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Port Perry Star, 10 Jun 1914, p. 2

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May | Possible to Raise the Sunke Remove the "Bodies Father Point, 100 feet of r Some of the missing may have be drowned after leaving the vessel and will come "up later, b i believed' that the great them are still in the Fmpris. decision has been arrived at ag yet with regard to what will be done 'with the vessel itself. Capt. Walsh, marine ' superintendent of = the OPR, is now in communication .{ ship" will be 1 | shore, where will be taken out. - This, however, depends upo! n the advice "of the experts: Hho only thing, 1 26 can say 80 far," said Capt lsh, "is that if |i is found possible to rémove the | Ireland and get the bodies out of her it will be done without any} question as to difficulty or ex- pense.' To Sueceed Duke of Connaught at Rideau Hall. H.S.H. Prince Alexander' of Teck, G.C.B., G.0.V.0., D:B.O., is to be Governor- General and Commander-in- Chief of the "Dominion of Canada in succession to Field-Marshal H.R.H. the Duke of Con- naught, whose term of office will expire in October. ernor-General was born ab Kensington Palace on April 14, 1874. He is brother of the Duke of Teck and of the Queen. In 1904 he married Their Serene Highnesses have two chil- Princess May, born in January, 1906; and Prince Rupert, born Prince Alexander is a Major i in the 2nd Life Guards, and has seen service in Matabelel and (in 1896), when he was men- tioned in despatches; and in the South African War, whe he won the D.8.0. and another mention in despatches. Princess Alice of Albany. dren : in August, 1907. The new Gov- PERSONNEL OF BOARD. Baquiry Tato Disaster Will 'Open on June 18. A despateh from Ottawa says: In the House today Hon, J. D. Hazen announced the complete list: of members of the Empress Court of | W: Enquiry, coupled with the state- ment that the court would probably open at Quebec on Tuesday, June 16. The personnel of 'the court is! Lord Mersey (chairman), Bir Adolphe Routhier;' and Chief Jus- tice McLeod, of New Brunswick. Assessors--Capt. Demers, former 'harbormaster at Montreal, chief! car wreck commissioner for Canada; Engineer-Commander Howe, Cana. dian Naval Bervice; Prof. John Welch, naval architect, Newcastle- upon-Tyne ; F. W. Caborne, Naval Reserve. The British members will, axpected, reach Canada on it is yal | curred MILITANT 1 INVADED PALACE 3 WOMAN AND CHILD KILLED. "J Runaway Car-Struek Auto in Which Nictim of Brutal Assault: Dies In} They 'Wore Seated. A despatch from Montreal says: Mrs. Emile Robillard 'and: her young daughter were killed on night when a car: des- cending a steep hill collided with an auto, in which were seated Mr. and Mrs. Robillard and their two | children. Mr. Emile Robillard and his son, Roscoe, aged eight, were badly injured. The car; No. 1,015, was descending Atwater Hill, when it struck the auto. This caused the to derail and run into the side- ath Passengers say that the car brakes were out of order, and that the car was on ité way to the" barns for repairs when the collision oo: i "White Wolf,"' the Chinese bri-| gand, has looted and burned the town of Ning Chow. wheat patents, firsts, 3 ; * Hinges. : The Nv was_really marvelous 1 ; and at 40c for' No Feas---Mariet Sn Ww! Barley--Good malting barley bse, cording to to "quality. : RIT to 90c, a Toron: a eed 5 hy S, $26" tos be 'oronto rh © Country Pre Prod Butter. Cholce: dairy, 18 Terlor da 4 16 1) 16¢y Srmers ged separator nts, 0 ¢; do, ar e rints, nt to 230; Botids; stotige, 20 to]: "Tggs--21 to 8c per agen, in' case lots, ah tn, a to 11c Honey--Extracted per 1b, Combs, $2. to. 33-80 50. per doz- Cheese-- large, and Sa ihe 143c for vin. eans--Hand-pic od $2.. 26 ver bushel; i Jrimes, 42 .10 to RT) Poultry--Fowl, 17 to 19¢ per br 0, hice ens, 19 to 20c; ducks, 220c; geese, 15 to 16¢c; turkeys, 30 to 280, Folatpes Deiawares 1. on rack, Ca "acon Log oh clear, 14 in case lots ams--Medium, do., heavy, 17 to 18c; rolls, har bg 16¢; breakfast bacon, 18 to 18c; back 8 22 to Baled Hay aud Ana Straw, Baled hay---No. 1 at $15 So $16. 80° 2 ton, on track, here; No. 2 t $13.5 $14.50, and clover at $11 Baled straw--Car lots, $8.26 to $8.50, on track, Toronto. - 2 ~Montreal onl Markets. " Montreal, June 9.--Corn, American, J 2 yellow, 79 to 80c. Oats, Canadian Westérn, No. '2, 48% to 44c; Western, No. 8, 424 to 43c, Barley, Man. feed, 61 to G2c. Flour, Man. Spring bags, $2.20 to $2. 36. rels, $4.55; bags, 90 lbs. $2. 3 % Middlings $38. * Mouil- s . Hay, No, 2, ton, car He, $14 to $16.60, Cheese, finest west- , 12% to 12jc; finest easterns, 11% to 12¢. Butter, choicest creamery, 23% to 23%c; seconds, 22% to 23c. Eggs, frash, 23 to Sie; gelected, 26 to 27; No. 1 stock, 0. ock, 21 to 2lje. "Potatoes, She; N per bag, or "lots, 85 to fn June ; 1 Norinern n. $8GL 4c; No, 3 do. Tog 20 c; No. 6 Ter: feed, Ofc rejected, Ade; feed, 45¢. -W, 404; No. 2 C.W., 3, do., ERT Yo United States Markets: Minneapolis, June 9.--Wheat~4July, 913c; September, 88fc; No, 1 hard, 364: No. 1 Northern, ", to 95ic; No. Northern, 91% to 933c. Conn--No. 3 ellow, 67 to 67c. Oats, No. 3, white, 8% to 38ic. Flour and bran unchanged: finn, No. Live Stock "Markets. Toronto, June 9--Cattle--Choice but- chers, $7.90 to $8.25; good mediuf, 7.90 to $8.25; common cows, $b ti 5 26; canners and cutters, $3.60 to $4; cholce jel cows; $6.50 to $7; choice bulls, $7 ti Gaives--Good veal, $8.75 to $10.50; common, $4.76 to $7. -Stockers and feeders--Steers, 800 to 900 pounds, $7.25 to $7.75; good quality, 700 to S08 pounds, $7 to $7.60; light, $6.50 to $7.26. Hogs--$8.10, fed and watered; $8.85 off cars; and $7.76 f to Theep and 3 ht ewes; hor 50 3 heavy, $6.76 to $6.2 ok, $$ 5 to $8.26; Spring Jar gm, + gach, $ to $9; yearling iambs, 9 t : Montreal, June A Prime 3 a 8 to 8c; milkielis strippers, 5 to 7ic; eom- mon, 4 5c; cows, 8, £30 to $30 'éach; sheep, § Lo Je; hogs, 5 u 6c. eg ees AUNT FACE MURDER CHARGE. Hospital. A despatch from Toronto says: Joseph Bcanlon, the elderly man who wae assaulted by Ernest Scott and Fred Tucker, died in the Gen- eral Hospital on Frid In place of the assault charges Lev will now have to stand trial for murder. Very little could be learned by the. police about Scanlon, as he died without regaining consciousness. The assault took place on Spadina Avenue south of King Street, the. motive apparently being robhery. Scanlon was struck down in broad daylight. Tycker and Scott are Englishmen, and have only bean-in, the oity a few days, EE ROSY AND. PLUMP: "Good Health from Right Food. Xeloda mine tod mé one to try Grape-Nuts and wile 'moon he My Joon, regained hee American," fii, 0c, Fs x Ont. : birth : bi Conservatives gicsesded in g the passage pper|. year-old George Hallett of ingston was selected as ithe place of meeting of next.-year's Gen: eral: Assembly of the Presbyterian |! Church... : Robert H Jupp, County Engi- | neer for Simcoe, was instantly kill- ed at Nicolston by falling through a hole in a new bridge. The Hydro-Electric Power Com: mission has been asked for a sur- ay. Company romain Jota a strike of ity mobtormen" and ° | conductors as the result of the com- pany discharging the president of the local union. Princess Patricia, on behalf of the Daughters of the Empire, pre- sented the boy scouts of Brockville with a flag while the Royal party , |. were there. The Connaughts wound up their Ontario tour at Cornwall. Robt. Anderson, aged 88, at work : Tepairing the east end incline rail- way ab ilton, had the top of his head taken off when he put his head up between the ties and was struck by a loose tie which was sliding own. "Tondon, Detectives of Pinkerton Ageney are looking for a man suspected of defrauding the Bank of Montreal, Royal Bank and Union Bank in Montreal out of about $7,000 by means of false letters of credit and cheques. app! - of . Western University, Great Britain. Bir. Douglas Straight, editor of the Pall Mall Gazette, 1906-9, and at one time a noted criminal law- yer, is dead in London. « Sylvia Pankhurst says she will starve on the steps of Parliament until * Premier Asquith receives a deputation of suffragettes. United States. Miss Mary Blomfield was the wo- man who supplied a dramatic inter- lude at the reception in Bucking- ham Palace. William Sulzer announced that disappeare i It says: 'Sunday morning-- To the Hawgood Company, Cleve- land, finder please forward. The Henry B. Smith broke in two oppo- site No. five batch about twelve 'miles east of Marquette... We are having an awful time. (Bigned) 'Oliver.' "' : General. Rene Vivian thas consented to ac- cept the Promiership of France, ) fwill announce his reside Huerta of Mexico sent a message to King 'George congrat- ulating him in the name of the Mex. joan nation on the: anniversary of The. Lambton, Mills was killed while | {stealing a ride on a farmer's wa- J Chu 5, fen Cabinet to-|" © 'A dedpateh trom Winaigee says : WILL EXACT SATISFACTION. Forgotten: by Britain. A despatoh from London 'says: The Daily Express displays: nently a statement that Sir ly bunt unequivocal terms that if, isfaction for the killing of Wm. 8. a haste the U Inited | ¢ 8 laces President Wilsondn | sas iBten > ition. and might' mean, "in circumstances at present | an. awkward. posi regarded as impossible," the even- on the Monroe doctrine, press editorially hails Sir Edward's action "with satisfaction forget our astonishment.' 4 * WILL NOT RAISE EMPRESS. lish insurance interests 'the loss of the ress of Ireland, Now that the 2 doned to the underwriting inter To bat d the ered. = Their St. Lawrence, i TO RECLAIM SWAMPS. Commissioner . ot structed to Formulate Scheme. "the rec West from oné to three inche Killing of Benton Has Not Been Tomi ward needay, Grey, the Foreign Secretary, has notified President Wilson in friend- as a consequence of Mr. Wilson's persistent backing, Villa eventually becomes President of Mexico, Great Britain will demand and exact sat- tual encroachment of Great Britain The Ex- that causes the United States almost to Vessel Abandoned to' Interests 'of Underwriters. } A despatch from London says: Over a quarter of a million pounds sterling was paid out: by London underwriters in satisfaction of Eng- involved 1n has been aban- ests, the Fihancial Times says there is little. doubt that the hull will be dynainited u as 800m g4 the silver ahd R op a0e fact thet os Was Tecov- opinion is that the sooner she is blown up the better it will be for safe navigation of the Irrigation Tn. | Weal Hora 2 representing Saskatche- | wan and Alberta, Bola a 'conference | on Wednesday with Hon: Dr. Roche' lamation of ¢ 1 Cuoniy fins hoken to a wp was beginning to be : Such a Collision Might Have Haps = pened Any Place on the Sea. - A despatch from London, Eng- land; says: The Times, on Wed-' treating of .the St. Law- rence as a navigable waterway, de- clares that it is no more dangerous than frequented pants of the Eng, lish Channel or the Irish Sea, and certainly less dangerous than the, Thames. It has been said that re-! sponsibility for the disaster<o the' Empress of Ireland has been laid he Se charge of the St. er) but it pow Toking. "Tt would ly po? sea. It would be most adds the paper, if the imp; gets abroad that this = Canada is peculiarly eo, and we are certain that the result of the investigation -of the court of enquiry will 'not attach blame to the Seaway. He PECULIAR ACCIDENT. Key of Autoniobile Rim Hit a Map. 'Across the Stroet. A despatch from Cornwall says On Wednesday moming an accidodt 'which 'might* have terminated with! fatal results cocurred on Pitt Street] in front of the Town Hall, when' a tire on the automobile belonging to. Mr. McNamara of Martintown ex-| ploded. The key of the steel rim blew across "the street and struck. - A despatch from Quebec Florence Barber, the Sr survivor "of et Empress, who has he EE 1.3 Tak 3 (here by the name off MoGuilian {on her way + ried to

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