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Port Perry Star, 8 Apr 1914, p. 3

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y ' better, eat better, | able to .do egin" your spring tonic treat- to-day for the blood and rves in Dr. Williams" Pink Pills--the Pills that strengthen. : 'These pills are sold by most deal- ers, but do not be persuaded to take 'something just the tame." If you can't get the genuine Pills from your dealer they will be eent ; by mail, post paid, at 50 cents box or six boxes for $2.50 by writing The Dr. Williams' Medicine Qo., Brockville, Ont. ; LONDON'S POPULATIO fler, and are + showing how Eng- migrate from where they re born, says the London Daily e five metropolitan counties, Herts, Kent, Middlesex and £1 ther' with the county 1 West Ham and Croy- n, €o "more than a: million natives of Jondop, ae claims Bo 045 of them a iddlesex 357,- "Of London's 4,251;685 inhabitants, © 1,436,686 were born: outside the 'pounty," and 'it is' another remark- able fact that the proportion of na- tive - Londoners has 'risen at each ' jucoessive census since 1881. At the same time the rate of - growth of the population of London ~ has steadily declined. Foreigners 'of all nationalities in Londo 'her 153,198, more than half the to- "ta En ; nd Wales, and: + number § i ere.' " i lie in weight,' as it n num- | =| tenant of Ireland is one of the 1| and 'looked ' at his questioner | Pw aes i 3 1 ) | would get gome better and then get the occasion of his visi r is Majesty remarked that in his youth gymnastics were a bore. Now a new-spirit had come over them, and they were made amusing and agreeable. He expressed his ear- nest that gymnastics for wo- men would bedome more general, as this would certainly contribute to thy physical welfare of the race. At the close of the display the Emperor was asked for his signa- ture, and a table was placed before him for that purpose.. He after: wards said: 'I thought. I should have to jump over the table, and was just about to take off my coat Pp: : iam I ee BABY'S OWN TABLETS USED FOR YEARS N . -- 'When a mother uses only one medicine as long as there are little ones in the home it certainly bears grand testimony to the value of that particular remedy. :Thousands of mothers use nothing else but Baby's Own . Tablets. Concerning t Mrs. M. LeBlanc, Memramcook West, N.B., writes: 'I have used Baby's Own Tablets for my little "ones for' the past ten years. and know of nothing to equal them dur- ing teething time ior for colic, con- stipation and indigestion. All my neighbors who have used them think as I do." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. | Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. a 2 hh --_-- Doing His Best. "Why dé you cory like that, my hoy 77 &idn ba "Kin you show me any better oa ying Chap! rdeen, lord lieu- = That, Wor. The Earl of A mildest-mannered and most kindly 'of men. He ta x kes a great interest in agri- {eulture, and one evening, while tak- Ling a walk in a country district, he paused to watch a laboring man at 'work jn his little 'garden. : g over the ohip asked ©"Ts this' good | "Aye," said the laborer dryly. Several other.q i swered in the same la laborer digging busily all the time. Finally, Lord "Aberdeen - asked: 'What js your next crop to be?' The laborer paused in his work pw here #4 {more than one hundred y held seeurely in p , my mannie," -he.re- | Ci 'dinna suppose you ken Just you ge or over a year and had and dollars for doctors and medicine. I st as bad as ever, 'The doctor n His medicine y a few minutes it, and. I got so insane. Rides 's Kidney. rs that 1 was nearly ne he aa by Tow ills two days Al ter. I took twelve boxes in I can truly say they have ever taken.' . Dodd's gman 8 beat. friend. If you haven't "them yourself, ask your neigh- rte en WE DON'T DRINK ENOUGH. - Reason Why We Have So Much Trouble With Our Throats. One reason why we have so much trouble with our throats in winter, according to.Laura M. Stewart, in- structor in home economics at the University of Wisconsin; is that we don't give them. enough to drink, In other words, we shut ourselves up in rooms where' therd. is. not 'enough moisture to' lubricate the delicate mucous membrane lining of our throats properly. We all know what lack of moisture will do to furniture--crack and spread it at the joints. Professor Stewart says that the effect of excessive dryness on our throats is very similar, and that as a result they are less able to resist the germs which are con- stantly finding their way intosthem. Miss Stewart suggests various ways of increasing the amount of moisture. in our homes. no In country homes where neither hot water nor .steam heat is used, the housewife may have the air sufficiently ~ moist - by keeping ia small basin of water on the back of the stove. 'In houses heated by fur- nace, or the hot-air system, she re- commends the use of a wooden bench open at eachiend and which may be fastened over the register. Unde? the beneh and above the hot- air register may be attached a ser- jes of narrow metal vessels held to- gether by 'metal bars. These ves- sels, filled with water, allow eva- 'poration enough to counteract the dryness of the air in the room. A device to be used with hot wa- il ter or steam' heating systems con- sists 'of a long, narrow. vessel made es | to fit between the wall and radiator. This dish or container, which can be miade" by any tinner, is 'provided 'with hooks to clamp over the rod between the coils, where it will be lace. When filled with water the slow evaporation | will increase the relative moisture of the air and the heated air cur- rents will distribute it. + ei Ween «| Hear Now Deafness All Gone" Am Tickled to Death at the Miracle Catarrhozone Performed for Me. At 76 Can Hear Like a Young Child. Hatter suftéring so long from a bad case of catarrhal deafness, it is no wonder that 1 am tickled to death at the miracle 'Catarrhozone performed for me, T, Y Weightman, from Brid .~ "I. had dreadful' head- noises, a continual bazzing in my ears. My trouble was due to, catarrh of the head and oars, and'it also effected my ch thirty | y trouble came ! done = more good than any medicine I have Kidney Pills are suffering] '}tune Prof. C version of the historically cele-|. | brated massacre of Norridgewock, "lin Maine, where the Wawenock for- | merly lived. iti "SOAP And Cuticura Ointment. They do much for irri- tated, itching scalps, dandruff and dry, thin and falling hair, and do it speedily, agreeably and economically. Wewond: Alera or hi 32-page scalp, sent post-free, Address Potter Drug & Chem. Corp., Dept. 11K, Boston, U. 8, A. i i JAPAN HAS A "PERE DAMIEN." The Rev. Alfred Hewlett, Briton, Is Fighting Leprosy. Kumamoto, a town of about 60,000 inhabitants, has two of the six Ja- panese leper asylums. One is the Kwaishun, founded in 1895 by Miss Hannah Riddel, anEnglish woman, who has received the blue ribbon of Japan. In this asylum there were fifty patients a year ago. The other is the Taira-in, founded by the Catholic Father Corre in 1894. Last year there were fifteen patients. To the "leprosery," as the middle ages would have styled it, founded hy British womanly sympathy, a British Father Damien has devoted himself. Hewlett, vicar of St. Paul's, Rock Ferry, Birkenhead, and a brother of Maurice Hewlett, the novelist. He is about 50 years of age. Leprosy, that terrible incurable disease' which is still 4 scourge of the: East, is fairly prevalent in Ja- an, where there are about 30,000 epers. + The figures contras strangely wi at Kumamoto. The other leper asy- lums are at Tokio, Osaka, Kanaz- awa and Aomori. Although the Diet seven years ago undertook Governmental control of the question and subsidized the six asylums, notification of disease is not yet enfofced. Many families have 'a special roonf in which they isolate an infected member. Mirae A Problem for the Editor It has been asked whether stepping swearing. . Answer: Keep the toes clear of cofns by using Putnam's Corn EX- tractor. It's the best, 25c. at all dealers. x Not to Repeat Xt. Some years ago an Irish member of Parliament forgot the strict rule that members must address the House only through 'Mr. Speak- er." "Gentlemen,'"' he began on rising, and was stopped instantly by cries of "Order!" For a moment he paused, then he resumed, "Mr. Speaker, sir, I recognize that in beginning my speech with the word 'gentlemen' I made a mistake, for whieh I am deeply sorrv. and I pro- mise that if the House will forgive me 1 will endeavor not to repeat the error." Over 75,000 women are employed in the factories of Australia. He, is the Rev. Alfréd: th those of the patients on @& man's corns gives provocation for e found | language of the tribe. From Nep- learned another ittier, in his poem, 'Mogg M Rasle, who is pictured as a marty and hero. Neptune's story differs from the historical one. According to his ac- count, when Gen. Lovell, with the English troops, came within a few "I miles of Norridgewock, he 'sent a friendly Indian to Father Rasle, to ask him to come secretly to him for an interview. Rasle met the Gen- eral and accepted a bag of gold 'upon agreeing: to, call the Indians of the tribe together for a council on the following day. Raslé gather- ed the tribe together in & church, | and the English troops fell on them, setting fire to the church and shoot- | ing the Indians as they fled. ; An In- dian; believing that Father Rasle od betrayed them, shot him as he ed. x rrr en Painful Swellings Reduced Muscular Strains Ended SUCH TROUBLES NOW QUICKLY RUBBED AWAY BY POWER- ~ FUL REMEDY. If you have any muscles that are strained and weak, that are frequent- ly subject to rheumatic pains; if you have any painful swellings that refuse to go away--get busy with Nerviline. This is the very sort of trouble that Nerviline is noted for curing quickly. "f have proved Nerviline simply a won- der in reducing a hard, painful swell ing. It followed an injury I received in my left leg and caused me great pain and discomfort. The muscles were strained and sore, and no other remedy gave the ease and comfort I got from rubbing on Nerviline. There is a soothing, ~pain-relieving power about Nerviline that touched the root of my trouble. Nerviline reduced the swelling, it destroyed "the pain, it brought my limb back to perfect con: dition." The experience .of Mr. Bow- en, whose home: is in Middlesex, is 'notsunusual. Thousands are proving every day that muscular pains of every kind, chronic rheumatism, lum- bago, neuralgia and: sciatica will yield possibly cure. Nerviline ig an old- time family pain remedy, used nearly forty years with great success. The large family size bottle costs ©50c., trial size 25c. at all dealers. {Sasa Well Fixed, Though. One doesn't have to be particu- larly sharp to cut a figure in society. Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, Etc. Well Supplied. "I'm introducing a brand-new in- vention--a combined talking - ma- chine, carpet sweeper and letter- opener," 'said the agent, stepping briskly into an office. "Got one already," answered the proprietor. 'I'm married." ---- Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days sts refund mone, it. PAZO ENT fails to cure Itching, Blind, br First application 0 or Protruding Piles. gives relief. 60c. Came to Embrace. Dad was threatened with fever, and when his little son came to embrace him before going to bed, he said, 'Now, my boy, you mustn't hug me. You'll catch the scarlet fever."" 'The lad looked at his fa- ther for a moment. Then, "Say fa- ther,' he added, "who did you hug "» Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. Human Sacrifices Still. The Bishop of Accra reached Ply- mouth, England, recently on his re- taking a Na-Dru-Co Dyspepsia Tablet" al---and cutout the "plecing® ¥ i .. | ites 'and privileges. turn after his first year's service in his huge diocese, extending over an area of 450 miles by 150 miles, with a population of one and a half mil- lions. He states that the natives are becoming settled under the Bri- tish system of rule, and are con- tented, as they recognize the even- handed justice of the British Gov- ernment, with a respect for native The Bishop said that juju practices still prevail ; it hdd been impossible, so far, to stamp out the hideous customs, and even among Christian converts he had heard of people reverting to these pagan rites at such times as, 'deaths and funerals. Human sac: rifices still occurred in the remote interior, but the occasions were, be- coming more 'rare of railway lines and other i n . enabl Wor : means of - gn 'only one old" man, | '| Neptune, who spoke the original| _| 'Mogg Megone," uses the massacre | as the theme of a €ulogy on* Father to Nérviline" when nothing 'elsé cand Tablets. "the advance ) church to get into closer touch} retaining their full strength ps | Flavored with delicious sauces. They have no equal. 1 0 al I FARMS FO -- ®. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborns Strest, Toronto. : : TO BUY Of SELL & * Ire WANT Fruit, Stock, Grain, or Dairy Farm, write H. W. Daweon, Brampton, or Colborne Bt., Toronto. = H. W. DAWSON, Colborne St., Toronto WANTED. GENTS FOR WEATHER INSUR- ance, low rates, liberal commission. Apply. The Canada Weather Insurance Company, Toronto. NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE. wi 00D WEEKLY IN LIVE TOWN Li¥ York County, Stationery and Husiness in connection. Price only' 4,000, Terms liberal. Wilson Publishe ing Company, 73 West Adelaide Streets Toronto. 3 NURSERY STOCK. STRAWBERRIES, RASPBERRIES, FIFLL N Varieties. Free aisles. . McConn & Son, Grovesend, Ontario. FOR SALE. OLSTEIN BULL CALVES, REGIS. tered pedigrees, 2 to 8 months old Twenty-five to Seveniy-five Dollars, Ag Leitch, Southend, Ont. MISCELLANEOUS. ANCER, TUMORS, LUMPS, internal and external, cured with. out pain by cur home treatment. Wri ue before too late. Dr. Bellman Med Co.. Limited. Collingwond. Ont. ¥ ETO. Used by success- ful planters: for over half a century Ourlargeand beautifullyillustrated CATALOGUE FREE: = | IMMERS, Limited J. A. S Room For All. Some men are unhappy because they can't afford a new suit ; others because they can't afford a steam yacht. It is easy to be unhappy. Jj To Cure a Cold in One Day LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Druggists refund money if it fails to cure, W. GROVE'S signa ture is on each box. 25c. Take Time Enough. Musical Enthusiast (at charity concert)--Ah! We shall hear more of this young man, I'm sure: y Sufferer--Not to-night, I hope. , I was cured of Acute Bronchitis = by MINARD'S LINIMENT, i Bay of Islands. J. M. CAMPBBLL, 1 was cured of Faclal Neuralgia by. MINARD'S LINIMENT. x Springhill, N.S. WM. DANIELS, 1 was cured of Chronic Rheumatism by MINARD'S LINIMENT, FR Albert Co, N.B. GEO. TINGLEY.! Had one of our suffragettes been in Mother Eve's place, what a fool she would have made of that snake. Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere. >i » But Now He Knows. "My husband is the laziest man on earth," declared Mrs. Harlem. "Dear me! I wonder if he is laz+ jer than mine," replied Murs. Mronx. ; hie @ " "'Indeed he is. ' Why, he even or- dered soft coal for the furnace be- cause he thought it' would be easter to 'shovel than hard coal.'"' --

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