ox or six 3 "given in' from English er education | most of hk re ontion from English texthooks. In some instances, instruction in English is given at the very start. Among the v| young people in the Province of Benigal, where there is by far the : ar st opportunity of employment uropéan comme . houses, » a as are concentr: t Calcut- ny ta, there ium gepecially keen... de- | mand for edu n from English | textbooks. No er city in India r:|€ontains anything like the number of fairly well-educated English ' | speaking native clerks, typists, : ote. as are in Calcutta. oR Rn a + " | WHAT MOTHERS SAY | | PP. BABY'S 0% OWN. ThbLETS ve .-Geo. M. Binns, Clifford, : : : "Enclosed find twenty-five oents for another box of Baby's Own Tablets, as I would not be "| without them. When baby is cross and ailing I give him & tablet or} [two and he is soon well and happy | again, I know of no other medicine | to equal them and find them far ** | superior to Castor oil."" The Tab- _| lets are sold by medicine dealers or | "| by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- o the ville, Ont, i : | SOME FACTS AB ABOUT MEXICO. ' opulation 15,300,000 - Less Than Fifth Ave ; year i. | bad condition' writes 'a lady i Sing because it o| the coffee d: yourself, 'ask your ri 'Every neighborhood i in Canada has some man or woman who has been cured by Dodd's Kidney Pills. Eas, LIU . LIVES AS YEARS AGO. pe Fifteen years' ial of - strange system of land reform in the little village "8f : Winterslow, near Lon- don, says a report from England, | has proven the success of the plas, Tn 1809 Maj it Poore, Jather of tie i Duchess of ton, ob tained pos- session of the old village and some of its environs, re-estab lishing alo lo- cal government, prac cal to that of the Saxons out bog Eph TS expe major for the personnel of the scheme 3 Jone noted more oh industry or' wealth, - A n village hundred was cho SE] and this his primitive of whos aa os Jo whereby the od coun] boo Ra on, which" Ln the li grazing ht of w 18 held od the petuity by the villagers. 'The village 1 is now a eelf-sustain- ing age i and what was start: ed as more or less of a charity has proven successful commercially. All of the villagers are free men in the old Saxon sense of the term e social and political hook of the ; is based Lo this adsamption of equality. promoters have been chary of publicity, for fear that the 'plan ; not prove a success, been assured they have rited the leaders of the gov- ernment, land reform schemes & "| band i is, po effects. _ The or will appear. Si oo 1 wae in a ro suffered from indigestion, nervous 'ness and insomnia, "I was then an inveterate coffee drinker, but it was long before I 1d be persuaded that it. was cof- Fy that hurt me. Finally I decided j{e save it off a Sow days and find the truth." (Tea Jo jush 2a in- containe the same drug, caffeine.) *'The first morning I left off woffes I had a raging headache, 80-1 Se- ing take the place of ptt Hg ?? (The a ache 'was caused a action of eine, dusry am 'And Cuticura- Ointment... They afford a pure, sweet and economi- cal Method of prese i "ing'and beautifying hair, F For distressing HO ei atin: |i chafings. of infants, children - Os Cuticura Soap and Cuti- i intment are most effective. Statue of Lord Wolseley. Sam Ppawe ls to be in quare imme- diately 'opposite the entrance to the Nationar Gallery. It will be an equestrian statue of the late Lord 'olseley, and the secretary of the lemorial Committee, which in- cludes several distinguished sol- diers, '8dys that subscriptions are pou: in go readily that he thinks there will be little difficulty in ob- taining the £3,000 which the statue is to cost. That it is a splendid idea to thus perpetu the memory of 'Sir Garnet'" gveryone must agree. In choosing to travel as" Bark of in Ae ho amplé-of King "Ross Prince of Wales, preferred to make 'his private journeys under the title of Baron Renfrew, probable because it was less known than the Earldom of Chester. , 'when and | flemove Those Unsightly Warts By applying Putnam's Corn and Wart Extractor. It cures corns, warts and bunions , permanently, painlessly and surely. Every druggist in America re- commends and sells Putnam's Extractor; I it's the best, 25c. per bottle. Bah Se ---- Not Necessary in Her Case. "That: Mre. Gilderson doesn't seem to have freed" at all." "She'doesn' t neéd any. - Her hus- hh." : Ask for Minard's and take 56 other. He Had Enough. "Coun sel--F'm' sorry I couldn't do more ou, * Convieted Client--Don' t mention it, guy-nor, ain't five years enough Minard's Liniment Co., Limited, Yarmouth, N.S. Gentlemen,--In January last, Francis Leclare, ofie of the men employed by me, working in the lumber woods, had a tree 1 on him, crushing him fear- fully. e was, when found, placed on a sled taken home, where grave fears were entertained for his recovery, his hips badly bruised and h! body turned black Fron h feet. We Jeed MINARD'S LIN on him to deaden the NIM ik with the use Yt three bottles he was completely cured and able to return to his worl. : SAUVEUR DUVAL, Elgin Road, L'Islet Co, Que, Will Have Many Reminders, in their Jew home)--Do you believe 4 that we A married hh 'these pills, "Yes, » re Bo hare a ndertul is morning, ne down to breakfast, tlssplem night, and forgot usual val. seit, Be Chester, the Prince of Wales has is riba to his Murine most every case upon its power of | feeding the people by its own or important food, and not upon its birth rate, was a matter which statesmen would have to recognize. rem Mens Will Quickly Cure Any Sour Stomach Relieves Fullness After Meals. "When I was working around the farm last winter, I had an attack of in- flammation," writes Mr. E. P. Dawkins, of Port Richmond. "I was weak for a long time, but well enough to work until spring. But something went wrong with my bowels for I had to use salts or physic all the time. stomach kept sour, and always after' eating there was pain and fulness, and all the symptoms of intestinal indi- gestion, . Nothing helped me until I used Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Instead of hurting, like other pills, they acted very mildly, and seemed to heal the! bowels. "T did not require large doces ' Ho get results with Dr. Hamilton's Pills, and feel gp glad that I have found a mild yet certain remedy. To-day I am! 'well--no pan, no sour stomach, a' ut | Tin appetite, able to digest anything. is a whole lot of good for one medicine to do, and I can: say "Dr. Hamilton's Pills are the best pills, and my letter, I'am stre, proves it. Refuse a substitute for Dr. Hamil- ton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut, sold in yellow boxes, 26c. All dealers, pid The Catarrhozone Co. Kingston, nt. ERE ISAC Anticipating Trouble. "I want three afternoons off a week, and a fine letter of recom- mendation, and--" "But we'll let the letter of re- commendation wait until you leave, 7 'Nope, I get the letter now. I've tried gettin' them when I leave, and I've never been able to get a good one vet." Very Simple. 'My dear," said. . Snags to her husbind, 'what is'a canard?' 'Don't you know what a canard is?' queries Snaggs. "Why, the wid itself conveys' it own mean- A ous it? Well, os it mean, dear' "Why, & canard which one canardly believe, course." "Oh, to be sure! 1 think of that?' a ---- Try Murine Eye Remedy Weak, W Doosnse Sins really, what is something of. Why couldn't Salve in Tubes, Eye Books Es ha Malt, An ys Yosie Good for All Byoe Murine Eve Remedy ¢ Con "Chicase Most of us have to struggle along ; Ha, My | on. = DAWSON, Ninety Golborne rene ou WANT WF a TRL Lg At, Toront "ow. DAWSON, a 8t., Toronte. h NEWSPAPERS FOR BALE, 00D WEEKLY IN LIVE TOWN York County. Stations Ana Rod usiness in Sanection, las ® i £' ing Company. 13 West Adelaide Street! ! r Bier MISCELLANEOUS, J ANCER, TUMORS, LUMPS, 1) ternal and external, cured out ain' by cur home treatment. wii Bellman too lata. Dr. Po. asin CoNinewerd. Ont SPARROWS USED FOR FOOD. English People Turning Feathered' Pest to Some Account. In certain country places, espe-! cially near towns, a new source of food is being exploited. At one stockyard after amother you may see village laborers stretching fold. nets for sparrows, and the birds are being caught simply for food, They keep down the butcher's bill, The number ofssparrows is now immense, probably greater tham it ever has been. The regular. winter population of one small stockyard , near London is estimated by the farmer at over 2,000, These 2,000 mouths he fills largely with his grain. The sparrows have com- pletely driven away almost all other | varieties of bird except a few finches. The sparrow 'is said by the trap | pers to make an excellent stew, ox « pie, or soup. It is a clean feeder, , subsisting all the year, except fox a month in the spring, on grain, and it takes from the farmer an énors mous toll. Considering the | enor mouse population of sparrows, it not surprising that this source a food is being tapped. ok Piano Maker Praises Zam-Buk BEST FOR STIFFNESS AND RAINS. As an embrocation for stiffened fauscles, sprains, rheumatism, ete. there is nothing like Zam-Blk. Its penetrating powers are so great that it gives almost instant relief. Mr. D, R. Gourlay, of Messrs. Gourlay, Win- ter & Leeming, the well-known plano manufacturers of Toronto, used Zam- Buk, and this is his experience: "IX have much pleasure in stating that two applications of Zam-Buk entirely "cured me of a very severe strain of the back. While not given to the in- discriminate use of, or belief' in, patent medicines, I ean consciens tiously recommend Zam-Buk." Zam-Buk is used by the world's foremost athletes. Why not give it trial. Price 50c. per box, at all drug: gists and stores. Zam-Buk is also best for eczema, cuts, sores, bruises, plcers, piles, and all skin injuries iin diseases, Es, IE, Right. "Now, my little boys,"' asked a school teacher, "can any of you name a liquid that doesn't freeze '", There was a moment's silence, and then a voice answered : "Please, teacher, hot water." Keep Minard's Liniment in the house. The setting hen may be a loafer, without the things we really want. but she delivers the goods.