An excess: of 'bracers' will un- brace any | Ome can't, get the best of a citizen who hasn't any: ~ Many a spoiled boy has developed average man's idea of being selfish is to let some other fellow 'A man thinks he has a right to ntertain a lot of thoughts that "would probably land him in jail if |' Mothers, if lets. AT THE AUTEUIL RACES. ™ "A Startling New Suit. - This startling check it | ated considerable. stionsicn ot the Auteuil (France) races, March. 29th. It is of closely-woven black and white material, 'with the new bias overskirt and cordings. The collar, cuffs. and gaiters are of grey. BABY'S OWN TABLETS KEEP LITTLE ONES WELL ! f you wish your little ones to be well, if you in them to be bright, active and happy, - free from colds, worms, = constipation, he any Jikor childhood ail- give. These. Tablets 'never fail to i shild well. Con- her rs. Alphonse Lan- dry, Upper Caraquet, B., writes: 'Baby's Own 'Tablets have been of great help to me in keeping my little ones well, and I can recom- mend them to other mothers." The Tablets are sold by medicine deal. ers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williamg' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont." ----eel A GREAT TUNNEL. your neighbors. Horticultural Hall, Cage Bird show, perhaps the most notable is a centenarian parrakeet, says the London Chronicle. 5 e | maintain the completed my cure. Pills are the right If you dom't know it out of own experience, ask »your D 100 YEARS OLD. BIR ees > pon Parrakeet at London Exhibit Still _- "Virile After Century, - Of 'the 9,400 birds exhibited ab the at the London Association's annual It is a sage-looking bird, a rusty ooking gray in hue, as befits its years; and it views the admiring crowd with an eye half tolerant, half contemptu- ous, 'Why, I know you young upstart." which. seems to intimate + One listens in awed amazement to a bird who has been saying 'Hello, cocky" for something like 100 years, and it is not hard to believe the notice which says that "it is as virile as ever." lost its power of shedding scales and dust, and is, as a consequence, un- able to keep itself clean. It has, however, White magpies, yellow parrakeet, blue love-birds, are only some of the wonders of a show boasting ~| something like 450 foreign birds, some of which are not only of sur- your grandfather, h They do so much to promote and purity and beauty of the complexion, hands and hair un- vo derall conditions, and are unexcellad in purity, deli and fragrance § the. toilet . i and nursery, post-free. Address Potter Drug & Chem, Boaton, U. 8. A. +. SPEND LIVES IN COFFINS. '| Woman Tells of Horrible Prison Conditions in Mongolia. The contrasts of Mongolia--its strong attractiveness and gleams of western civilization, and "its de- were recently vividly sketched : by 'Mrs. Herbert Bulstrode at a meet- ing of the Royal Asiatic Society in 'London. Mrs. Bulstrode accom- plished a remarkable feat last year, whén, with but a solitary compan- ion, she travelled over 700 miles lpy caravan in Mongolia. _ Describing the prisons, the lady said: "Within a small compound, fenced in by high spiked palisades, are five or six dungeons. There are uman beings in those dungeons, and among them quite a number of highly civilized, refined and gentle Chinese, who are shut up for the remaindeh, of their lives in heavy, iron-bound wooden coffins, out of which they never, under any cir- cumstances, move. They cannot sit upright. They cannot lie down flat. They see daylight but for a few minutes when their food is thrown into their coffins through a hole four -or five inches in diameter twice daily." Ee a garded {of the Paris Zoological praved morality and barbarity-- |. 4 y, ho are able and willing to r them, such a dish is re- gard now as a gastronomic ne- ssity at the festive season. Then there is the annual luncheon event always furnishes the dishes eaten in the Flowery East. Puppies boiled in oil, sharks' fins, on the menu, howeyer, for ing to latest reports; such d are no longer favored by the Celes tial aristocracy. The real Chiness accord- 5 nous. | CUISINE is distinguished by its "dis. cretion." According to a promi- nent Paris chef, it is' "delicately strange," instead of being barbaric and absurd. It resembles somo- what Italian fare, but without its heaviness. . nda Rerviline Ends Neuralgia, Brings Relief Instantly No Remedy Like Old "Nerviline" to Cure Pain or Soreness. That terrible ache--how you fairly reel with it--that stabbing, burning neuralgla--what misery it causes. Never mind, you don't have to suffer --use Nerviline, it's a sure cure. Not an experiment, because nearly forty years of wonderful success has. made & name for Nerviline among the peo- ple of many different nations. "There is nothing speedier to end Neuralgic headache than old-time 'Nerviline,' " writes Mr. G. C. Dalgleish, from Byv- anston. "It is so powerful and pene- trating that it seems to eat up any pain in a minute. My family couldn't get along 'without Nervillne. We al- ways keep the 60c. family size bottle handy on the shelf, and use it to end chest colds, sore throat, coughs, ear- ache, toothache and pain in the back. My wife swears by Nerviline." For cramps its effect is astonishing and we believe it 1s better and speedier than any other household family rem- edy." - LOR "So Paddy's still on strike?' 'Yes. First he struck work, thea he struck the boss, then a 'copper,' newspapers with plentiful "copy." | if The latest culinary extravagance ' is. a dinner consisting entirely of | and swallows' nests do not figure Twigaaay 333] Ld ENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE atan druggists at §1 a bottle, 6 for $5, and Kendall's will cure, Thousands of farmers and horsemen will say 50. Our book "Treatise on the horse' free, Dr. B. J. KENDALL CO., Enosburg Falls, Vt, FARMS FOR gALR H.W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street, Toronto. FP YOU WANT TO BUY OR 8 A I Fruit, Stock, Grain, or Dalry Fa write H. W. Dawson, Brampton, or Colborne Bt. Toronto. MH. W. DAWSON, Colborne St, Torerte NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE. G OOD' WEEKLY IN LIVE TOWN IN York County. Stationery and Book Business in connection. ice only, $4,000. Terms liberal. Wilson Publish ing Company, 78 West Adelaide Street Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS, NION GROWERS, GET LITERA. ture re onion weeders., R. G. Bruner, Olinda, Ont. (Cem, TUMORS, LUMPS, internal and external, cured out pain by our home treatment. Wri us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medio Ca. Limited. Dollingwond, Ont. Fractions Versus Fact. Teacher (explaining fractions) -- Suppose now, Willie, you had eight little boys visiting you and you had | only one apple; how much would each little boy get? x Willie--Wouldn't get any. I'd wait till they'd all gone home and eat it myself. Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days AZO Dr ists refund money | OINTMENT fails to cure Itching, Blind, or Protruding Plles. First application gives relief. "Ble. were to let them escape. passing beauty, but of almost price- and now he's striking lumps of girl may work hard to obtain less worth. There is the great ame- The C.P.R. Is Spending Millions in Cheap Form of Insurance stone in jail."' Her First Visit. thyst sunbird, of a vivid green with lengthy tapering black' beak and long flowing tail of inky blackness, and many other sun, sugar, honey- sucking and fruit-picking birds from various parts of Africa and India. The queen whydah is a little bird which, - though Bo larger Shan a west : X 'sparrow, has a tail over a foot in ay ond, Mr. J. G. Sullivan, who Torelh, Then there are Java 'spar- 8. noo f engineer for the. West; | swe' of "snow-like whiteness, and WHO for! Gould's. painted finches, veritable sband, but that doesn't neces ) e Advices received ia: washing and scrubbing in order to| Pacific headquarters dian pport him. ' | the work of the great tunnel in the : West is_proceeding rapidly. Bleven hundred feet on: the east side have been driven, about 50° per cent. of the approach has been cut on the British Columbia. You are insured against corns and y bunions by the purchase of a single 25c. bottle of Putnam's Corn Ex- tractor; it cures painlessly in 24 hours. Try Putnam's Extractor, 26c. at all dealers. --gy oe NEW BRONCHITIS CURE. Mrs. Youngbride--I'd like some fish please. What are these in the barrel ? Clerk--8alt mackerel, ma'am. Mrs. Youngbride--Are they quite , Keep Minard's Liniment in the house. Expert Service. The Diner--What's the idea of serving all my orders under glass covers | fresh? i The Waiter--The glass covers { magnify, sir, and make the portions look larger. Instrument Used to Injeet Medicine Into Bronchial Tubes. Only One "BROMO To Minard's Liniment Co., Limited use you are old is mo reason suffering with everlasting cough- se terrible chest troubles and ult breathing can be thoroughly eer, i he the heal vapor - 6 ily us eh Ea semis your 'into k tthe nose, roa chest, broMehial tubes and lungs, Just think of it--a direct breathable C ull of soothing antiseptic t reaches every sore, ne in two seconds. @--nothing to harm or ich, because Catarrh- s ways postulates big disbursements seeing returned from a visit to the tunnel, which he 'states is being proceeded | with in' a most vigorous and sic. cessful manner. Mr. Sullivan states 'that this programme will mean, for the year, at least, $30,000,000 'of Jutiey, A pant of this money will be in British Columbia 'on the double track work ; but there are alto about 60 miles of new line to be laid on the prairie, ,Rails and ties will be a big ibem ; the work on the tunnel will eall for lar, é out-|- lays; while the double ing al: Ll this work, as Mr. Sullivan post-impressionistic birds of the most bizarre and daring colorings. Close upon 1,400 canaries of di verse kinds, the hunch-backed Bel- gian species, crested varieties, white specimens, Lancashires, are all represented in a record show, which assuredly con- stitutes a bird-lovers' paradise. When a Woman Suffers 'and Yorkshires and With Chronic Backache Trouble 'thelr tories, and on a women, gged backache. and isn't natural, but it's due to diseased A new treatment of chronic bron- chitis and asthma and pulmonary gangrene was outlined recently be- fore the Paris Academy of Medicine by M. Guisez, who stated that he had been able by means of a simple instrument devised by himself to inject into the bronchial tubes by way of the mouth and larynx a rer latively large quantity of medicinal substance. in a solution of an oily natuve, ©. Experiments, said M. Guisez, had shown that such injections impreg- nate not only bronchial tubes but the whole pulmonary parenchyma, thus constituting an extremely effi- '| cacious intrapulmonary treatment. The method was shown to be of un- doubted efficacy in cases of chronic bronchitis," asthma and pulmonary gangrene. ¥ It, i8 dlaimed that patients suffer- ing with either simple or double gangrene were - invariably cured when subjected to the new injec- ions, which are likely in the future the treatment of rs. Harris Says About _. Them. : Read What t = 5 ENS "Mrs. T., Harris Tyneside, Ont, Knows a aff TELS. "I gn G1 now my | PILLS. aie : my third ox of GI y es. "The pain across back and kidneys has almost ei one. 1 was a great ape DORI SAVIRS Al ran on in In The and Weak 8. . Bample 1; Fr & lo trey bo 0 Horanto. & , say, IL don't 'fduck."' on | "that id I kne 'et the genuine, call 2 full LAXATIVE BROMO_ QUININE. for signature of E. 4 G a Cold fn One Day. 26¢c. name, Look ROVE. Cures A Fight for Principle, Why did you oppose that motion at our meeting ?" asked one lady. "Oh, I had nothing against the 'motion. But the member who made it opposed a motion of mine and it's the frat chancé I have had to get 'even. Minard's Liniment used by Physicians, . Oversight. ' Smith--That dog I bought of you howls all night! Dealer---~Have you tried sitting up 'and entertaining him, sir? "Try Murine Eye Remedy Drasmiaied Beslan Epo atery Erep Little George (to. pliysician ici > think you look like a Littl a pt n said 1did? atble eorge--* 'Nobody. ut mamma told papa that you was an old quack.' ' Minard's Liniment Zumberman! nan's Friend Begging the Question. "I have come to consult you," she o | 6aid to the prominent la 7 What io the trouble fr ve recei three as oad hes propoule ow BL the most money 1" : ne,'"' she asked, { . consult you. { 4h " w. I would ol r lawyer?" I was very sick with Quinsy and, thought 1 'would strangle. I used | MINARD'S LINIMENT and it cured | me at once. I am never without it now. Yours gratefully, RS. C. D. PRINCA, Nauwigewauk, Oct. 21st. His Prescription. "And how long, doctor, should I ; stick to this plain, inexpensive diet' which you recommend?' : 'Why--er--until my bill is paid.'* Ask for Minard's and take no othem _ Lord Strathcona's Maxims, Be content with your lot, but al- ways be fitting yourself for some- thing higher.. Only cheerful perse- Yelasios will bis you to » Potine i ; grumbling won't help you ig Do. the work yourself; don't depend upon the influence of friends on your behalf. Oppor- tunity comes to some. men more frequently than to others, but there Some So oF sno. Toll th some or er: y ! old counsel: "Trust in Providence ' and keep your powder dry.' i Dr. Morse's : Indian R