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Port Perry Star, 10 Jun 1914, p. 3

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: x Poi ow \ "Conside | reveal "the medical functions of electricity," he continued, "bub ite possibilities in this direction are practically unknown. 'This research work must be done secretly, as the thousands of 'quacks now applying electricity to}of humans for all sorts of ills seize on 'every advance announcement from 'scientists to advertise their. claims. we know more about our bodies it will be difficult to tell what can De Mone with electricity as a , aoked Du Bois Reys , what | ab 95'cents a box ! : he id. 'They should teach that kind read in g in 'the public schoo 2? a : | WHEN BABY SUFFERS - 'FROM CONSTIPATION if your baby suffers stipation, if his little sbo- or bowsls are out of order, bowels in perfect order. "Concern- ing the tablets, Mrs. J. f ood pation and keep the stomach and 0 n The Dr. Wil ans" Medidse To, Brockville no. : SUNDAY LAW HITS KAISER. Must Buy Sausage on Week-days or Go Without Sunday. If the Emperor of "Germany de- sires sausages for his Sunday even- ing 'meal, he can buy them night before, just like any common citizen, or else go without. The laws regulating sale and delivery ) goods fn Germany on Sunday apply to the ruler in the same de- gree as to his meanest subject. ~ This is the decision of a Prussian court in the case of a sausage deal- ler who appealed from a fine of i¢ violating the Buriday ob: \ One Sunday So t re gu and the result was merchant, 1 the fx Ni forth : appeal the merchant set hat hs action cafe under the sav- lause of the Sunday -1 contains i-|in cases of scurvy and scrofula. 2 Every vegetable garden ja a medic cine chest full of remedies that are hysicians as of con- d_ | company for * ; foreign country, but this plan had] | De | Eutire capital of scalp, sent post-tree. Address , Corp., Dept. 15K, Boston, U. 8. A. recognized by ph ns siderable value in the treatment of various diseases. Onions, for example, contain sul- phur oil, and' are recommended for insomnia, and as an aid to gastric digestion. They should: have a prominent place in the. diet of suf- ferers from rheumatism, for they help to allay the pains. a nips and parenips both 'have peculiar oily principles which are of value as an aperient and diure- tic. It is also claimed that they are good for coughs and hoarée- ness. "i Potatoes contain solanin, which has certain diuretic properties . _ The _sulphur compound which it es cabbage excellent Spinach has iron in organic form, and is useful' as a laxative on ac- count, of its fine indigestible fibre. Carrots'are useful for correcting derangements of: the liver. They painful' wounds and swellings. The tomato exercises medicinal effects which are not completely explained by the presence of alka line salts. There is a principle pre- sented which when taken in a con- centrated state produces. salivation and a free stimulation of the liver. S Sy a the| HANGED BY THE NECK No death is more certain than the end that comes to every offender "treat- ed by Putnam's Corn Extractor. Out comes the 'corn or «warts, root and branch. Insist on "Putnam's" only, it's the best, free from acids and painless. Price 25c., at all dealers. 1,124,800 ATTEND SCHOOL. Canada's: Eduoational Cemsus--The ° West Builds Many Schools. In the year 1910 the total popu- lation in Canada of those between he ages of 'aix 'and twenty was 41,900, and of that Dumber 1,124,800" were ing school, making a percentage of 52.51 of the total. Of this number there were 901,634 Canadians, 58,115 British born, and 175,161 of foreign birth. Tn the eastern provinces Prince Ed- ward Island attained the highest percentage of attendance between the ages of seven. and fourteen years 'with 84.60, while Ontario comes only second with 84.27. Nova Scotia is third with 82.86 to its ore- dit, and the fourth, Quebec, with 80.96. New Brunswick coming ab 3 "| the tail end of the list with "only 180,05. Of the western Brotinces British Columbia, takes the LR Alig | with are also excellent as a dressing for!" 200 and Ontario fifth with only one to every 376. ) On the other hand Quebéc and Ontario show the greatest percen- tage of children attending school between the ages of seven and four- teen for more than six months, it being 76.47 in the former case and 74.43 in the latter. In the Mari- time Provinces the percentages vary from 62 to 67, and in the west from 43 to 61. _ The problem of giving the multi- tudes that flock over the plains and congregate in the cities of the west echools is by no means a small one, but the western provinces are doing their best to cope with it. Bas katchewan has put into commission an average of five schools per week, Alberta three and Manitoba two every week. : - ---------- ee Not All at That.» Grannie--And wit's the wi' me richt leg, doctor! , Doctor--Oh, just old age, MacDougall. Grannie--Hoots, man; ye're ha- verin'.. The left leg's hale and. sound and they're baith the same age. matter Mis. i Wii At a Disadvantage. «1'always leave mv business ab the offiice when I start for home at night." "1 wish I could." "What is your business?' "The principal part of it is ex plaining it to my wife. She inherit- ed our money." Helpless From Rheumatism Gin Pills Give Prompt Relief By Curing the Kidneys. Mr. Samuel "Longmore; of Montreal Sa; a "Just a word of praise for GI JLS, © About fifteen months ago 1 cou ot walk across niy room," suffers in severely with Rheumatism. I-took G PILLS and became quite well. TWo months ago.l "had Rheumatic Pains with Neuralgia, 1 resorted to GIN PILLS again for one week and became quite well." 50c. a Box, 6 for $2.50. Sample free if you write National Drug & Ch ical Co, of Canada, Limited, Toronto. - re meee Not Giving Time. Customer--I want this suit by the thirtieth. Can Ihave it on time! Pailor--No, sir; we do a strictly cash business, a : Minard's Tiniment Lumberman's Friend : Optimistic. Mrs. Jones--Here is an old pair of shoes you may be able to use. Raggled Ruggles -- Yes, the tongues are gone, the goles are through and the uppers are rotien, but the laces are still good Lr Moe Minas Tinimest ta the Bouse. |' "id , N S------ Sy a BA 1; young 'man rospects! ~~ -- ¢ sllent ; if you v [ater ban "law, to: conduet a banking business |iin: France would have rendered. the. oi, of the bank, no mat-} g | To Ti jn. ete thar forty-eight ng houses since. 1865, these thirty-five were pri- anks, ~ one of 'these 'dating and of tuaigountiey if Engleod : a subsidiary company formed in 1911:to a Dh ae Paris, an old F private bank- : ing house being taken over. Ts is unusue) for an English joint stook bank to organize a subsidiary R51 business in a to be adopted. Under the French h 'to taxa- : ks Bank now has 880. Be "offices. While an i corporated 'bank; the traditions of the private banking days yet re: main, and praotically all officials of the bank and its branch managers were educated in' private banking houses; 'and preference is always given to men so educated in taking on new employes, « 1 Nova Scotia Case of Interest to All Women Halifax Sends Out a Message of Help to Many People. . Halifax, N.S, Dec. 16.--When inter- viewed at her home at: 794 Argyle St, Mrs. Haverstock was quite willing to talk of her peculiarly unfortunate case. "1 was always 'blue' and depressed, felt. weak, languid and utterly unfit for any work. My stomach was so disordered that 1 had no appetite: What T @id eat disagreed. I suffered greatly from dizziness and sick head- ache and feared a'nervous-breakdown. Upon my druggist's recommendation 1 used Dr. Hamilton's Pills. > "I felt better at once. Every day I improved. In six weeks I was a well woman, cured completely after differ: ent physicians had failed to help me. It is for this reason that 1 strongly urge sufferers with stomag or diges- tive troubles to use Dr. Hamilton's Pills." : Dr. Hamilton's Pills strengthen the stomach, improve digestion, strength- en the nerves and restore debilitated systems to health. By cleansing the blood of long-standing impurities, by bringing the system to a high point of vigor, they effectually chase away weariness, depression and disease. Good for young or old, for men, for women, for children. All dealers sell Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut. i -- A Kiss Classified. Marcella--Mr. Beanbrough is the most awkward person I know. Whenever he kisses anybody, it sounds like a pistol shot. Waverly--Seems to me it's more like a blunderbuss. Ask for Minard's and take no other. ~ Paying Him a Compliment. "1 heard a woman flattering you yesterday, dear." «Tg that so? What did she say 9? "She was telling another woman that 1 married you for your money." At the Yarmouth Y.M.C.A. Boys Camp, held at Tusket Falls in August, 1 found MINARD'S LINIMENT most beneficial for sun burn. an immediate relief for colic and toothache. ALFRED STOKES, neral Secretary. The Lawyer's Opinions. "0 you got the opiniqns of two lawyers on the case. Were their "Yes, twenty-five dollars each." Deaf and Dumb Professor. onderTul story of pluck and onderiul 's incl '4 A Wales, | i ried him' jj and horsemen have Ged dl money by us bKenduit's 'Spe: Spavins "many. other causes. : horses working. A' $1 bottle may B° 'saves hotse for you, . Get a bottle the: | , next time you are in town. Sold by uggists everywhere, §1 a bottle, 8 for §5, also-ask for a copy of onr book 'A Treatise on the Horse '--orwrite to Pr. B. J. KENDALL COMPANY Enosburg Falls, Vermont 80 ER ry FARMS FOR SALE. i H. W: DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street Toronto. Grey Ir YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL Al Fruit, Stock, Grain or Dairy. Farm, write H. W..Dawson, Colborne 8t., Toronto, H. W. DAWSON, Colborne St. Torontos' IEE AGENTS WANTED, A GENTS! BIG MONEY-MAKERI| Our dollar book, "Destruction Ems< press of Ireland." Best book publishe ed: write at once for Free Outfit, Best Terms; freight paid; credit given! Nichols Limited, Publishers, Toronto. Brampton, or NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE. G°® WEBKLY IN LIVE TOWN IN York County. Stationery and Bou Business in - connection. Price onl \ 4,000, Terms liberal. Wilson Publish' ing Company, 73 West Adelaide Street,| Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS. \ CAGER, TUMORS, LUMPS, ETC.,] internal and external, cured with out pain by our home. treatment. 'Write us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical Co., Limited; Collingwood, Ont. ATENTS 'OF INVENTIONS } PIGEON, PIGEON & DAVIN Tia St. James St., Montreal | Write for Information. HOME STUDY 'The Arts Course may be tnken by correspon= dence, but students desiring to graduate must nttewd one session. EEN'S UNIVERSITY KINGSTON, ONTARIO ARTS APPLIED SCIENCE EDUCATION Includin MEDICINE ENGINEERING SUMMER SCHOOL JULY and AUGUST 2 G: Y. CHOWN, Registrar, Kingston, Ont, NEW YORK'S LATEST NOD:L You cannot secure the swinging, graceful lines so much sought by fash- jonable modistes (but 80 lamentably lacking In home dressmaking) un- less your dress is tailor- ed and fitted over a scientifically proportion- ed Dress Form, Bach part is made by a tralned expert from the very best material. Bust and skirt. covered with fast black Jersey Cloth, to which draping may be inned. izes 32 to 40, bust measure. Two styles, slender (as cut) or larger hip. Also girls from 14, 16, 18 years. So easy. Send Express or Money Crder. A full form Bust, Skirt and Stand comes post paid "The new way." A. 8. RICHARDSON & 00., Het. 1892 i "YOUR DRESS FORM" | 101 Ontario St. Toron Everything Explained. "My dear, whit an interest in anything?' =~ | "Well, I'll tell you. Once I took an interest in a man. And I mar- : is the matter a with you, you don't seem to take uk ie ar es

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