hess made of lite Grepe | in one piece ive 'it by a design embroidered in red on cuffs, Iso closed down front with small red. buttons. ception of a deep tuck about "ee up rice $4 iss Embed Plounding, 45 inches wide with wel edge. A good range of patterns to choose from. g from 18 inches to 22 inches deep. ging from $2.00 to $2.60 ii square| TON, | 93.9 [Sao When considering the matter Price $4. Commercial and Travelling * Public receive every. comfort and attention [Sample Rooms a' Specialty Geo. A. Cole, Prop. Ee. 4 $4.00 - - ix : - ess rd Sw A 3 These hats are Siwolloh in style and rance to the Panamas, but are en of coarser fibre in pure white; med with plain ribbon, Our oki in this department is very complete and includes princess slips, Aightgowns; drawers, underskirts, etc. Up-toedate | in style and dependable in material and workmanship. Ladies' White Underskirts, $1.00 'Ladies' White Underskirts, body of strong white cambric. deep flounce made of wide insertions of lace and em- broidery, finished at bottom with row of i wide lace to match, complete with dust rill. . Fine White Underskirt, $2.00 This is a particularly nice garment. The body is made of fine soft nainsook, ' trimmed at bottom with a deep 16 inch flounce of shadow embroidery. $1.00 Dainty Princess Slips, $1.50 Made of fine English nainsook. cut in a splendid fitting style, square yoke of wide German val. insertion, trimmed with edging to match, finished with deep flounce of lace at bottom. $1.00 White Crepe Nightgown, $1.00 White crepe is the new and popular material for making ladies' undergar- ments. In this line of nightgowns ad- vertised it is particularly nice made in slipover style with short sleeves. . Neck and sleeves are trimmed with a dainty pattern in torchon lace. Price $1,00 Ladies' Drawers, 40c Ladies' Drawers made of whi.e English cambric, loose fitting style, trimmed with cluster tucks and wide torchcn lace. Ladies White Hygiean Drawers Ladies' Hygiean Drawers. only, in a fine close weave. with cne row of torchon lace. white trimmed "Charles Hotel Purse Lost Ladies' hand purse, containing about $5, between Mclntyre's and Brogk's stores, Port Perry. Finder please re: turn to EDNA LANSING, Shirley, Ont. 2.2 : Spring is the ~° Time for | House Cleaning | % x80 in excellent condition. Real Estate |sale.and some good farms. Persons desiring such property would do well to consult me before purchasing else- where, MORLEY CAMPBELL, soot of Prince 'Albert. For Sale FOR SALE~--Good frame barn 18 Building is suitable for remodelling into house. : 21g = Apply to JOHN BRADLEY, Port Perry, Ont. i 3 SPEED | _ Coaster Brake 11 have a few beautiful homes for: PFURLERS or eyeglasses is the greatest pleasure a person can have. . Ours fit when you get them, and fit "all the time. Our prices will suit you also. F. E. LUKE, 5p. 159 Yonge St. opp. Simpson's, Toronto Retractin Keeping Up with Nature Mother Earth will put on a new suit in a short tine. Are you going to follow her example? We can fit you and make you feel as new as the the season. Nothing shows the need of a new suit like the Spring sunshine. Order Early, We are busy; Port CARTAGE WORK ED. YOUNG Successor to T. Corrin & Son 9 You can trust your re- quirements to the new proprietor, who fully appreciates the value of being obliging to his customers and the customers of others. 9 Your urders for work can be sent in by Bell Phone No. 79. Bark Canoe for Sale Cheap. Apply toT. J. ASH at W. H. McCaw's Jewelry Store, Port Perry. Price 28¢ Perry GOAL A Fresh Supply Of the very best Stove and Chestnut Coal, just received also - - . - A Car of Chestnut Coke which is going fast. -- Call at'the -- TURNER COAL OFFICE Phone 38 but will give you prong, First Aid to Tired Housekeepers. Men and women with inventive genius are con- 8 stantly devising ways and means to lighten the labor of the housewife. Every department of housework is included, and nearly all are for people of moderate means; not for those who can § Sploy Sbundam: help. posted in these products read the ad- : verte columns.. You may find something that will save money or something that will enable you to devote more time to phd family circle, You may not be able to afford everything, but fhese ate some things You sanivt a ord to do. without.