GRAINS OF GOLD. = BABY'S OWN TABLETS , GUARANTEED SAFE tives of southern Nigeria, who are Baby's Own Tablets Only he who can appreciate : Dame will find praise useful.--Rus- kin. 3 "has mot a conscience thing. --Sterne, SE "| in excess of 2,000 pounds.- | A report on this famous stamp by 50| & celebrated expe: TY Slates 8 that "the copy is a poor one, dark magenta in color, and somewhat rubbed. It is initialed 'E.D.W.' and dated April enough to read." e to-day, in the likely contingency of it ever ing into the market, is certainly 1st, the year not being distinct Nevertheless, it NIGERIAN TRIBES. Sh Quaint Superstition Rules Tribe of African Natives. 3 .P. Amaury Talbot of the Nigerias . | is the rarest stamp in the world. -- fe. are the called mudfish, for little ones that only most ancient of southern Nigerian y guaranteed to be striotly | tribes, and speak different dialects ee from 'opiates, narcotics' and | of & very old and primitive tongie. ugs. They car guarantee of a pt sii the race. *0U, £0 'the moth- Trust that man in nothing who absolute] in every-| fn PI fi | other harmful dr It is' hope alone which purifies; | the to be without hope is to be without | analyst to th political service, who has travelled much through "Africa studying the various tribes, says the Ibibios, na- of such a low type that they are rank among the Witch Mostor. dominate the life of a protection inst farm thefts, certain spells ean. God in the world. --F. D. Maurice, | rs Whose littls ones'are ailing need | °¢ived over the long hoe used for y 5 rT SEE 3 have no fear in using the Tablets. | P? Feckless people are no use to They cannot Doe ir, and | ¢10e poured over it, after which it breaking up the ground, and a medi- mselves and no use to their| po to do good, The Tablets |iS Biven back to its owner to be neighbors.--Lord Strathclyde. - cure all childhood ailments such |hUng up in some conspicuous place 'makes the mind very free when as' constipation © and indigestion, | 0% the plantation. No sooner does is but a span, our jour- a : % Dr. Williams' M through the dark. Were we Argus- ville, Ont, 'es, able to read fifty books at once, ~ still would the great bulk of the Unread rise like a mist'dovered : fountain peak 'before us, The cademy . Nd The very gnarliest and hardest of 'hearts has some musical strings in it. But'they are tuned differently ! in every one of us; so that the self- same train which wakens a thrill | ney amie enlighten "You can get it down announced. of sympathetic melody in 'one may leave another quite silent and un- touched. --James Russell Lowell, 3 Family of Twelve Driik Postum, | - welve D: i regard to Postum. ' | worms 8 only th colds, colic, simple fevers, | the thief or laid upon us and | ete." er or! at is i ousands of mothers through- than the m t is given us to 'do. |out Canada say they would use| Edy nothing else for their babies, 'They clasp themselves around the haft. dealers or by He is bent down by a power there from The are scold by medici rr ony Span mail at 25 cénts a box - _neying not unlike feeling our way dite Co. Brock Jorced against his will to hoe and co ERGY Lats road - Why Soup is First. hs 8 very youthful class in |farm, 4 single yam needs baking or "Why," asked the teacher, best to eat sou hig it p first when one is them. from should he so wish, faster," he hoe be released from the hand of "It certainly has been a blessing our home," writes a young lady over the boundary hoe springs to his hand. Unconsciously his fingers is no resisting, and finds himself Not for a moment can he pause, even to straighten his back, so long as a single weed remains on the a single clod would be the better for breaking. So long must the evil- doer continue to work for the man The. pupile stared at bier blankly, he had intended to rob. Only when the owner arrives on the scene, the thief. It is not said whether the magic has ever worked, Minard's Liniment Lumberman's Friena| Quaint burial customs prevail. rr * be : NEW TUBERCULOSIS CURE. Slaves are frequently sacrificed at the death of chief and buried with shim. Until prohibited by the oo ir Tntra-Museular Injections of Anti| ernment, chiefs were buried iy genic Solutions and Ferments, s ; Sreatmont Tor 6 +f fice. A burial' chamber was pre- rgutment ¥ F Vubereu losis pared underneath one of the rooms, principal 'experts. in Te case, and in this the chief's body was | homes with strange ritual and sacri- "I am one of a family of twelve, gives greater hope for a cure of the | Placed. His best loved wife and who, before using Postum, would scourge than anything Son ed, was described to make a healthy same dfug, caffeine.) = od * 'For years mother suffered from palpitation of the heart, sick head- ache and bad stomach, and at times. two of the most beautiful of his i Pacer. slaves entered the room, and seated of Medicine, Paris; at. a recent sit- themselves at, a table opposite their ting. The new, method for combat. | 107d. = After some ce ing the disease is the discovery of a the women withdrew, t young: wins biologist, Henry | ¥28 sealed up, and the unfortunate Spahli ad nial all but chamber women were left to a lingering leath. IA Nora Seotia Caso of ~Interest-to All Women oo Halifax Sends Out a Message of "Help to Many People, | Halifax, N.S, Dec. 15--When in- pitas 3 her Dees 194 Argyle '|'St., Mrs. Haverstock M was quite will- aia ca peculiarly unfortun- ey 'blue' and ter Drug & Chem. Oorp., U.8. A. HOW THE WORLD SLEEPS. Most people sleep on their sides, with their knees drawn up. Elephants always and horses com- monly sleep standing up. Birds, with the exception of owls '"eipuy jo sjoared SuiBuey eyy pum sleep with their heads turned tail- ward, over their back, and the beak thrust among the feathers between the wing and body. Storks, gulls, and other long- legged birds, sleep standing on one leg. 4 Ducks sleep. on open water. To avoid drifting shoreward they keep paddling with one foot, thus mak- ing them move in a circle. * Sloths sleep hanging by their four feet, the head tucked in be- tween their fore legs. Foxes and wolves sleep curled up, their noses and the soles of their feet close together and blanketed by their bushy tails. Hares, snakes and fish sleep with their eyes wide open. Owls, in addition to their eye- lids, have a screen that they drew sideways across their eyes to shut daytime. NEL Warts Disfigure the Hands But can be painlessly removed in twenty-four hours by the use of Put- nam's Wart and Corn Extractor. Fifty years in use and still the best, Insist on getting "Putnarh's" Extractor, 26c. at all dealers. ---- The Beauty of Unselfishness. The story is told of a famous lady, who once reigned in Paris society, that she was so very homely that her mother said one day. 'My poor child, you are too ugly for any one ever to fall in love with you." From that time Madame de Cin- court began to be very kind to the pauper children of the village, the servants of the household, even the birds that hopped about the garden walks. . She was always distressed if she happened to be unable to render a service. This good-will toward everybody made her the idol of the city. Though her complexion was sallow, her grey eyes small and sunken; yet she held in devotion to her the greatest men of her time. Her unselfish interest in others made her, it is said, perfectly irre- sistible, Her-life surely furnishes a valuable lesson. --_---- > Terrible Sealding Acclden ZAMBUK GAVE 'QUICK RELIEF. 'the Pain out of a burn here 1s nothing e -| hotels owe- their origin to- British | _ | describe it as an epidemic of sui- out the light, for they sleep in the It is the one remedy that never dis- 1 |The Pope described it as aquafortis the B t | veranoe will b ing. you es ] 'grambling" wop you pn Do the work yourpalf; hich i " 'te threw H ac- | 4 . | commodation offered by the aver- : age British inn of that period into | 8 of th At the Englishman had begun to return the | "{ compliment, and now the most lux- | urious and well appointed Parisian enterprise. : -- Sulcide Epidemic In Naples. The number of suicides, especially among young women, has been in- creasing to such an extent recently in Naples, Italy, that the doctors cide. ~ Five attempted suicides by poisoning, all of young women, the youngest being a girl of 18, were reported in one day. The police as- certained that in the case of two women the motive was disappoint- ment in love, in two others the re- proaches of parents, and in the fifth ability to write a love letter. 5, Rheumatism Goes Quickly Its Virus Forever Destroyed EVERY CASE 18 CURABLE. Good-bye to Rheumatism! Your aching joints, your stiff, sore muscles, those sleepless nights and suffering days--good-bye forever-- your day is gone. Sufferer, cheer up, and read the good news below. "A man met me a month ago, and said, 'don't stay crippled, quit com- plaining, limber up.' My answer was, I'm rheumatic, can't do it' He looked me over in a pitying sort of way and told me to go to the nearest drug store for Nerviline and Ferro- zone. The combination had cured him. I was convinced of his sincerity and followed his instructions. I rub- bed on Nerviline three times every day--rubbed it right into my Sehing joints. The pain quickly lessened. an became more limber and active. To draw the virus of -the disease from my blood I took two Ferrozone Tab- lets with every meal. I am well to- day, not an ache, not a pain and no sign of stiffness at-all." What Nerviline can do in a case like this it can do for you too. For nearly forty years Nerviline has been recommended for Rheumatism, Lum- bago and Sciatica and Lame Back. appoints. -- th Our Picturesque Language. Extract from Japanese letter : "Our markets do not improve much decay than other which I am glad." We share this gentleman's joy. Piles Cnred in 6 to 14 Days Druggists refund money it PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure Itching, Blind, or Protruding Piles. First application gives relief. Oc. One Answer. ~ Teacher (drawing two parallel lines on the blackboard)--What re- lation' are these lines to each other? Head of the (lass--Twins! Try Murine Eye Remedy It you have Red, Weak, Watery E: or Gragulated Eyelids. Doesn't Smart Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 50. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 2Sc, 50c. Eye Books Free by Mall. An Bye Tonio Good for All Eyes that Nead Care Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicage ey Poisoning a Lost Art. Poisoning may 'be regarded, as a Jost art. The most successful prac- titioner on record stantled the' se- venteenth century with the magni- tude of her labors. This was To- of the nineteenth century French- |" men taught the London innkeeper | '| the science of hotel keeping ; before | | the beginning of 'the twentieth the vet, but as I working hard ds twice | pay e than last year our business do not |Tablets. a fails to cure, kK, Person, ture is-on each box. 2c: 7. ARMS FOR SALE. 7 H.W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Siresh Taronte. . 15 YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL A Pruit. Stock. Gralp, or Dairy Far Hts " W. Paw, Brampton. or % Colborne 8t.. Toronto. MH. W. DAWSON, Colborne St. Tororts NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE. 00D WEEKLY IN LIVE TOWN IN York County. Stationery and Book usiness in connection. rice only: $4000. Terms liberal. 'Wilson Publish«! ng Company, 73 West Adelaide Streets' 'Toronto, wy Ix MISCELLANEOUS. NION GROWERS, GET LITERA- ture re onion weeders. R. G. Bruner, Olinda, Ont. . AN TUMORS, LUMPS, KETO, Indersat ad; external, gureq oh n cur home treatment. W Nn late. Dr. Bellman Medioad Oo.. Limited. Collingwond, Ont. 'Happiness. : He--Do you think that money is necessary to happiness? fl She--Not if one has unlimited credit. Minard's Liniment used by Physicians, Appealing. Mrs. Muggins--Does your hus- band appeal to you as a vocalist! Mrs. Buggins--Not exactly. In fact, it's the other way. When he begins to sing I appeal to him. Minard's Liniment Co,, Limited. Dear Siys,--Your MINARD'S LINT- MENT {is our remedy for sore throat, colds and all ordinary ailments. It never fails to relieve and clire promptly. : CHARLES WHOOTEN., Port Mulgrave. " The Family Cashier, Mudge--Here's a man figured out that if all the money in the world were divided equally, each adult would get about thirty dollars, Meek--He's wrong. My - wife would get sixty dollars. ' To Cure a Cold in One Day LAXATIVE BROMO QUININR Druggists refund money if it 2. W. ROVE'S sigi- Identified. £ Howard--A fool and his money are soon parted. ¢ Mrs. Howard (clapping her hands) --Oh, John! How much are you going to give me! 2 Keep Minard's Liniment in the house, Easy For Him. f An Irishman who was one day én- gaged at stone-breaking on the roadside, and not being used to the work, could not get on very fast:"A friend of his who chanced to pass by as Pat was belaboring a huge stone with renewed vigor tried to show him the right way, and, taking the hammer from him, broke the stone with ease. Said Pat, 'Sure now, and it be easv for you to break the stone afther I have been soften- ing it for the last half hour." It costs some people a lot to live because their neighbors are af- flicted with the borrowing habit. fania, an Italian lady who gave her name to a deadly pbison--aqua to- fano, a few'drops of which were sufficient. She gold her potion in small phials to disillusioned women who were tired of their husbands. In this way, as she confessed, 600 persoms were accounted for. After her confession the public execu- tioner was exeremely busy with her customers. What the drugs was no- body has ever been able to say. into arsenic--an unsatis- factory - definition.--London Daily Chronicle. : Lord Strathcona Maxims. Be content with your lot, but al- '| ways be fitting yourself for some-| thi igher. . O pe ing higher. ; nly He we- "NA-DRU-GO DYSPEPSIA FUOMMESS Proved of Great Value to Me™ p is only one explanation for tlie -- of easton: Jetters- that we raising Na-Dru-Co Dys; ia Ee tete an that ia that hess biets certainly do cure any kind of stomach trouble. Here is a typical letter from Miss Eliza Armsworthy, Canso, N.8.: v *'It Js with pleasure I write to inform ou that your Na-Dru-Co Dyspepsia Kubiets have proved of great val ge to me, I tried rem Tre _bu * without any lasting Food, 'Haviog heard of you lets + such cases as