OF AZUMA; | Or, The South African Millionaire. - RE tavited the Glaucourts a) & moment | Week ot © * "What on earth. you io tell of Hen to i andy Sisucourt ¢ hire. aan Bey nid mon Tod Tih the +Hizet time |- p ihe phe Saugh t hold of by Lady: Giacoust " had Hop eat y ¢ § : "the chaperol provided at she ultimately released 'hi i v6 had @ 04, and Tord Glaucourt had Lady' Bill wick. 'with: w] n favor of her daughter, Jugith . : hat Be enn undergtood.". | Cv When Lady. Glaucourt was informed: : And in reply to her yggeation Hugh | Judith that he had Laer, no doubt, | Gover, who had been revolving this very 854. had accepted r of their "habitues" who plan several weekd, put out the tenta- | sl "| came nd "went, would step in on thelr ire Et -- x od part marry me. ' ] : A a hari fal control of hek ex: | 10 Bear her mother put in ression, 1s, Lorraine Zuieed her serens Tilt ehe was gol Jo do; 5 ou jtio ue , and looke n the . b b ; 3 ow es, Vv "On,'T dons know. bechnes oo Daw. &he wap" eontent fuck F educational rs grew - with od SEH SL SE SS gi he Mens Sha fl em, homerer, Teachers beck, : "Why, that's fy reason." * | that all would be It 1% be | better qualified, new subjects were| ~~ [Elf ote Ethan le, beat. SORT 0.10 AND 20 the ies ort ainda Me Sr Pan SrTY en pi Beg agp Bett 030] ted ney bie bene] [H] Sem en Semel Bi ow 20 x \ 'Oh, 00d-1of 8 ' } . a + ApS you ; -T i 'AT. | 1 8 eetpon question a gial ae g Algol 8 1d | were established th ent; J rotor it. CANADA B14 Montreal |" CHAPTER VI--(Continued). Z see , i ." then, af eec- | went on coloring a 1 was content that the marr s onda Intervals What ou sari ends 305 {P90 on coloring a lie, + CC {ake Disco 84 goon te possible. 'It it tell himP" twenty and haen't married yet and Lady » she a eiveld, 60 " i ld : Tm ] fg ue nn rod Jn rt In ot oT a po: a ne Bory. 20 2% bet © = : generally, were very Beli aes ; lL ©0 ete) JON! . 3 she almost. sf e men ng * Na AY y - - "Upon my, word, 'X_don't Know I cer: | and down the iaire'and implores them to} Tho FOURE man wae in a seventh heaved | or "and prided themselves | --_-- : T= Tr ; tainly shan't tell anybody again." ~~ | také her away. to see what was happening, and when he | were wearing the latest in educa-| 'Now,' there is my son Henry. | college to their very doors. I really think, though it makes you | .Once more Hugh Glover laughed, but Judith again, her beauty dassled him. | ¢: . rad 1 1H A he i < live angry when I say it, that you could "do | this time with less mirth; ¥t didn't at- Hd ul X ne ig i au od uml. tional fashions. e has not had tl e schooling you |. } t 2 Al stock Moree than marry Hugh Glover. After all | tract him, the picture, the idea of asking She wou a. pie bei a cen N. the system developed a|bave hid. He did not even ; 1 A brief review doug ® uty. and now that Tits wie is | & girl to be his Wife, 'whose mother was nd the fat that che wag Dasutial, and OW, a8 system. develop, the high school enfrance; but he of ods employed in dead . . ." offering her to any man. Somehow, how-| and the aot thak et oa beautiful, and paradox developed with it. 'The [the hig OL € 3 a hy Tz ods la a "Do you imagine that we shall have to | ever great y ie, h P much | ¥ Pes Lin that eomdo being mar- | dverage farmer, while respecting|Wa® educated in the practical [ing this line will illustrate f wedr black?" Judith asked, and by the| one sees that one is obliged to limit one's pe LE Bt roping rh 1181 2 HY > ach of life. He is ski in farm x doa ey expreesion of her face, Lady Glaucourt| aspirations, and cramp orie's- ideals; ro-| I OE h eartot iD 'hi Hae little cold education and agreeing that it was LOLA, ELI d : knew that it would be futile to pursue the | mance, and the romance associated with a end Sectiod to him 3 t. Thia|8 very attractive. decoration to|OP¢ ons, thusiastac, 4 conversation. love, lingers El de | ar To wondered ar i pu most. This have when it wasn't too expensive, | 8iVe, quick 'in . emergency, n n e ~ g A Xpe vy e am ; 2 . papi Ths fairy prince, with what Te-| ticed how exquisitely tender = her yes did not. care to invest; very heavily strong im action. After all 'your : nsidered CHAPTER VII, luctance the young girl rélinquiehes him, | Were, how full 'of feeling; Tow AY times in it hi At . | education he has a better training in Pp : E Yes, Hugh Glover's wife was dead. and | in order to marry hind elderly man with They secined 10 be pufiased with mists, de in ag melt "o ATe that farm {in those (hime: as for: Biic- | oa: hod A he wae desperately in want of money. | the bald head and the spectacles, and ghe | if she (ook of: agoniind oratnow that 1 ling couldn't be 1 from books ngs' that. make for. oy ven. The 'farmers own That seemed worse than his wife's death, Dimple Jou his Doce, while men perhaps Yaa oa i OL pile rid ny eyes. | Brew eo strongly that it became a |cessful farming than you have. est stock in the neighborhood in though. [ha 35d Deen accompanied by Shen But thee most, Sere ras i To him she seemed more than ot the | trait of rural character. The sys-| Of course, the farmér saw the | which the course is held are usually ' i aie a. : : NN 4 aie ; . . Fis Then those we have only pretended to| Notwithstanding that he was a widower, RY forget, when she waa | tem might have been at fault, but Juostio n 'from only one angle. He | visited and the merits of their ani and we realize that we have not{ 8nd an impecunioue widower of no pro- t appreciate the 1 of know- [mals discussed. 'The boys are ] feésion, Hugh Glover had hoped that if he | Not given over to dreads and misgivings, | the educated preferred to blame ; b ] oys( : death rae ronderes omy, The fact of "by | was to' marry again, and he didnt quite] Judith Tealized that this August in her | the' farmer hishself for these condi-| ledge for the sake of knowledge, | taught to look for the points con-! « the fact oihat it wio her death that im. | See iat tie we, 10:40 31 Ho didi', that ox home hick oo hayihing Cong yan] tions. and his ideal may have been {oo | sidered by judges in the show ring, . Tick The. iam; Dax wind jihover been | he would And, what he described 'ao Si navpiert she had spent of late; Some wa, there ever sucha man!' |much'the Money ideal. But he was | The value of different feeds and had been hers, and now her father, who | & competence, Hy haa or ® on the presence of her | they cried. 'He is 80. bound to [not far astray about the practical | the principles of feedin balan it all upon his daughter,| "Don't you think some woman will find ad Ig ne TH i ; ITE ioe 1 value of the system. It fitted a | rations are explained. Methods of avenged the neglect of her for years past. me so like noor Charlier he had once Pother he sient | Have oon soem pir tradition and practice that he few for roto but very | her Hmprovemont. aod. Bock ol b; fusi t askes re. Lorraine, while own am- . abt at and a Tarirallz: Be ont Shy. shai owance, | deked: Wa Lotsaine, while hie tn 'am | sulirely 'to £3 enjoyment of th anything | doesn't care for education. He will sions, tted mpr stock man ther-in-law, while he realized the Tintin | poor Mary se moins like forgetfulness, she would have to be note develop the - scientific' view-| Poorly, or misfitted, a multitude agement, the housing of animald i i i i wa mewhere admirer where no 3 hi i for commercial or agricultural oc- | and the construction of farm build-| Of his act, Ho had gever been consider-| A widow with no children, that was| somewhere with her & point, nor will he allow his children 2 £ : II | . | what he had been looking for during the | one knew. Her mother's presence remind. » oh , A = lin, as fully ma 3 aToor Mary, Bored Be been faith. | what he weeks, and now Mrs. Lotraine | 'ed her at every turn, and overs word she] to do 80, The majority of those |cupations. 8o, after all, 'the sys-|ings are all considered y he might have ill : proposed Judith, Judith who had outlin-| 8aid seemed laden with deceit. Once she | wi, stay on the farm never attend | tem Was to blame rather than the | the limited time permits. Bad a fearful temper roared i ed foreslly 5 Hlonons Arshed ie op {he Jad felt Wie so Sirongly that she had high school even. . He" is satisfied | farmer: 'Hig children 'wouldn't get That ie how all 'other subjects ard fi ost intimate ughte, 2 'E RULE 3 4 ly ¥ on ve, An Nota pt yi does | Who wis quite the last kind of woman he | May I beg of you not to draw me Into with the methods and knowledge | much knowledge that would make treated. These vary according. to ciety. Society, after all i i t;| had ever thought of marrying. the conversation when you and he Ponsessed is fathers | them better farmers from the | the and has hy es Sy indulgent; Naturally, there would be the very | are together. ¥ simply ean talk oe that were by hig § ers schools, that had been the. product ments. At' Re x 3 ible, account | doubtful satiefaction of performing his | before you. It would be much the same | before him. : X Ab. 'all' cly ) | ; Tn voor Tally re rs ntonut | doubiful sstieinetion of Periorming his thing if Madathe Dufour were there, can't Idea That Felt : of 80 much thought and expense, | 4g study is given of farm crops, ' @ , What so e had described as "the | wife was dead, in fact it seemed to him | you eee how trying it is? Wn oics hid 4 An] ea at F . Down. And this was e situation before | soils, fertilizers; 'un a age, or > Aihod of 1 oe hé was even a | that he would have to do that in any | irritated, peevish, hysteri almost. 'on . al : id y 3 ly ! = 3 # avorite. He certainly was very amusing, | ¢ése; but just the fact of pat bad hap: | wae the fiat time ehe had ever appealed But the farmer had his own | the people of the Province became | f growing, poultry, 'bacteriol- - A and he had excellent manners. He had | pened, made him shrink. Was it likely) ia her mother, Gefen fhe-Jad itt | views of these matters, and, like ressed - with the fact that agri- ; and # <5 ' Mot" needed the advice of hig astute little | that he had been the anly one? = e e furtal » from Sf | ot. is vie w | 8- | opltural traini a8 * necessar ; friend, Mre. Lorraine, 'who suggested that | The girl wae faet, there was no doubt| her inner emotions, and Lady Glaucourt | MOS 8 ws, they ere LY, aning Wi . ary, he'ehoulq BAY fadih, og y | of that, Of course, she Ap been very Jae mystined, Wes i Paetibler fhe ak sult of hard experience. He didn't | For a ong time afterthi® Agricul- a ree 3 it w ] some- 1 y v : 3 ' dodr to bresktang iin her, after Sidlag | BOT Jt asemed fo him That she ad not | mpucht: While sh wus te 10h Lot siac | always advocate them where every-| tural College was = established at : i : ugh & hota 80 ard ah Ligh gna. hd tha here was that in her daughter which one could hear them, but he red, Guelph, very many were doubtful deemed most » Xith her i Park. or H i y ibl } ! ¢ ; OTY, ti ; 6 -| that he gtill 'wandered through London | was beyond her graep. Was it possible, none the less. cl of the value of the course. being =the Ey Tal) ren IS ne ae | drawing rooms, one extremely beauti-| she wondered, awakening to a revelation, ed none the less. clearly certain |o aly © course. Some dency being to fav o : Jie. Jess. clearly. ! home oy thei | qu followed by her train of eligible | that rhe had thought. it wae the right | things that his critics did not, We [are doubtful of its value still, but villages 0 fees ngr Tenew their tortuncs of go under apd "4 Bh why " she eopeog EUSERS: | thing 0 do to tell Sir Hubert2 can uidiisie ,& shrewd, intelligent | the majority of the farmers realize required, and in the ma, Heads more. ha Ler Walt." on. hg pd ouh Yet 3 UF fra of vata ls Tot 5 Suey man i ressing a lad fresh from that it is a ge d thing - They mow, 'cases no examinations we 'my i" ol on paiseitie In { more marrying type, he : school. ol course, that the practice'of farm-| But, of course, at best bam Sor ars Shaered spon i] $08 DEieSt oh much harm had not ompliment. "My fine fellow, you have gone Ling must always be: learned upon nati re given te. bet 2 h A Doubtful Comp y foundation can be given to be friends, and smokes their best cigars, the | been 'done, and that eo, long as no 28 ! : through a process of 'sbsorption{ the farm; but they. believe a Rood IT Tah bo given to To fact of his being a man is, in » 'way, a | knew (and because she was a young girl, "I 'can't just make out what he por . deal of th be' blend pon. only Wary. "I set-off, in these days of man-.dearth, and | because he .was married, he held hie 4 J + and ve acquired considerable | deal of eory . can len ed to value lies mot so much in what is" he had naturally a horse, a very good- tongue), B Souldns have spotled Set | meant," said the conceited man. mental , trimming. You can talk | very great advantage with the prac- actually taught as in the ability it! ore Ta ie Pah, de rode mast | Shances He ald "net know thal there had "What do vou mean { more correctly than I, you are|tice. It all rests with the student gives the student to. study for him- i i i , i | "Whether he was praising me or ly: familiar - with tity | himself as to whether h retu \ i i 4 situation, for with him there wae alwaye | itue of the Glaucourts, and the episode 0 e P g vaguely: fa Twi a quantity as to whether he can UTD | gelf "and 'the us to strive f & situation to be reviewed. Either he had Hon to Paris he had not even heard | ot,' : of historical dates. and foreign |to the home farm and apply his higher thin he association! hid to conaider how to gt out af 1, oF, | the winter when the Glaucourte Would in "What did he say 1" , phrases, you can write. a graceful | knowledge in 4 sane and practical u ; a number of enthusiastic young Jitherto, his. wife. had threatened' to| any case havo been gut of town, for they | pp." 0 agreeing with something | essay, you have some aptitude for , Flows: ing f 3 i i i never came to London till the end of . 5 > 9 i I . ; J ws meeting or a common pur- folive him, Ok stop aes is debts, or jaouary, and then only for a few weeks. | I had just said, and he added, 'No- | figures; there are other things that| But, despite the valué of the agri- 18 In itself a stimulation--an ao dunning hj h ic-+ Lately, -the older woman had developed i is city knows as muc ou have that I know little about. y i i i fi it dinning him or someon w om Be partic asthma, and they had SDNY their wikire body in this city knows a h as | ¥ cultural course, or rather because ntive to organization end inter-} | y d they so 245 Bol are you practical? Can you|of it, the collegs h its limitations. | ch f id oh as agricul i"him the cold shoulder To ind at Nice or in Cairo. A you think you know. : it, college has 1 mi 8. | change of i eas. such as agriculture & avgiem. of 'is thig, 10 ToView he pita Bei itbetandiog Lis brilliant and plover : Sei} me acyiting igi fhe soil or| It could not .accommodate the [has long been in need of. tion, and plan dut a' couree of action, | ho s D : earth or clouds that will prac- {young farmers of Ontario, It did| "But: the united k of the cl i i that Judith would not marry him, not un- | . : " ; Y g larr : by At 'But: u work of the class -- autores, Which, if bestowed Eon Te very ugly thought outlined itself,| Growling seems to afford a lot of tical value to med What do you good "work: but in a very limited | does not cease with the termina. np i rahe er ipa Te old hia hostess: | comfort to some men, but it is an | know about trees, plants and crops| way: "Each: year less than 2,000| tion of the course. The great ob-. . Bi ad A A raat she had heen. there would have been an abomination to the rest of the pub- ay will mn ak e them thrive, OF students, all-told, attended the in- jeot of it is for the boys to put thie, ed in her suggestion, when Mrs. Lor. §1d of the garden 2 don. on sie com-l lie. ; y op ov Dan you perform | stitution. 'Bo the problem became | ideas formed at the course to the' Why. I Diver's ors plaintive Ee described wittily as ,"une Znimaliie fon: 3 ml ; eo Te wg He Nit ho an not how the farmer could 80 to the acid test of practice upon the home 3 my washing. Tl have to Wash my ehirte | nets.' Tt really amused her do hives tant 01 bi women mounted the step of a z a0 yoitdo Jo al a Forvied college, but how the could | farm--to blend theory and practice in, Hyde Park. had aud, Oe Palins | 550 Women in London would be far HeD-| sar carrying an umbrella like a re: 'have you a working knowledge of |r go, tam farmer... ; opin he ave bn de Judith Roach 49Mt You marry Lady Phe wonid hare ben horrified -at his] versed sabre, The conductor touch: banking and of the wor Ids bust ae," district - representativ Justus Bborbood have ee fo- : ndi oach?" g i : br. eT = bg 1 it & ian added "e104 @ little awkwardly 'when eho | idea. and possibly have cut him ever af. | ed her lightly, saying: 'Exouse me, ness transactions! No | me. grey from this need. on. Ap Lanadian. over act che : dan of re i » morale of her Cun. JK. men, Et a madam, but you are likely to put |not{~You were never shown' these, | ous Lx Ollege graduates = were | Countryman. : : ; £1 really think you ought to. morals of her own, ronal oH 3 7 2 ow B nt into as many counties to act i He tried to meet her eyes, Hut ghe turn. | different kind. Her Jock pSirength lay | ont the eye of the 'man behind you. only were told about icultural : adviser, For gs ee Wn | 5.1 ed them purposely away, gaging with an | in that' No,. the daea, ; 1y Detueen Lady | He's my husband," she snapped, vaguely and agrion tural; advisers, A SA aR ; intensity at the teapot, which that object | Way to it, would lie entirely betw: 4 s : sa : vwhile the wisdom of the plan 'was! Testi Has It. oe 3 did not ceem to justify. He wanted to| Judith and himeelf, but, for the omen with the tone of full proprietorship. | say. 2 estioned, as it is of eve new 5 . know what ehe meant by "I really think he still hoped that the 'comfortable wid: 3 Ex is x ery 'He has the first dollar he e rl 8 ow" would take pity on him." He had just - thing. But it proved itself. To-f _ -"€ J} : you ought to." Did she know : 3 she did, eh ' . | reached the stage when he confided to her | 4 ¥ y i y = iE she did, she wasn't going to tell any day the umber has increased to '"That's nothing." I know 4. ; : ed ! "body, for it would throw a great deal of ! all the thinge that had never h pen forty-one, and these men have gom discredit on her h ties, whi 0 him, in order that she might forgive : orty-one, ang > men have gone | : considered already well not. sxaetic. "Me | Bim And undertake 30 storm Bim, Fey to their stations at the request of | Who still has the first dollar he eves) Pe ennuinge,', Ae. Ludy Vane: Harris Hod R alin Glo R [the farmers themselves: Bo the| borrowed." Sle ad 1 Jar. ls a ' 3 f A 4 gf -- / > "It is not a place where one can take ain, revieiting him, almogt, with, sims EOE PR roblem of the coll going to the So ah PE UN a es gerd ad ih wut | Bina ists" ton, ante, in| | PER rer was partly solved. © -© | I taken s man to Ofer an ox. Glaticourt had felt guilty of care make Tlie unbearable, na Jo bring hetors : 1 |a It wasn't entirely solved, because planation to his wife that doesn't Lossnces, and. shail been obliged to take up whlch Tecembied 15 na manner : 'Tone man in ety eorked under explain anything. SER : $ ', | lations. wi} ; : 3 A ng 1 ; "it | His 'father-in-law, through hie attorneys, | ° . io] La En illip mader Aeslared oh in responee to a letter from Hugn Glover, | : : h © mother to, even. * 7| intimated that he never wished to "hear it "Then whq on earth goes 7" someone had from him asain. His oldest f friend, fron poly on : asked him, Ww if . aaah oe p Bt very " deal of money, in charming language in: | HE a Ey ey when Ana Ltn: country. house had | formed him hai De "vue lust going to De 3 pi ; sa he did it the. college hadn't V erned the unenviable-name of "The Gar- married, And i Sotet. Svery. penny hei: wii : ~|'@ot to the farm after all, but only EE anen, . someone said, all that eav-| place. And his tailor refused to give hix . So ; ; : RA © police, wag Mrs. Lorraine's jt. This wae very serious, kneés. ~ 8Hie had' been desc 26 ld not tevan go "one of the pure to whom all thinge = are e widow. mn." SE t it would not-be eo , he "I don't. pretend to be good," she used ¥ telaiions wi , 'and @ don't retend to Be shosk- iy] do » ar Sh, uy ie At to do is torgo to large parties or dane £ 'told him. J