my list! MORLEY CAMPBELL, 85:7 ihn Prince Albert. Mr. and" Mrs. Geotge Stone have : returned. home from a trip to St, John rices N.B., where they saw a number of Port Perry friends. The trip included a Cruise along t the st 'Lawrence, a call at Boston, and travel along the Atlan: tic seabéard. The holiday was most thoroughly enjoyed by Mr. and Mrs. Stone. Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Harris Started last Thursday on a trip to St. John, New Brunswick. Not Likely to Recover Mr, John Irvin received a telegram on Monday last-stating that his son, . Wesley, had taken. a second hemor: rhage within a few days, and "that he was not likely to recover. Becomes Organist Miss Estelle Bull, "of Bloomfield, has accepted the position as organist of the Methodist church. Miss Bull comes well recommended as an ac- complished musician both vocal and instrumental. She has been studying with Prof. Francis Fischer Powers, of Toronto; and tock a piano course in Baker University, Baldwin, Kansas. Doing Nicely Miss Marjorie Mellow, who had been ill at home, became much worse, and her 'conditition was so critica) that she was taken to the hospital in Toronto on Friday of last week, and an operation for appendicitis was suc- cessfully performed. Latest reports show that Miss Mellow is doing as well as can be expected. Mrs. Bamforth and family have re- turned home after spending a couple of weeks at Pettett's Point. Mr. J. H. Brown has returned home after spending ;some days in Toronto A Reeve Gerow is in Muskoka at time of writing, but is expected home this week, Mr. Harry Bruton is in Whitby; where he intends to go into business for himself. The family will likely move to Whitby this Fall. Miss Edith Cook, of Chicago, is the guest of Mrs, W. U. Carnegie Mrs. M. G: Mabee, of Toronto, spent the week end with her sister, Mts. Farmer, Mis, Gallagher and Miss Ballantyne who have been visiting Mrs. William Davey, returned to their homes in Toronto last Saturday. 'Mrs. Geo. Davey and children spent last week with, friends in Hamp- ton and Oshawa. Mr, Geo. Davey returned: home from Windsor on: Saturday pight. He |! "had been attending the sessions of the - Grand Lodge of the Sons of Frio] Benevolent Society. TAKE NOTICE. The party who took the twenty foot ladder from Car- megie's new house had better return it |! : in future wil » for 500 and $2.33 per 1000, pri 5 'have to be advanced again, Port Perry Fair An important meeting of the Directors of the Port Perry, Reach and Scugog Agricultural Society was held on Monday evening last. There was a great deal of business to attend to, but everything was put in shape to take immediate action. TO PROVIDE S1ABLING Inthe first place, Messrs. George Gerow and A. Wi Williams were em- powered to have efected a metal roofed building about 40 x 80 feet 1n dimensions, using for its construction the material taken from the old skating rink, so far as possible. . This build- ing is to be used for stabling purposes and one end will be fitted up with box associating contributing a good. sum toward the erection of the building. This * addition' to_ the Fair Ground equipment should be thoroughly ap- preciated by exhibitors of live stock, Although the business men 'of the town contributed liberally to the fund to erect this building, there is still plenty of need for money, and dona: tions should be forwarded to Mr. Jas. McKee, or to the Secretary, Mr. H. G. Hutcheson. $400 IN PRIZES FOR TRIALS OF SPEED In order to secure the attendance of the best horses available, the Directors will give $400 in "prizes for trials 'of speed, so that the public may rest assured that this part of the Fair will be much better than usual. - THE GRAND STAND PERFORMANCE Secretary Hutcheson is getting 'in touch with a. number of grand stand performers, and we shall pfobably be able to announce the result of his work next week. THE PRIZE LIST The printing committee are busy and are making preparations 'to have the prize list issued within the next two weeks, and to issue' their other advertising matter at the earliest 'pos- sible moment. OUR OWN BAND : Port Perry Band are busy practising twice a week and will be ready to play at the Fair on September 25. A Passed his Matriculation Learoyd Tennyson, who wrote on an examination to complete his' Matricu- Order early as the price may| stalls for race horses, the local racing |. lation: course has passed that Sram Bai Ont; Aug. 11, The District Pr siden member or persons. wish tribute to the support of the ship that is being equ 1 sented to 'the -Government affiliated societies of Can for use in the present forward their contributio either personally or branch secretary to the di tary, Mrs. Wm, Balmer, will forward the same at 0 ice! quarters. Ee of South Ontatio, Wi I remain, yours in faitl MRS. §. I. BR: District Pres, of 'South Ont. Women's Institute, Whitby. Birth: In Uxbridge, on Thursday, A 13th, 1914, to Mr. and Mrs. J: Weldon, a son. Died At Greenbank, on: Friday, Aug: 14th, 1914, Ellen' Wilson, beloved wifc of Mr. Edward Boe, aged 82 years. Miss Estelle | Bull is prepared to take pupils 'in piano ;and vocal music. " For' terms, etc. apply in person or by 'phone. at the home of Mrs. Geo: Jackson, Port Perry \igust ley Gréenbark Band 'Concert on Thursday evening, Aug. 20 Sons of England: | Convention Brought to RE Successful Close * at. Windsor, ond biennial convention of the So of England Benefit Society was, brought to a successful close Dete this evening with the singing of "God Save the King" and a great outburst of patriotic enthusiasm when a. tele: gram from H. R: H. the Duke of Con= naught was read, expressing thanks {3 for the message of loyality. The following officers were elect, Supreme President, W. H. Rand: Toronto; Supreme Vice: President, D J. Proctor, Toronto; Supreme Sedre- tary, J. W. Carter, Toronto; Supref me Treasurer, (Charles Meech, Toronto: Supreme Auditors, Barker. an Windsor, Aug. 14.--The thirty-sec- i "sie TON. HORSES Whitby, Aug 14 ~The third and | closing day of Whitby Horse Show was the most successful of 'the 'three both in point' of atténdance .and in excellence of program. 'The chief in- terest to-day centered about the last item on the program, the high jump, and this held the crowd till "its 'com- pletion at "7.30. © Crow & Murray's]. beautiful gelding Strathelaire won this event, clearing 6 feet '10 inches, beat- ing several of 'Hon. Clifford" Sifton's| The show through out was | finest. not marred by a single 'accident and' has been in every 'particular highly successful: Pair of harness horses over 15.2--1 Bate & Jones; 2 Crow & Murray} 3 Sir H, M. Pellett. # Pig'pen class Mates' itdble to} produce agricultural 'hotses,~=1; 1". Batty, ~Brooklin; 2, Mea owbrook | Farms, 8, Leslie Hall, "Brooklm; 'Heavy breeding 'mares--1 and '3 Megowprook Farm; 2:7. Batty. "Light breeding: mare-- 1 M x Holiday, Whitby, % "Pair heavy draught mafes--1 'Dom. ion Transport Cos 2, T. Batty. red Clydesda Kot Cy Farm 6 Heavy draug owbrook Farm, 2 Richardson, Toron | tees, J. Boxall, (Lindsay), G, Top (West Toronto), T. Ferguson, Ter "fin which it is expe The. prize-winners were: cted to appear. All lines over. SIX must be paid for i i at the rate of four cents per line each ul sertion, . MET HODIST © Rev. R: Bamforth, B. A., Pastor son Services 11.00 'am. and 7.00 p.m. Afternoon, Sunday School and Bible Ali All Welcame. | f'the copy | ay of the week EXPERIENGE ; ESIGNS * nyone sania Sat' 0! qu! a aro r opinion an donssrriody Son ably pt i on P Son tras. Crest meonty "Scenic Tin 3 OVE 86 YEARS | When considering of painting, dec papering oul ho!