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Port Perry Star, 4 Mar 1914, p. 2

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ST on rE GAGE * ~ CORPORATION. '| The Standard Rellance Merteten Corporation of Toronto held its annual meeting of shareholders on Monday, March 2, 1914, in the offices of the Company' at 84-88 King Street East, 'Toronto. ~The following - report was submitted and approved: -- Your Directors have much pleasure | I in submitting herewith the first An- nual Report and Statement for the past year accompanied by the Balance Sheet to December 31st, 1913, show- ing the result of the Company's oper- ations, The Directors are pleased to submit the. First Annual Report and Balance Sheet of the Corporation for the per- fod ending 31st of December, 1913. The Order-in-Council approving of the merger of the Standard Loan Com- pany and the Reliance Loan and Sav- ings Company of Ontario was passed on the 21st day of April last, and the actual merging took place on the first day of May. It will 4 noted that after paying all fixed charges and expenses, in- cluding outlays consequent upon the amalgamation, the balance available for distribution has been sufficient to allow of payment of the usual divid- ends to the Shareholders, and an ad- dition of $100,000 to the Reserve Fund, which now stands at $400,000, * We are pleased to be able to report a substantial increase in the Deben- tires placed by the Company, and also in"the Savings Accounts. By reason of this our total Assets now stand at over $5,100,000, or an increase of over $300,000 - since the merger, and the net earnings of the Corporation are greater by over $30,000 than the com- bined net earnings of the two Com- panies prior to the amalgamation The shares held by the Corporation in the Dovercourt Land, Building and Savings Company, Limited, represent assets consisting of real estate having an actual value largely in excess of the par value at which the shares are now standing on the books. To fill. a vacancy in the Directorate since the amalgamation, Dr. H, Jessop, of 8t. Catharines, a large and influen- tial shareholder in the Company, was elected. Since the last Annual Meeting of the Standard Loan Company, now an integral part of the amalgamation, the death of one of the most distinguished Canadians, Lord Strathcona, has taken place. We feel sure that all our share- holders deplore the great loss which the Dominion of Canada has sustained by the passing of one of the most not- able figures in the history of our coun- try. He was, at the time of his death, p Director of this Corporation. We take great pleasure in bearing testimony to the efficiency displayed by the officials and agents of the Cor- poration in performing thelr respec- tive duties. Respectfully submitted on behalf of the Board. (Signed) N. H. STEVENS, President. Dated, Toronto, 13th February, 1914. Balance Sheet as on December 31st, 1913. ASSETS Mortgages and Securitfes against Real Estate.. Lipans Stocks, Bonds and De- bentures at cost Real Hstate, foreclosure Office Premises Office Furniture Accrued Rentals Agents' Balances Municipal Debentures, at cost Cash on Hand and in ks $4,266,220 43 31,376 62 411,718 60 88,162 86 174,660 63 6,000 00 648 84 8,357 97 83,603 91 106,785 06 $5,110,332 81 : LIABILITIES To the Public Débentures with Accrued Interest Deposits with Aceruned sdInterest Mortgages Assumed .,.. 13,196 67 Unclaimed Dividends .. 688 Accounts Payable 1,217 Dividend, No. 2, Payable January 2, 1914 $2,119,989 63,226 : $2,711,198 13 To the Shareholders Capital Stock Subscribed 2,070,810 * Less Unpaid thereon 86,706 $1,985,104 28 "Reserve Fund 400,000 00 Balance at Credit, Loss 14,035 26 $5,110,332 81 LOSS AND GAIN ACCOUNT Interest on Debentures -and Deposits Dividends Nos. 1 and 2 3 Transterrea to Reserve : and Balance Oarried Forward 5 $122,521 14 118,471 88 100,000 00 ot Net. earnings after ge ul es oO HERE pro- 361,336 56 + $855,028 27 -- CHAS. sao, | H. WADDINGTON, Managing Director. 14,035 25 snl r $356,028 27/1 anos, Dec. 31, int $ 8,691 731 Chartered 'Accoun Toronto, 12th ro Acoun 1914. the report, the share- e following directors for the. ensuing year: Lord Hyde, W. 8. Dinnick, Herbert Waddington, Hugh 8, Brennen, KE. F. B. Johnston, KC. r Joma irthrac: Nha a Stev. ens, - 8880p, oy 5 cRvby, David Ratz, James Gunn, David EB C. McN:! . Taylor, M.A, R. Head Office ee "ARSON SQUAD* BUSY. Parish Church of Village of White- kirk, Scotland, Destroyed. A despatch from Dunbar, land, says: An "arson squad"' o militant Suffragettes on hiring burned to the ground the historic parish church of the Village of Whitekirk, near here. A large quantity of suffrage literature was left, strewn about the scene. The church was erected in 1207, and contained many relics of the battle in which the Scots were routed by Oliver Cromwell's forces in 1650. In the vicinity is the famous battle- ground of Dunbar, where the Eng- lish totally defeated the Scots in 1296 and caused John Balliol to give up the crown of Scotland. Many of the priceless Scriptural relics and curios from the Holy Land were de- stroyed by the fire. The incendiar- ies apparently had sprayed the in- terior of the church with in ble oils. They also used explosives, as several massive slabs of stone were shattered. Women with Sallow Skin Here is a Good Treatment! You Get Results Quickly. After ad holders elected H. Greene. 'Womanly beauty is largely the out- ward expression of health, Every woman with pale cheeks and poor complexion needs medicine-- needs a potent tonic to regulate her system. "To tone up the stomach--to insure good digestion--to give new life and vitality to the whole system--where is there a remedy like Dr. Hamilton's Pills? Dr. Hamilton's Pills enable you to eat what you like--they correct conm- stipation--make nourishing blood-- instil force and vim into a run-down system. If nervous and can't sleep, your re- medy is Dr. Hamilton's Pills--they search ont the cause of your condition and you rise in the morning refreshed, strong, vigorous, ready for the day's work. Dr. Hamilton asks every weak and debilitated person to use his Mandrake and Butternut Pills. They make old folks feel young, and weak folks feel strong. Their effects upon insomnia and langour is marvellous, Hundreds declare they soothe and quiet the nerves so that a good night's rest al- ways follow thelr use. To look well, to feel well, to keep well, use Dr. Hamilton's Pills. They are mild, cleansing, strengthening--good for the young or old. Sold by all dealers in 26c. boxes. mr COLD KILLED PEACH BUDS. Fall Pruning and Mildness Ad- vanced Them Too Rapidly. A despatch from St. Catharines says: The unusual warm December, followed by an unprecedented spell of zero weather, thus killing the peach buds, will have a more dis- astrous effect upon the growers that take the best care of their or- chards th n upon the more care- less ones, according to Prof. Ma- coun, horticulturist of Ottawa, who addressed the Niagara District Fruit - Growers' Association on Thursday afternoon. The progres- sive fruit grower prunes in the fall for fruit development. Hence the mild early winter advanced the buds so rapidly that they were easy prey for the zero Jeather, FISHING REGULATIONS. United States Senate Passes Bill After Long Delay. A despatch from Washington 88; The Senate on Friday passed a Pi to put into effect January 1, 1915, the fishing 'regulations recom- mended by the Joint Fishery Com- mission of the United States and Canada for boundary waters," The Canadian Government had ae [the United States that it "a despatch tom citi. 8: A minature borin, say vid K 3 ally, v L. Horton, Rev. G. | 4.88 King St. B., Toronto " ve been of untold benefit to ri 2% 'The speaker is Mrs. John 8. Dickinson of this place. She is en- Canadian' kidney remedy, and not | without reason. "I suffered from kidney trouble ues, "and for four years I was ne- doctor, but he did not seem to be able to do me much good. "I had rheumatism and neural- gia, and joints webe stiff; my muscles tired and nervous. I perspired ree, ly wih the Shightest exertion, was depressed w spirited, - limbs swelled, and I had a drag ging sensation noross the loins. 'Nine boxes of Dodd's Kidney | Pills made a new woman of me." out woman? They are also the symptoms of kidney disease. Dodd's Kidney Pills give new life ta run-down women by curing their kidneys. a REMARKABLE RESULTS. Army Doctor Tells of Experiments With Typhoid Vaocine. A despatch frém Ottawa says: Col, Bir Wm, Leishman, F.R.S., K.H.P., professor of pathology at the Royal Army Medical College, | * London, England, who is generally recognized as one of the greatest men' in the medical profession in Great Britain, told a meeting of the Association of Officers of the Medi- cal Services of Canada hers on Wednesday many of the results of his experiments with typhoid vac- cine, of which he has made a spe- clal study, He olaimed that the| peed suocess of the vaccine has been de-| N: monstrated in a remarkable way, especially in tropical countries where typhoid or enteric fever is more rampant than elsewhere, eee INGENIOUS SUIT. Man Arrested in North Bay for Stealing Silver, A despatch from North Bay says: David Pokki of Cobalt was arrested by Provincial Oonstable Fred Le- febvre at North Bay on Friday. Pokki had in his possession ocon- cealed about his 0 in an ingemni- ous suit of many pockets seventy- five pounds of the finest leaf silver tyes seen in North Bay. The pre- liminary hearing was held before Magistrate 'Weegar. Another man is under arrest charged with nego- tiation for the purchase of the ore. / ee Me NO GUSHER But Tells Facts About Pestum. This lady found an easy and safe way out of the4ills caused by coffee. She says Postum for the past eight years, and drink it nearly every meal. We never tire of it. 'For several years previous to quitting coffee I could scarcely eat anything on account of dyspepsia, bloating after meals, palpitation, sick in fact was in such migery and distress I tried living equdlly injurious because iit con- tains caffeine, the same drug found in coffee.) 'Hearing of Postum I "began drinking it and found it delicious. My ailments disappeared, and now I can eat anything I want without trouble. "My parents and husband. bad about the same experience. Mother would often r after band was a great coffee drinker gu | ache Eh thusiastic in her praises of the great ' to. that started in a cold," she contin-|" ver free of it. I was treated by a, ramped, and 1 was always | Are not Mrs. Dickinson's symp- |: toms those of any run-down, worn- Soufir "We quit coffee and have used | on~hot water and toast." (Tea is| while yet drinking coffee. My hus- | : Buster-Oboloe daj to 230 intorion 2a | darmars' Lupa, ; of 290 A 1 2 go Sei gomny siotaas,' ri 3 2 thot ds, gewlid, 34 to 380 JP Jor iy Vo iFk ed Provisions. adi Bacon Long clear, 18 540 160 Shor Ih -- moa 0 a aide 5 aon 18 190; break: co 2 to Ero . 1 Soi h Subs, 14 Td0; pails, by Na. | ee ns to fu 40, sie, Sey 2, 7.50 al fe Ly ed Slaven, ah To lots, $8.50 to $8.75, on Winnipts Qrain, A heat Na. 1 Sa oo inmip ern, 9lo; Ro 6 Tn 5) 'dozen. 10! lee "hp RL S5ssins APPEAL 10 THE KING. . Boston Women's Associ on Would Aid Single 5 ke - A despatch "from Boston, Mass., 3 to says: The Women's Homestead As oorn, low son ww 146, $1.56 6 34; Ma, , 93 9 dog May Bren, | "Sudo No. Lg orthern, By tana 90 34; May, 93 34 to 93 7-80; sociation sent an appeal on Friday to King George of England to aid the single women of that country to migrate to Western Canada to be- come the wives of seftlers. Resolu-, * adopted by the association express- ed the belief that if the movement were "carried out seriously' militant women of England would cease their warfare on Parliament. 'Discontent generally reigns where out: there is a surplus female popula- 19 tion," said the resolution. 7% INVE STMENT | High Class gig Sopde. Series-si00, a $1000 a ne nl Bi Hor ie th 7 back of Sept Fons" onde shiek NATIONAL SECURITIES CORPORATION, LIMITED. \ OONFEDERATION LIFE BUILDING - TORONTO, CANADA SUN LIFE: ASSURANCE OF COMPANY Sess sesesrsPRRRIeRIN IRL Er sens ene CASH INCOME from Premiums, Interest, Rents, etc., in 1913 Increase over 1912 i. vi. yi ives innras aera sas ear PROFITS DISTRIBUTED to policyholders during 1913 ...... ADDED TO SURPLUS during 1918 .....ccvuieenssinsrsiion TOTAL SURPLUS 81st December, 1918, 0 over all liabilifies and SEERA rr rT rs Ysa Patter Ree TRIER Ese ane a, Matured Endowments, Profits, etc, during Sess st RN sere PRIN s ese esas PAYMENTS to policyholders since organisation a evs vais es PREMIUMS RECEIVED since organization rssh FA ei tor to policyholders since 0 snlzationand assets now for their benefit re NEW BUSINESS ES a Yrrrersain aie ngivt vee eu renanrsgt for in cash) during IIB... i ee treatises teresa ares YerutsasLer Ln va ES seats y sees s asa ase Mpemmam----y CANADA % . ~ LEADING FEATURES OF THE DIRECTORS' REPORT FOR 1913. ASSETS as at 81st December, 1918 .......i0eeeveenssansses $55,726,347.32 Increase over 1912 6,120,730.83 13,996,401.64 1,668,320.04 706,424.19 421,904.26 5,752,986.08 : Rha : A al) al 39,385,287.91 94,012,632.86 95,111,635.23 34, 290, 916.79 8,476,507. 15 : ASSURANCES IN FORCE sist Decmber, 1913 navies sn 20 363,996.00 Increase o 1912 2 19, 0,631, 578 .00 -

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