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Port Perry Star, 15 Apr 1914, p. 7

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ild yours reelf ow with Tonk Pile tho. hill and do not ol per- something else. If r dealer Ro not keep 50 cents a box or six boxes .50 by writing The Dr. Wil- Medicine Co., Brockville, the naan, N.8., writes : me another box of Baby's Qwn|' England to smoke a "She was also the first to if gr ingly dressed," for 'near the Fleet, and as further evi- ence of her advanced' tendencies, t is raid that she was a "participa- tor in most-of the erimes-and wild lies of her time." As a barber in Drurylane she made a fortune, whith she left to her nephew, with the strict injunction that he should not lay it out foolishly, but should ere drunk "with it while it, dasted. Wireless at the we For some little time the Mawson in| the' nites celeb Edi ng | who discovered the use of | | tics in surgery, and thereby linked principle applies to th E als, It is" a matter of scientinc rd | that people whose daily Gecuphtion in | obliges them to sit in | such as market women, attendants Lat fruit stands and newspaper sell e open air-- ers--are robust people,\who do n ke cold easily.' Yet it is probabie a Jon peoples take legs exercise. i nderstood that this is a % on an argument against phy- sical exercise. That if not only ex- gellent,. bt of she tases gil ut you ni not oreso oth air and exercise bi conveniently life without: by In MOTHER'S te oF | -BABY"S OWN TABLETS, 'Mrs. Fred Tnkham, South Ca Please send Tablots 2s Td mot eae to, bs: with wut them. 1° have used them re- peatedly and consider them the best medicine in the' world for little 'ones."" Thousands of other moth- ers say the same 'thing, The tab- lets cure all the miner ills of child: hood such as ecomgtipation, sour stomach, colic, colds, simple fevers, ete. and are guaranteed ito be abso- lutely safe. Sold by medicine deal- ers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ERASE RPT NE - FIRST LADY CHLOROFORMED. Mrs. Agnes Thomson Was a Patient of the Discoverer. How clearly i is. the march of sure gical science brought home to us by | the death recently of Mrs. Agnes e first woman 'in the Bloroformed. 'She was| ir James Simpson, the' nburgh physician, sthe- | Thomson, world 1to be. rated his name to those. of the greatest, Senlactorns. Wi the "human race has If anyone will hain 16 the most -| casual history of 'surgery and find "| there descriptions' of the tortures i 'through which in the old days pa- | tients went who suffered operations, '| he will wonder how sufficient, human mettle was is Tittle wi und to stand thend. It | coyld eat that would agree with of the Balkan war to Bulgaria, The total credits "voted amounted to $62, 000,000. The requikitions for horses sup: | plies and other necessaries are esti- mated to hi 'have cost $30,000,000. it, ini the réventies of the country owing) to the hostilities amounted to $10,000,000. Munitions and transport ost $30,000,000. x: «The expenses of taking: stiatogic railways and Juha miscellaneons 'are placed at' $36,000,000. sions for soldiers i tated will require the capital sum of | $30,000, 000. The value of the ter- ritory ceded to Roumania is placed at $300,000,000. | The grand total is thus $548,000,- The number of lives lost was be- tween 55,000 and 58,000, or between 6 and 7 per cent. of the adult male | population 8f the country. ES mar Ja Serenaded Murderer. A young man, named Rieder, who was lately sentenced at Thun, Swit- zerland, to penal servitude for life for the murder of a girl named Fmily Danzer, complained the other day that he was disturbed at night by a woman singing hymns under his prison window. -Inquiries were made, and the singer proved to be the murdered girl's sister. She ex- plained to the police that she con- sidered it her Christian duty to save the soul of the prisoner. The girl has been handed over to the care of her people, who have prom- ised not to allow her to approach the prison again and disturb the wT ~. UPWARD START After Changing to Postum. Many a talented person is kept back becatise of the interference of tea or Solfo with the nourishment of the This y sparially so with those whose. nerves are very sensitive, as is often ithe case with talented per- sons. There is a simple, easy way to" get rid of tea and coffee troubles, and a lady's experience along these lines is worth considering. She says FA toa from "the beginning of the use of coffee it hurt my sto- mach. "By the time I was fifteen I was almost a nervous wreck, nerves all unstrung, no strength to endure the most trivial thing, either work or fun. * There was ¢ anything I The little I did eat seemed to 5 the hand with a oh of cotton and after 1 was washed I usod in Cutleura Ointment and spread {6 | © ons pleca of cotton and | wrap the hand with was cured fn a littl » over a week." ) ign Mrs. Charle Surette, June 5, 1913. "Prof. Taankoft Has Bgured'c ont 'thet! A ein Sopa: and a Guiioien Ointment are d and dealers everywhere. For ou free sample of each, with 32-p. ° send postcard to Potter Drug & Chem, Corp., Dept. D, Boston, U. 8. A. The Vigilant Guests. "Do you think: the bride ~ and ER will be able to give us the i 1 Hardly, We've manned an au- tomobile at the front door, a flock of motorcycles at the rear, and an sitghip on "the fou roof." Heft: Fon From Bhedmatism Gin Pills Give "Prompt Relief By Curing The Kidneys. *Mr. Samuel Longmore. of Montres), jays: Just a word of praise for G 'PILLS. About fifteén months ago I {ould not walk across my room, suffer- ing severely with Rheumatics. I took PILLS and became quite well. Two months ago, 1 had Rheumatic Pains h Neuralgia. I, resorted to GIN LS again for one week and became te well." . BOc. a Box, 6 for $2.50. Sample free if you write National Drug & Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto, LM ho 5 That Goes. * Bix: "Daes your wife ever go to "the, olub™far you when you are out late "No, but she goes 'for me a. 1 get home. i ¥ I consider MINARD'S LINIMENT the BEST Liniment in use, I got my foot badly jammed lately, I bathed it well with MINARD'S LINI- MENT, and it was as well as ever next day. Yours very truly. r T, Gi McMULLEN. Gregarions Man. He had been calling for some time, and she thought she would give him a gentle hint." > "Tt is not good for man to live alone," she said. "That's why we have clubs," he responded calmly. Try Murine Eye Remedy It you have Red, Weak, Watery Eyes or Oral E n't Swat BEY +) Fe ope 25¢, Mu hy eo 3 "Eye Socks A Dy Malt Musing re a dons Ton Chi Chicase |p "You. wring my heart,' wailed the youth whom ithe girl had just refused. ('I'd father wring your | heattéthan wring your clothes," she said; Minard's. Liniment for sale everywhere, LL -- An Accident. 6: ir I rou « aspect h * | tened attentive pecially pill i 75. apes F oH ., the develop- 'the has been com- leted i in twelve days, laying being the female in a day or two merging in the adult state. || e flies have continued quite nor- - | mal, and the successive generations |= have shown no re of fecund- ity. 4 An development, under the condi- tions of protection there has been a great gain, the usual large mortal- id of the larvae and pupae having been reduced into practically noth- ing. -- ne Benefactions for Universities. Universities are now receiving some "of the large private benefac- tions for which they have long en- vied American institutions. Cam- bridge University has recéntly re- ceived $450,000 for general purposes and $500,000 for a chair of astro- physios ; Bristol University has had 1A FARMS POR SALE ow. ». DAWSON, Winety Ceiberne rl, oe a ANT I Prof Sloek, grt or | Dawson, ey Dairy Tew Toronto. Hg H.W. DAWSON, Colborne St, Toronts WANTED. GENTS FOR WEATHER TREE: ance, low rates, liberal commission, Apply, The Canada Weather Insurance Company, Toronto. ] NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE. 00D WEEKLY IN LIVE TOWN IN * . 'York County. Station ang Business in connection, 1,000. Terms liberal. A Wilson Publishe ng Company, 73 West "Adelaide Streets Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS, a gift of $100,000 from one d $90,000 from another, and $75,000 from two others, Ln ie Dp Corns Lead to Cancer? As yet this has not been proved, but interested Parijes will find nothing bet- ter for corns than Putnam's Corn Ex- tractor, 26e. at all dealers, -- Changed. First Chorus Lady : "What do you think, dear? George is back from Alaska, stone broke, and so altered that you would hardly know him." Second Chorus Lady : "I'm sure I sha'n't, dear." Minard's Liniment Cures- Burns, Eto. Willie--"Pa, what is a slave to fashion?' Pa--'"A man who has a wife and some grown daughters, my son." Minard's Linlment Relieves Neuralgia. § Good G Facious, "My word, Jacob," said Stein- berg, "that is a tite diamond you have in your pin. How much did it cost' "I paid one thousand dollars,"" replied Jacob. "One thousand dollars! Good gracious!" exclaimed Steinberg. 'Vy, I did not know you ver vorth 50. 'much money."' "Vell, you see," ex- claimed Jacob, "ven der old many died he left me one thousand dol- lars for a stone to be erected to his memory, and dis is der stone." pp ? Think Again. "Now, Toney, if there were nine- teen sheep in a field and seven jumped over a wall how many would be left?' 'None. Miss Stowe.' 'No, Toney, think again' There | were nineteen sheep and seven jumped over the wall,"' "Well, Miss Stowe, I think I know what you mean ; but, really, Miss Stowe, you may know arithmetic, but you don't know sheep." An Expensive Affair. Youth--' 'What do I have to pay for a marriage license 1' Facetious Clerk--"Well, you it on the instalment plan." Youth--' 'How's that 1' Facetious Clerk-- 'Two dollars down and your entire salary each week for the rest of your life.' get Piles Cured in hi Jo 14. BAYS AZD {sts refund MENT fails Jo cute ney hie: 'Blind, or any Piles.' First application gives relief, 60c. IN A Swart Slap. Mrs. Snapperson--How dare you talk back to me? I never saw such impudence. And you call yourself a lady's maid, do you! Marie--Lk was a lady's maid be- fore 1 'worked for you, madam. ; Minard's" Limiment Cures Dandruff. _.* Bribed by the Other Side. "My lad," asked. a clergyman of a small boy; "'who is that gentle- man "you attend church = with?' "Grandpa," was the reply. | "Well," said the clergyman, 'if you will only. keep him awake dur- ing my sermon I'll give you a penny each week." The boy fell in with the srigngeiient, 4 and for the next two weeks the old gentleman lis- -to the sermon. The! third eek wever. found "The clergyman al ! and gaid, "Your Q*eee TUMORS, LUMPS, internal and ex cured out pain by ou iw treatment, 8.40 ge before too late. Dr. Bellman M Co. Limited. Collingwood, Ou : ESTAB'D 1856 Used by success- ful planters for over half a century Ourlargeand beautifullyillustraged CATALOGUE FREER J. A. SIMMERS; Limited TORONTO, ONT. ; Save a horse and you won't have to buy ome. | Don't sell or destroy an: horse on account o Spavin, Splint, Ringbone, Curb, Sprains or Lame; ness, Spend one dollar for & bottle, - KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE has saved a great many horses -- has put them back to work, even after they have been given up. Over 35 years of success have proved its value, Ar. J. ML Grondin of 8t, Lin, Que. writes: "1 have been usin: your Spavin Cure for many yedrs, always with excellent results, Get Kendall's Spavin Cure at any druggist's, Price, #1.00 per boitle, 6 botties for 85.00, "A Treatise on (he Horse" free at druggists or from Dr. B. J. Kendall Co., Enosburg Falls,Yormont, U.S.A, "Did you ever hear the story of the dirty window?' 'No, I don't think I did." "I guess I won't tell it to yon."" "Why not?' 'You wouldnt be able to see through it.' Only One "BROMO QUININE" get the genuine, call for full name, Ladaniv: BROMO QUININE. Look for signature of BE. W. GROVE.. Cures a Cold in One Day. Rival Fathers. "You say your baby doesn't walk yet?' said Jones. "Mine does, and it is not as old as yours. Your. baby cut his teeth yet?' 'Not yet,' said Bones. "Oh, mine has--all of them," said Jones. 'Does your baby talk 1'? "Not yet,"' replied Bones. "Can yours' '"'Great Scott, yes," Jones. Then Bones gat desperate. "Does be use a safety razor or one of the other sorts?' he asked. Yoo answe red

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