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Port Perry Star, 15 Jul 1914, p. 7

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Tr more or twenty years Mr. nger w was a constable in ls in Lineols, ne of the be oi coffin every i nown to few others re] oR to Lov users ri Tope I'll die some night ri goffin,"" says the Eh; right in of "My family knows just] Ww. I want to ly as rs want bill for funeral ex- sir; what's e to sleep in is good ough to be buried in." The old man has his sleeping box ly fie B ed. He built the cas- a li it deeper than usual, fitted a set of springs Sn de On these he placed ess, and then come his and quilts, of lots of people who've own coffins, I suppose?' "But you don't very une of a fellow who turny and sleeps in it after he's e it, do you?' ] 'don't like this thing of putting wellery and expensive. clothes in , They are needed here urface. Thousands of dol- mon that way everyday, py g to die simply, and got things fixed so that | bea nse will be that of dig- grave. I'll: furnish the to have a preach- t.be any funeral nd. These here | ma Se away just as sim- and my son a wagon. [| with extraordinary | woman he has' p: ; ymises man who can n forget Foy thi es e knows about 1 think what a lot of 'done had vou instead of Waiting of trying to to - stir up Bi old world, let us get 10: aré in uch we shall enjoy the as FNERES a ENANTES "HOT WEATHER MLMENTS A 'medicine that will keep child- ren well is a great boon to every mother. This is just what Baby's Own Tablets do. An occasional}. dose keeps the little stomach and bowels right and prevents sick- ness, During: the hot summer months stomach troubles speedily | | turn to fatal diarrhoea or cholera nfancum. and if Baby e Own. Tab- lets are not at hand ind the child may die within a few hours. Wise mo- thers always keep the Tablets in 18 the house and. give their children |. "an occasional dose to clear out the stomach and bowels and keep them well. Don't wait till baby is ill-- the delay may cost a precious life. Get Tablets now and you may feel reasonably safe. Every mo- ther who uses the Tablets praises that there is no other medicine for children so gobd. The Tablets arg sold by medicine dealers or by. mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr, Williams Co., Brockville, Ont. EY tM ip yr # THE WHALE DANCE When the Eskimos | 'Select Husbands "and Wives. A very primitive custom of the na- tives of the Bering and arctic coasts of Siberia, a custom that has come down from generations of savage an- cestors, 1s the annual celebration of the whale St when the Eskimos select their wives. the end of the short summer season, the whales come down to open water. Then in celebration of the season's catch, the whale dance, which lasts twenty- one days. The great dance circle is prepared, male and female, perform the most savage of evolu nt of rhythmless beating. J tome 'and welrd chanting. The dan gs tell of the prowess of the he hinies hy of the his- ory of the tril e movements of the women are surprisingly graceful, and they mean to show in their dance that, as daughters of a great people, they are possessed of all the qualities | such women should have. unt, and go through all the motions {of the kill! they spear the ice bear, slay the rus and seal, and finally, contortions, -van- quish the mighty whale. A During the last days of the. feast, | when the time arrives for the selec- tion of husbands and wives, the man performs his mate dance before the ol In panto- | 0. bY vide her gen- th the fruit of the & he 18 Pleased with s her 6 will and in the centre the dancers, both itions and motions to. mony 209d 4080. a soothing sensation in itis 1 knew I was le dose. : at oo a 4 night nightmare of the past k Nerviline is handy. It may be earache, toothache Nerviline is a family physi- {clan in itself. The large 50c. family size bottle, of course, is most econo- . Small trial size costs a quar- ter. All dealers sell Nerviline. Farkas LORD CROMER, © were all dry and cured.' | (7BE4E, : Hi gt s stranger thanked | them for the food they had given him, left eight ducats, and rode away. 'The Arab who had the three dates : said, "Here are eight ducats for eight dates-one ducat for each date ; therefore three ducats are mine." But the other Arab argued differ- ently, and contended that he should have seven ducats, and the first man one. The case was referred to the | cadi of the nearest town, who up- . whitish, then on the twenty-ffth day they (Signed) Mrs. Macle Louise Riou, May 26, 1918, \ How He Successtully Encountered in Wily Egyptian' Officials. - "The Living Sphinx of Egypt,' ' such was the title once bestowed upon Lord Cromer, the great pro- consul and maker of modern Egypt, who at the moment of writs ing is reported to be lying seriously ill at his London residence. Lord Cromer used quick aud, dar- ing methods in dealing with Egyp- tian risings. At one time Cairo was almost openly disaffected, and the British garrison was sinall. His lordship, however, caused it to be *@ | known that a regiment was on the way from India, but he was careful not to explain that it consisted of sick-leave and time-expired men and bandsmen. All the able-bodied soldiers in' garrison were ordered to parade all over the town in small parties, and the natives did not take in the fact that they were a sort of stage army =the same men over and over again. The last straw was: when. 'them and that is the best. evidence |. n the sun moves southward at | | and the ice closes up the northern sea, the ice dwellers assemble for | |i Lord Cromer, i Lord Cromer coolly put, on flannels and publicly played game after game of tennis. This final piece of bravado. nipped the threatened ris- ing in the bud. . Several times during his early days. in Egypt Lord Cromer's life was in danger. An English visitor The men | ho resembled him was found stab- . fisoute. pantomimic scenes of the|bed to death, having been killed in mistake for the great pro-consul; while on another occasion a dervish was found to have a knife concealed in a petition which he was about to present, to his lordship, And it was because he was al- 'ways a man of deeds, not words, that Lord Cromer became known as | §orias the "Sphinx of Egypt." He made Excel Mo selt a power in which ad- mitted of no rivalry, and, although in 1883, when he wa chosen agent, and sul-General, highly-placed told him it ei be le. to do away with 'bribery one. a toilet and a skin sqap at one price. Cul Soap and Cutlcura Ointment are sold by druggists and dealers everywhere. 'For a liberal free sample of each, with 32-p. book, send post-card to Potter Drug & Chem. Corp., Dept. D, Boston, U. 8. A. him. "Well," Lord Cromer re 'plied, quite coolly, 'unless I have an order of dismissal in five min- utes I will go and cable to England at once that I am coming home. it will mean your : dethrone- t."" And before Lord Cromer left the palace he had in his pocket the order he had demanded from the despotic Khedive. ny re -- POINTED' PARAGRAPHS. Industry is the mother of success. "Politeness is an air cushion that eases the jolt. Two heads are better than one--ex- cept in a family. The one strong point of a busy bee {8 not in his favor, . Paintings are never hung until after they have been executed. Lots of fool men exchange single | bligs for matrimonial blisters. A woman in love ig more or less foolish--but a man in love is always more. Hardship comes when the fire of genius. isn't hot. enough to.keep the pot boiling. If it is true the good die young, will the oldest inhabitant please offer an explanation? The average man might just as well fall in love, for he has to make some kind of a fool of himself, RHI : Coward. "My husband is a coward." "What makes you think so?' "He insists that I have got to tell the landlord that he must paper the parlor or we'll move." Pe eer RA No Alimony--Just a Separation Peaceful, quiet separation, no damage done, everybody happy again--that's the situation when you divorce your corn' with Putnam's Corn Extractor. Acts like. magic--don't use any but "Putnam's'-- it's the best, 25c., at all dealers. ey A Young Diplomat. "Pa, would Jou be glad if I saved you a dollar ¥' "1 certainly would, my son.' "Well, you remember you prom- ised if I brought a good report from my teacher you'd give me a dollar, and I didn't.' SUMMER TOURIST RATES TO THE PACIFIC COAST. Via Chicago and North Western Ry. Special low rate round-trip tickets on sale from all points in Canada to Los , San Francisco, Portland, Seat- ver, ~ Victoria, Edmonton, Yellowstone Park, etc. a Ha August and September. train service. For rates, illus. b: me "ia les and full a rion] nt {6 Fone, Bt i merdl Age: e reet, ronto. Ontario,' 35 His Wish. She (during the quarrel)--I only majtied you to spite Fred Johnson. He (ruefully)--I wish to heaven ' | you'd married Fred Johnson to spite me, Oita TE! ak, Sm of the 0) YOU avery held the second man's contention! This is the way he reached his de- cision : Phe three men divided eight dates; there were two and two- thirds for each, or eight-thirds. The first Arab had three dates, so he contributed mine-thirds to the whole, but he ate eight-thirds him- self, so he gave only one-third of a date to the stranger. The second Arab' contributed five dates, of fif- teen-thirds ; he ate eight-thirds him- self, and gave seven-thirds to the stranger. So reasoned the cadi, and he gave the first Arab one ducat and the second seven ducats. PER A Nova Scotia Case of Interest to All Women Halifax Sends Out a Message of Help to Many People. Halifax, N.S., Dec. 16.--When inter- viewed at her home at 194 Argyle St., Mrs. Haverstock was quite willing to talk of her peculiarly unfortunate case. "l was always 'blue' and depressed, felt weak, languid and utterly unfit for any work. My stomach was so disordered that I had no appetite. What I did eat disagreed. I suffered greatly from dizziness and sick head- ache and feared a nervous breakdown. Upon my druggist's recommendation 1 used: Dr. Hamilton's Pills. "I felt better at once. Every day I improved. In six weeks I was a well woman, cured completely after differ- ent physicians had failed to help me. It is for this reason that I strongly urge sufferers with stomach or diges- fire [troubles to use Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Dr. Hamilton's Pills strengthen the stomach, improve digestion, strength- en the nerves and restore.debilitated systems to health. By cleansing the blood of long-standing impurities, by bringing the system to a high point of vigor, they effectually chase away weariness, depression and disease. Good for young or old, for men, for women, for children. All dealers sell Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut. ry es When a man asks you tq tell him the exact truth about himself, don't do it unless you are prepared to take a good licking. Minard's Liniment Cures Able-Bodied Youths Scarce. Of every 100 persons subject to military duty in Germany, 58.9 per cent. of the farmer lads are fit for service, against 31.9 per cent. in Berlin proper, which shows the smallest percentage of able-bodied youths of any place in the empire. The statistics, which are for the year 1912, have just been made pub- lie. Wilmersdorf, one of the Great- er Berlin municipalities, which has the lowest death rate of any city: of Germany, furnishes 48.2 recruits for {service among every 100 men examined, a figure exceeding that of any other large city in the coun- Higholt grade bossa kept wile : and mealy by perfest baking, . vetainin full strength, FARMS POR SALE, H, W. DAWSON, 7 Coll AW » Ninety borne Street, F YOU Wane Jo BUY oR S SELL A rain or awson, Bram ton Colborne gt, Toronto. Pion H. W. DAWSON, Colborne St. Toronto. a ___} NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE. 4 00D WEEKLY IN LIVE TOWN'IN York County. Stationer and Book Business in connection. o $4,000. Terms liberal. Wilsol RE. Co Canipany. 73 West Adelaide bliss 'oronto. mescatmatins ANCER, + TUMORS, LUMPS, ETC, internal and external, cured witha fh wafone ao ue "Be Helin Sesotoa 00 late. Dr, n Me Co., Limited, Collingwood, Iman Nora's Reference. Nora was applying for a place as cook and when asked for a refer- ence presented the following: "To whom it may concern: * "This is to certify that Nora Foley has worked for a week and we are satisfied." Digby, N.S. Minard's Liniment Co, Limited. Gentlemen,--Last August my horse was badly cut in eleven places by a barbed wire fence. Three of the cuts, (small ones) healed soon, but the others became foul and rotten, and though I tried many kinds of medicine they had no beneficial result. At las octor advised me to use MINARD'S RTo ea and in four weeks' time every eore was healed and the hair has grown over each one in fine condition, The Liniment is certainly wonderful in ite working. JOHN R. HOLDEN. Witness, Perry Baker. Ignorant. My ignorance perhaps I show In springing this one but This thing I'd really like to know, "What does the cut worm cut?" Minard's t Cures Por een wm An Acre of Tickets. The London General Omnibus Company issue something like 2,- 000,000 tickets in the course of a single day, and for those people who like to have such matters ela- borated into statistical details it may be remarked that a day's sup- ply of tickets weighs about one ton. If placed end to end would stretch from London to Dover, would cover a gpace of nearly an acre, or if plac- ed flat on top of one another would reach to a height of 1,666 feet. Money goes. Ever notice how three $20 bills will go like 601 You will find relief in Zam-Buk ! It eases the burning; 'sti pain, stops bleeding and bri Sy ease. Perscverance, with Zam- Buk, means cure. Why not prove, this 2 41 Drugpisis an and Stores.--,

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