 38 cubic inches of air. « ' n 'air is constantly' about and man is constantly mov- on a dusty day, , in; the air, 's poverty of microbes the sun be bright flow a Sick Woman Read This: Very Carefully. . floating i+ this maxim | Interest in the personality of the Colonial Becretary, Lewis Har: | court, and his family is revived by the instruction which he is to have sent to all British in- ions and dependencies directing that oil made only to com- panies registered and having their chief place of business under the British flag. This is intended .to ensure a world-wide oil supply for the oil fuel-burping ships of the Imperial Navy in time of war. Mrs. Harcourt is a charming woman who loves her home and children, 7 em Meee Bashful Barrie. Ralph Connor once attended a reception at Free St. George's, Edinburgh. It was given by the young people of the church in ho- nor of the rising novelist, Coming in late he met the late Henry Drummond. "Have you seen Barrie I" Drum- mond asked. . 'No, but I should like to," re- plied Connor. - "Well," advised =~ Drummond, "you just look around until you find a hole, look down that hole ard you will find Barrie."' Connor found Barrie later in a quiet corner evidently looking for a hole and somewhat distressed at not finding it. err ne BABIES OWN TABLETS CURE INDIGESTION Indigestion is one of the most common ailments of childhood, and no other @ilment is more danger- ous. Indigestion paves the way to many other' complaints. Baby's Own Tablets never fail to remove childhood "indigestion. They: act as a gentle laxative, sweeten the sto- mach, regulate. the bowels, and make the baby 'healthy and happy. Loncerning them Mrs. Alphonse ellitier, St. Philippe de Neri, Que., writes: 'I: have niced Baby's 'Own Tablets for indigestion with great 8 seceded They have ' also proveds successful in breaking up colic and simple fevers." 'The Tah- lets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The ville, ** Hobbies"and Their Patrons. "It is said that a hobby should be chosen to provide a complete change from the regular work of life, "apparently many well- people have borne in mind _ when selecting their are-time pastime. For ging. be diving | Then one of my neighbor: vii, Ou icine Ogu Bronk .| Cures Colds, . Coughs, Sore. Throat . | Nervil gd bre n dren may X8-| Nerviline r ~ years," she '1 got medicine from th j ed several . other ut nothing helped me. 8 advised Dodd's Kidney Pills. I r boxes, and they helped I have used an) with | ® INFLUENCE OF GHOSTS. The West African Bushmen Have Strange Belief. In the minds of most of the West African bush people no hard and fast line seems to exist between the living and the dead, writes T. A. Talbot in The Wide World Maga- zine. Ghosts are thought to exer- cise great influence over those who in's still dwell on earth. At all cere- and she was always tired and ner- vous. Her limbs swelled and she 'was always thirsty. These are all! symptoms of diseased + kidneys. | When she cured her kidneys with Dodd's Kidney Pills the symptoms vanished--and so did the rheuma- tism. errr l eee HOW TO SHAVE. Some Valuable Hints on How to Use a Razor. Safety razors have been but a mixed . blessing; they have made men forget how to shave. Apart from that, even a safety razor can only be used in one way if the best results are to be obtained. Which ever kind of razor you use, you should be careful always to shave with the run of the beard. Never shave against the grain; it is bad for the skin, the beard, and the razor. A safety razor should be pressed flat against the face, and the action of a scythe should be imitated. That is to eay, instead of running the razor straight down the face, use a semi-circular motion, Perhaps the most important part of a shave is the lathering. The more the beard is lathered the softer it will become; it is false economy to scamp this part of the performance in order to save time or trouble. An ordinary razor should always be stropped before and after use, and the soap should be thoroughly taken off it by hot water. "A razor is all the better for a 'rest occa- sionally. ied Cate Learn how to-use a strop,preper- ly. The razor-strop «should hang from a point mot -higher than:the waist-line:« Shaving; and the 'care |' good condition is a man to be en- vied, "especially in the winter. Ooof! "The silk hat is one hundred years old," observed the Boob, as he laid down his newspaper. ©. ies: "Is that all ' mused the Grouch. 'Some of them look a Tot older than Magic Nerviline" Cures Toothache, Earache IT RELIEVES» EVERY "EX- " TERNAL PAIN Tight Chest and--Hoarséness.™ It's when 'sickness comes at night, when you,are, far.from-the: druggist or 'the<deotor; that's.-when 'nee most. Experienced niothsts "wittiout™ft. One of, the chil: «toothache, Without sleepless night for.-the 2 "Ner 6 the q 7. It y be che, perhaps a-stiff -neck, -or one z kiddies coughing with a bad monies of importance the names of the principal ancestors are invoked, and at feasts part of the food is al- ways laid aside for them, in such words as the following: "Listen, my family! Here is the offering (goat, sheep or cow) which we have killed for him who has died. Here is your portion. It is time for us to eat." A libation is also poured out in order that the dead may drink with the living. By a beautiful fancy, any strang- er who dies in a town is buried on the road by which he entered it, so that his spirit may eaeily find the way back to his home, or at least watch the road thither and listen for the coming of friends, Among many tribes those objects most used by the dead man while in life are broken and laid around his grave, so that their spirit, set free by the breaking of their earthly forms, may be borne by their owner into the world of ghosts. --e teen Lost His Happy Home. "I onoe had a comfortable home, ma'am."' Poor man, how did you lose it?" "Me wife lost her job, ma'am!" mn ee THE AGONIES OF HADES .- Aren't supposed to be worse than a bad corn. For years the standard re- medy has been Putnam's Corn Extract- or. It painlessly removes the worst corn in 24 hours; try Putnam's Extract- or, 26c. at all dealers. EI But the man with money to burn may not love the smell of smoke. Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. Psychological Moment. Orawford--What's the best time for a man to: get home at night? Crawshaw--When his wife asleep. } is ear Sirs,--We wish to inform _you that we consider your.'- NINARD S LINIMENT a very superior article, and we use it as a surg relief forisore throat and chest. When I tell you I would not be without it If the price was oné dol- Toe mBottle, {quan fy io : "CHAS. I. TILTON. Vike Learning that his friend had fall- en off a roof on which he was at work, the scientific chap hastened to his bedside. ."I have an oppor-| thnity to prove an old theory here," he said, aftér obtaining' all 'the 'de- tails. "They say that when a man falls from a great height he thinks of all his sins before he hits: the ground. Now, is that true? Did you do that?' "Well, I didn't have time to think of quite all of them. You see, I only fell five stories." Minard's Liniment Cures Gargst in Cows * ETHERIZING PLANTS. A French Hortioulturist Hos Ob] tained Excellent Results. Forcing: plants. by the vapor a ether seem Ve proven one' the m . rs yet French: horticulturist, G. has experimented. wi 8 sweans of obtaini Ss 1 pa A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY An eminent scientist, the other day, gave his opinion that tue most won +a wound or to a Alseased cells beneath the skin's sur- 80 ptimulated that new healthy tissue is quickly formed. This forming of fresh thy tissue from below is Zans-Buk's secret of heuling. The tissue thus formed is worked up to the surface and literally casts off the dizeased tissue above it. This is why Zaia-Buk cures are per t Only the other day Mr. Marsh, of 101 Delorimier Ave. Montreal, called upon the Zam-Buk Co. and told them that for over twenty-five years he had been a martyr to ecsema. His hands 'were at one time so covered with sores that he had to sleep in gloves. Four years ago Zam-Buk was Introduced to him, and in a few mouths it eured him. To-day--over three years after his cure of a disease be had for twenty-five years--he Is tll cured, and has had no trace of ay return of the eczema! All druggiets sell Zam-Buk at 0c. box, or we will gead free trial box if you send this advertisement and a lc. ytamp (to pay return postage). Ad aress Zam-Buk Co., Toronto. s-------- The Silencer. The Magistrate (to offending mo- torist)--You are fined ten dollars. The Motorist--All right, old man! You must take it out of this $20. The Magistrate--You are now fin- ed $20. Anything more to ray! The Motorist--By jove, Sir, no! You're too quick at repartee. Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days Druggists refund money if PAZO OINTMENT falls to eure Itching, Blind, or Protruding Piles. First application gives relief. 0c, Smart. : "How old are you, Johnny?' "Seven." 4 + "'And when were vou seven {' ""On me last birthday." sr oe pH i ie Minard's Liniment Cures Célds, Ets / . Fairville, Sept. 30, 1902, ; Minard's 'Tiniment 'Co. "Limited: 1 His, Trouble. The Caller--You say your son dislikes the'country and wants to go to the city. "Does he seem restive at home ?. > Mrs. Tungtwist--Yes, he's awful restive. "He ain't done nothin' but rest since -he graduated from col- lege. . ot . Try Murine Eye Remedy. It have Red, Weak, Watery Eyes or Granalated ds. n't Smart Soothes Bye ain. .. Druggists Sell Murine Ere Remedy, Liquid, 25¢, 50e. Murine' Eye 'Salve in 'Aséptic 'Tubes, 25¢c,. §0¢.;.. Eye. Books Free by. Mail. An Gye Toole Good for All Eyes thet Need Care Murine Ere Remedy Co. Chicage Sapply and Capacity, The Teacher (at a school treat)-- What's the matter with Horace, Mrs. Jones? Is he ill? Mrs. Jones--Oh no; Miss. 'E ain't exactly ill, but no stummick can stand nine buns. Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. 'Dr. Guthrie said: --JI am in good gpirits because I take no spirits. I am hale because I take no ale, My reasons for being an abstainer are --My health is stronger, my head clearer, my heart lighter, and my th | purse heavier. the rail- a cheque . A negro workman on road each week presented and drew his why don't Tot sme n a he tas < ] » ne- a : ; j ; § i i i Hie i { E i § i £ iz : £3 i fn I i hi fi fy 2 I Eg i i I i ef | £ ok HE! fi FARMS FOR SALE. = H. Ww. DAWSON. Ninety Colborne Stresi, Toronto. F YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL A Fruit, Stock. Grain, or Dairy Fare, write H. W. Daweon, Brampton. or Colborne Bt.. Toronto. H. W. DAWSON, Colborne St. Toraria NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE. E HAVE BEVERAL GOOD NEWS Vv paper properties for eale In on tario towns at right prices. Apply ulckly se subscription reonewa' time 'a just open. Wilaon Prhliching Company. Adelpide Rewant. Towanto. irg. Woet NURSERY STOCK. 4 TRAWBERRIES, RASPBERRIES, FIPTY Ny Varieties. Free Catalog. McConnell & Bon, Grovesend, Ontario. MISCELLANEOUS. C ANCE! TUMOURS. LUMPS nit, ROR and external, cured with cut pain by our ve before tno late. tment Write an YReliman Medical fo Timitad Callingwond, Ont. | The Heartofa Planoisthe Action. Insist on the «OTTO HIGEL" Piano Action 350 SHOT AIR RIFLE, repeater, hammerless, i lever action, gun metal finish, FREE f selling 24 of our beautiful drawn worl handkerchiefs at 10 cents each. Order at once. No money commission if you wish. Co., 13 Chief BIdg., Beebe, MIST PROOF required. Chief Mfg! Quehec. / nae Tees THE NOTRO BO. Humbe Oot DOES Y OUR MAPLE What's the use of working hard, wasting time and fuel every Spring by using out of date boiling contriv- ances that make poor syrup? Invest in & "Champion" Byaporator. a little comfort an better syrup, 'which means more money for you. Made in 22 different sizes. Write at ounce for our free booklet and catalogue. THE GRIMM MFraé. Co, LIMITED 88 Wellington St., Montreal, Que. or er color Falling Hair, all Scalp Diseases, uces Satisfaction guaranteed or'money back. Price 75 cents or two for One Dollar (postage paid.) Not sold in stores, address Canadian. Hair Restorer Co., WINDSOR, ONT.

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