Mrs. Jos. Fitchett Who passed away at Manchester on |. May 8th, 1914, was an_afiec- Soa exemplary and estimable mother, a devoted and consistent mems ber of the church, a sincere friend and an- estimable neighbor. - She, was es- teemed by all acquainted with her. Those knowing most "of her many good qualities esteemed her most; and deeply lament her removal and 'will _ longest revere her memory. Her husband. predeceased her by twenty- two years. Two loving sons and a loving daughter mourn the loss of a mother so worthy of their Jove.' Mr. Ralph Fitchett at Myrtle, Mr. Joseph Fitchett of Innerkip, and Miss Jessie Fitchett at home, all of whom are school teachers and are doing their utmost to propel the car of progress and enlightment to its legitimate goal. Ten Nights in a Barroom Greenbank Dramatic Club put on this play at Prince Albert last Friday}. nigh, and will give a repeat perform- ance at Greenbank on Friday night of this week. The play is full of tragedy and pathos, and is 8 wholesome tem- perance lesson. The Port Perry Male Quartette and Orchestra assisted well in rounding out a good program, which was followed by a box social. Bethel Anniversary The fifty-tourth anmversary of Beth- =! Sunday School will be held May 24 and 25. Rev. D. Balfour will preach morning and evening on the 24th. On Monday afternoon a program of sports has been arranged. Tea served from Sto 7 pm. Inthe evening Rev J U Robins will lecture, and a 'musical program will be given. Excursion Tickets Tickets for Excursion on June 3rd, leaving Toronto at 8 a.m., can be ob- tained from the following S. J. Sharpe, 19 Adelaide Street E. Lt.Col. Henderson, ParliamentBldg | : John Spence, Kent School A. Matthews, 256 Adelaide St. E. W. E. Dillon, 183 George St. Robt. Wright, 167 Grace St. L. S. Bandel, cor. Berkeley St., and Wilton Ave. Dr. G. H. Clemens, 1392 King W. Wm. Hall, 282 Jones Ave. Nelson Aldred, 115 Pape Ave. Wm. Vincent, 292 Greenwood Ave. Roht. Minty, Gooderham & Worts Cawker Bros, 1269 Bloor St. W. B. L. Hooey, 53 Bloomfield Ave. 0. C. Browne, Massey-Harris Fire Hall. M. Stonehouse, 899 Bloor St. W. Wm. Ross, Kent Bldg, Yonge St. -- Seagrave On Sunday ten of our young peo- ple united with the church. We trust that many will follow their example. Mr. Chas Moase was delegate to the District Meeting held in Brooklin this week. é We ore pleased to report that Mrs. T. H. Moase, of Fingerboard, is pro- gressing very nicely, after the -opera- tion for appendicitis. We all hope that she may quickly recover her nor- mal health. Miss Lamb, of Royal Oak, and Miss McKinnon, of Sonya, visited at the parsonage on Sunday. Mrs. Thos Moase, Sr The death of an aged and respected resident of Fingerboard took place at 27a Grant St., Toronto, in the person _ of Marion B. Whiteway, beloved wife ; of the late Thos. Moase, Sr., at the age of 78 years. Mrs. Moase had lived at Finger- 'board from early life until two years o when she went to Toronto to re- side with her daughter, Mrs. Charles 3 bes till about two weeks before when she was stricken with you. proving his property 'by 'el new verandah to. the. dence. dio) Several ladies "of tik, vicinity. at: tended T meeting at Pickering last week in the interest of mission work. shied to the end of his stable. The Freewill Offering on' behalf of will be Mc- 7.30 | Sunday, May 24th. Servi conducted by the Rev. R Culloch of Toronto at 2. 30-8 p.m. Mrs. Robert 'Munro visited her daughter in Oshawa last week. Miss Hazel Boys spent Sunday with her parents. 20% Prospect Miss M. Morgan spent the week end in the city. Mrs. C. Wales, we are glad to hear, is steadily improving. Miss O. Viness visited Mrs. W. Cook on Sunday last. Our services will be held in the morning next Sunday, 24th, at 10 a. m. It is to be a umon service. Rev, Mr. Totten will take charge. Mr. G. Bearden, of Uxbridge, visit- ed A. Gilroy on Sunday. Glad to see Mrs. E. Martin out again, also Mrs. W. Somerville is im- proving. 10% Prince Albert Rev. R. McCulloch, of Toronto, is expected next Sabbath, He will preach here at 10,30 a.m., and at the close of the service dispense the sacra- visitors from other places would be gladly welcomed to this service. In preach at Manchester at 2.30 and 7.00 p.m. : Mr. Totten, assisted by Mr. Mec- Culloch, expects to hold a service at Bethel on the following Monday even- ing and at Prospect on Tuesday, being the 25th and 26th of May, at8 o'clock. Mr. Totten has purchased "Mr. Howard Martin's black driver, which 1s likely to develop a considerable amount of speed. Educational Services will be -con- ducted at Bethel next Sunday at 2.30 p.m. by the pastor: -:08 Utica Mr. and Mrs. Richard Harper were in Oshawa over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D. Crosiet, of Glas- cow, visiting friends here. Mr. Carey, of Hamilton, also Mr. Carey and Mr. Ford, of Toronto, spent the week end with Mr. Mac Beare. Mr. Nasmith, of Port Perry, visited his brother, Mr, J. Nasmith, Sunday. 10: Shirley Mrs. Sinclair. Robertson visited friends in Toronto last week. We regret to report the serious ill- ness of Mrs. James Warren, but trust that she may soon be restored to her former activity. At the annual business meeting of the Woman's Institute, which was held last week, Mrs. H. Hockins was unanimously elected President for the ensuing year. We extend our con- gratulations to Ss. Hockens upon having this honor bestowed upon her. Mrs. Stone, of Toronto, who under- went a very serious operation recently, is recuperating with friends here. - meeting at the home of Mrs. Alex. ed, as a pleasant and. is anticipated. . Come one, come all, to the Ani. : 'of June. fo eh ga 3 Manchester pi Aa Mr. W. E. Dobson has been in : front of hi res ay "Mr. L. Lambe has erected a driving]: the Sunday School will be held next]... ment of the Lord's Supper. Any] the afternoon and evening he will|: The Institute will hold: their next 2 7 Vance. A full attendance is request-| profitable time hod Dr. Grant's Constipa Stomach Bitters, regular soe. Port - Perry COME , US FOR Fireworks, FOR VICTORIA DAY. Sail-Boats, Etc. 25¢. Chocolate Drops. ie 20c. After Dinner Mints 25c¢. Turkish Delight - Assorted Wrapped Kisses ROSE & 60, a bottle, on sale at 25c. | A. J. DAVIS, Druggist "Burdock and Sarvporila'st at soc. 7 ROSE & C0, THE FA Flags, Etc. Souvenir China, Pennants, Post Cards, Baseball Goods, Summer Toys, -Special Saturday, Sale of Pure Candies. 15¢. 1b. 15¢. 1b. 19c. Ib. 1b¢. 1b. THE CORNER STORE Piance 1nd and Organs Sold Acents SATISFACTION ASSURED; EE nk 1 have something attractive 1g bffer for the benefit of the ladies--a beautiful hardwood floor which-is a good" substitute for carpets--béing very clean, very sanitary, pleasant to look at, and its wearing qualities a life time. No carpets or rugs required for a covering, costing less than good carpets. Messrs. Brock, Hutcheson, Duff; Johnston, Roberts, McHoull and Boyce." The birch is "something very hand- some. Call on Mrs. Roberts orsMrs. McHoull who will be pleased to show you some very 'beautiful floors. 5, Quarter cut oak 10.. per foot, plain oak 8c. and birch b 1-2¢c. Mr. Wm. McGregor will lay the floor for purchaser. A carload of fresh lime, 45c. and 50c. | ot 100. Hard Wall Plaster 70c. Hydrated Lime 70c;, all per 100 lbs. Don't forget those a shingles. COAL DEALER Have sold several, among them being * C. L. Vick Env ATTRACTIVE FLOORING 'Rough Lumber Lath Bhingles ~~ Roofing Metalic Shingles Siding & Ceiling ~ Oedar Post: Coal * Lime Hair Cement - Bash Doors - | Window Boren Dressed Lumber a < 'Frames ing and Sign Writing. Yo this spring. Bell Phone 141 ron Parry Sittings of the Division Cours OOUNTY OF ONTARIO 1914 a 1 Whitby -- Clerk, Miss E. L. Mac. Sik Aor ey June 8 fly 3 pr 3, May 4; June pt. 8, Oct 9, Nov. 7, Dec. 4, Jan. 7, ia Cleth Miss E L Macdonell, CIARA ay 5, June ct. 5, Nov. 8, Deco, Jon's 3 oip 2 Broy ham--Clerk, ion oo Jan 5; Mar 6, Ms 7, od B, ov 11, Jan 14; 1915. 3 Fort Perry--Clerk, W. Burnha ort Perry. Jan 17, ay: May 7, 7 Io 8, Sept 6, Nov 12, Jan , 1915 4 Usbridge--Clerk, Rid: Moore, Ux- bridge." Jan 10, Mar 14, 13, Joly|: "14, Sept 8, Nox: 20, Jan 16, 1 1915. 5 Cannnington-- Clerk, Thos. H. Foster] Cannington. Jan 9, Mar 13, May 14, July 16, Sept 9; Nov 19, Jan 1915 6 _Beaverton-- Clerk, C A te 'Beaverton, Sat Mo 2 mo 7 15) grove. Cle, Daniel Leonard, Atherley. Mar 11, Eg) 2:4] oy 17; Sep 1, or 17, Jan 13,19 expressed | PAINTER 4 DECORATOR a Painting, Paper Hanging, Decorst: UL Siare x July 16, Sept 10, Novo. cH 14, Yio): Consult bin about Aeorsting. your| EA DEALER IN iil Feeds Timothy Seed Field Seeds Molassine Meal SI) Wool, ele. James Lucas Port. Perry, 7.