SEALE TREREIMSe Ty TI Mis Carmichael, who has been | iting her son in Toronto, has. re- i turned to her home here. The Harvest Home which took "here on Wednesday : 'evening, was a splendid success, the program which was given by local and other talent was heartily enjoyed by all. The pro- ceeds were some seventy dollars. Mr, John Shand is doing a rushing business in Agricultural Implements. He having disposed of a number of machines this season. Mr. George Lawrence returned to "Toronto last week, Mrs Chisholm of Toronto, visited her sister Mrs. G. Vernon recently, Inspector Hutcheson, paid an of- ficial visit to our school last week. We regret to report the death of Mrs. Levi Tordiff, who passed away on Thursday of last week, after a lin- gering illness. Mrs. ;Tordiff will be keenly missed in the church here, she was a zealous worker in the neighbor- hood and she was ever ready to lend a helping hand where ever duty called her. Besides a sorrowing husband she leaves to mourn her death ;two child- ren Charlie and Mable, who have the heartfelt sympathy of the entire com- munity in there unreparable loss Prince Albert Left over from last week Miss S. Madden is attending the Provincial W, C.T. U. Convention in Toronto; being: the guest 'of 'her riend Mrs. Dr. Lowrey, Deleware Av. The Sunday evening service was conducted by Mr, S. Farmer, Port Perry, who gave a profitable and thoughtful address relating to, Sunday School work. Two sacred solos were sweetly sung by Miss Nora McLean, accompanied by Miss Gladys Irwin, Mr. John Warren has bought the property on the corner, west of the Post Office, ! Mrs. Holtby and little "son, and Mrs. Bell of Raglan, visited Mrs. Briggs for a week, > Great sympathy is felt for the fam- ily of - Mr, Coolridge as his eldest} daughter underwent a very serious operation and her case is very. critical. Mr. Alex. Johnston has returnéd to Mr. Wm. Martin's after spending several weeks at Valcartier camp. Rev. Mr. Buckler, Scugog, will have charge of the services next Sunday in the absence of the pastor, who will conduct anniversary services at the Head church, Scugog. Good Clothes Can only be made by Competent Workmen |: 'Mr W. G. McClintock will Sell by public auction at lot 13, con. 5,Reac on Monday, October 19, all his fas stock and implements. "GEORGE JACKSON, Mrs. Grace Cormack, of lof 4, Reach, on Saturday, October 24, at 1.30 p.m., 5 acres of standing tim ber, in supposed quarter acre lots. JOS. BAIRD Auctioneer. WILK IN THE COCONUT BETTER GET Great Oopartintiy For For. "MadeinCan- da" Products--Eduropean Products Are Now 'Shut Out While the nations of Hurope are at war, the people of Canada have a duty to their own land as well as to the Mother Country. While regretting the issue forced on the Mother Coun- try and giving ' contingents to Eng- land's ald, let us also give all the help we can to ourselves. Canada's own big problem is that of a country which hes imported much---and sud- denly finds those importations cut off. You will get at the milk in the cocoanut at once by glancing at the following lists: List No. 1 'Some of the things we have been importing from Germany, Austria, etc, to the value of $38,000,000 per annum: Analine " dyes, baskets, books, boots, buttons, brooms, brushes, can- ned goods , chemicals, 'chinaware, clocks, clothing, collars and cuffs, cot- ton goods, combs, curtains, colors and dye stuffs, cutlery, dolls, drugs, earthenware, embroideries, electric apparatus, feathers, furs, fringe and tassels, gloves and mitts, glass and glassware, guns, hats, hosiery, hops, jewelry, knitted goods, leather goods, lace, labels, locomotive tires, machin- ery, millinery, mineral waters, musi- cal instruments, optical instruments, paints and colors, papers, pencils, per- fumes, pianos; pharmaceutical prepar- ations, piano parts, plano key ivories, pipes, purses, ribbons, rubber goods, seeds, shoes, laces, silk knitted and other goods, silverware, soaps, spirits, stockings and socks, time recorders, tobacco, toilet articles, = tools, toys, underwear, , woodenware, = woollen | goods, watches. ? 4 : List No. 2 Some of the things mentioned in List No. 1 that we. now make in Can- ada in competition with the manufac: turers of Continental Europe: 'Baskets, boots, books, buttons, brooms, brushes, canned goods, car- pets, chemicals, collars and cuffs, cotton goods, clothing, combs, colors and dye stuffs, cutlery, dolls, drugs, earthenware, electric apparatus, feathers, furs, glass and glassware, gloves and mitts, guns, hats, hosiery, jewelry, knitted goods, lamps leather. goods, labels, machinery, millinery, mineral waters, musical instrumi optical instruments; paints and colors, with fall particulars of thieir-clai 18, statement of their accounts, and the nature of the security, if any, held by them, duly verified with vouchers, if any, attached. And notice is further given th: after such mentioned date the executors of the said estate will to ute the assets of the said estate among the persons entitled thereto, havi regard only to. the "claims id notice shall, at the time of distribution have been given; and the executors will not be liable for the assets or any part thereof to any person or. persons of whose claim they 'shall not have had notice. ot Neil McPhaden TH Jas. Wesléy Thomas } Exectitors Dated at Sunderland this. 7th Day of October, 1914 ; CR -------- NATIONAL CAMPAIGN fix Galt Editor Urges Gountry-wide Or ganization to Promote Sale of "Made-in-Canada" Products The. Galt "Reporter," a few days| ago, had the following timely and in: teresting 'editorial under the. Beading "Buy - Canadianmade Goods" econoniic situa on in Cansds" aris out of the wa "While one of the Immoliste effects' of the European war was the dis organization of trade in Canada, lating character. merly Imported from Germany, France, Austria, Belgium and other "countries : will. now have to be produced here: Reports show that every year millions} of dollars worth of manufact in' Canada, Our own mechanics and artisans can produce such articles well as the forefgn workers and if manufacturers take advantage of rpportunity provided, the war result in: more work, instead -of for their employes. paper, perfumes, pipes, pharmaceutl. | 21 cal preparations, pianos plano 2 pasts --_-- Did you ever try son's BER Ice with app! pie? Tom ite you he duced to 20¢ a pint: Phone 60 Dorman Corbman a is of Chi : secondary result should be of a stimu fi es eh of Sock HH gyents